Discount Event List.


Approved user
Jul 28, 2016
Hello all.
I am Jester. This is my first post.
What I would like to know is how the discount events roll. To clarify, I want to list them from the very start. I only get this idea just today when one of my alliance friends pointed out it to me. May be there is a trend in there. Something like Attack >> Defence >> Economy >> Attack .... etc. There would be a huge adventage if we could predict when (to have free workers obviously) the event will come. From my understanding, they come with a reward event, those events that give us ninjas, elephant archers, etc, alternately. But there were some odd combinations if I remember right. So, if you all could help me, I would be very thankful :)

'What I ask of is a list of Discount events (if possible) by date since the start.´

Please help me list it. It is fine if you don't remember the date. But just with some chronological order is fine. Thank you very much ;)