• DomiNations Back Online
    Late last night DomiNations was brought back online. As of 1/28 11am ET compensation has been sent to all players.

DomiNations Winter for the Ages 2025


BHG Community Manager
Staff member
May 6, 2022

Greetings Leaders,

It’s that time of year again, Winter for the Ages is right around the corner! As always, you can keep warm with discounts, resource boosts, and of course, instant Town Center upgrades! We’ll have a new bonus discount this year to help your base get even further ahead.

Age Rush Discounts
  • 12/16 - 1/13 60% Discount on all upgrades from Classic to Drone Age
  • 1/13 - 2/10 50% Discount on all upgrades from Classic to Drone Age
  • 2/10 - 3/3 40% Discount on all upgrades from Classic to Drone Age

As always, the Instant Town Center Upgrade remains, but this year, we’re adding a bit more value to your Winter for the Ages experience. From start to finish take an additional 20% off on upgrade costs to the Museum and Council buildings! That means an 80% Discount from 12/16 - 1/13, 70%, and then 60% resource reduction for these buildings that can give you quite the edge in your battles!

Forest Clearing Discount
Throughout the entirety of WftA Forest Clearing will be 50% off!

War Rages On!
We’ll be adding an extra video retrain during the event period. This allows for an additional attack against your enemies and saves you the resource cost!

WftA Conqueror’s Chest
The Conqueror’s Chest, available during Winter for the Ages, will add chances for larger SpeedUps. This also includes the B-17 Hangar and regular Premium Troop Tactics.

Resource Boost Events
The first Resource Boost Event, Winter for the Ages, will increase your resource production by 20% from 12/16 to 12/30. Then from 12/30 - 1/13, you can expect that to become a 40% increase in production!

Be sure to check back in our Week Ahead posts for the latest details on Resource boosts during WftA!

Marco Resource Trades
For those just starting out in DomiNations, those in the Classical Age to Gunpowder Age, you can exchange 1x Crown for Resources at Marco. Those from the Enlightenment Age onward will be able to once again trade resources for Oil! There will also be Resource Shipments for watching a video ad.
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New member
Mar 4, 2024
View attachment 12960

Saudações, Líderes,

É aquela época do ano de novo, o Winter for the Ages está chegando! Como sempre, você pode se manter aquecido com descontos, aumentos de recursos e, claro, melhorias instantâneas do Town Center! Teremos um novo desconto bônus este ano para ajudar sua base a ficar ainda mais à frente.

Descontos Age Rush
  • 16/12 - 13/1 60% de desconto em todas as atualizações do Classic para o Drone Age
  • 1/13 - 2/10 50% de desconto em todas as atualizações do Classic para o Drone Age
  • 2/10 - 3/3 40% de desconto em todas as atualizações do Classic para o Drone Age
View attachment 12959

Como sempre, o Instant Town Center Upgrade continua, mas este ano, estamos adicionando um pouco mais de valor à sua experiência Winter for the Ages. Do início ao fim, ganhe um desconto adicional de 20% nos custos de upgrade para os prédios do Museu e do Conselho! Isso significa um desconto de 80% de 16/12 a 13/1, 70% e depois 60% de redução de recursos para esses prédios que podem lhe dar uma grande vantagem em suas batalhas!

Desconto de limpeza de floresta
Durante todo o WftA, a limpeza florestal terá 50% de desconto!

A guerra continua!
Adicionaremos um retrain de vídeo extra durante o período do evento. Isso permite um ataque adicional contra seus inimigos e economiza o custo de recursos!

Baú do Conquistador WftA
O Baú do Conquistador, disponível durante o Winter for the Ages, adicionará chances de SpeedUps maiores. Isso também inclui o Hangar B-17 e Táticas de Tropa Premium regulares.

Eventos de Aumento de Recursos
O primeiro Resource Boost Event, Winter for the Ages, aumentará sua produção de recursos em 20% de 16/12 a 30/12. Então, de 30/12 a 13/1, você pode esperar que isso se torne um aumento de 40% na produção!

Não deixe de conferir nossas postagens da semana que vem para obter os detalhes mais recentes sobre os incentivos de recursos durante o WftA!

Marco Resource Trades
Para aqueles que estão começando no DomiNations, aqueles da Era Clássica à Era da Pólvora, você pode trocar 1x Coroa por Recursos no Marco. Aqueles da Era do Iluminismo em diante poderão novamente trocar recursos por Petróleo! Também haverá Remessas de Recursos para assistir a um anúncio em vídeo.
E sem atualizações instantâneas de edifícios econômicos :(🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️


Well-known member
Jun 12, 2019
@Harlems369th @TheWise @BHGAustin and all BHG. Resource discount doesn't mean so big advantage in game. Better will be TIME discounts for upgrading.
Especially now with opportunity to easy start new base , time discount will be very good help for all smaller player.

King Crimson

Approved user
Apr 21, 2016
I agree time discounts would be better but they've already reduced times significantly this year - especially for new bases.


New member
Mar 4, 2024
Eu realmente, realmente, realmente espero que eles façam algumas grandes atualizações instantâneas para o 10º aniversário!
Também espero por essas atualizações instantâneas de edifícios econômicos…


Sep 25, 2022
BHG SELLS Speed-Ups... for money.
Also Crowns, which can be used to speed-up just about anything.
It is to increase the desire for Speed-Ups that they decrease the resource cost during Summer/Winter For The Ages Events.
It isn't as much about decreasing the resource cost as it is about increasing the sale of Speed-Ups.
It is how BHG makes money (for better or worse). I sincerely doubt they are going to change that...


Approved user
Aug 18, 2016
And you have to be fair..this is a free game, so they need to have some revenus..but I still hope that they do temporary time reductions for all players..good for everyone


Well-known member
Nov 17, 2019
What are the chances of bringing back the instant upgrades for oil wells, farms, etc…like we had a few months back?


New member
Nov 2, 2024
Good that you keep up this event so people can progress faster. However for us that are fully developed we are tired of having nothing to do. @Harlems369th when will new upgrades be released? Don’t mind everyone catching up at all, but it gets so boring to have seriously nothing to do except wars.


May 17, 2024
Agre rush discounts aren't particularly useful, only resource I'm not always full of is oil, all oil buildings are upgraded to current age, just general and university using that at the moment. I don't want to rush an age, i did that already with a few and behind on upgrades for my current age because of it. Forest discount also not personally useful, as all cleared already.

Conqueror's chest sounds good.


New member
Jul 5, 2024
When are you going to fix University Research Request disappearing after getting two response only?
You guys barely fix bags in the game. Disappointment.


Active member
Nov 27, 2022
When are you going to fix University Research Request disappearing after getting two response only?
You guys barely fix bags in the game. Disappointment.
It actually disappears if your ally responds to your request when you’re offline. Nothing to do with how many responses you already have.


New member
Jul 5, 2024
Yes but you have to get 5 responses for it to disappear instead of 2, right?


Active member
Nov 27, 2022
Yes but you have to get 5 responses for it to disappear instead of 2, right?
That's true for how it's supposed to work normally. However in the bug you're referring to, it'll disappear if any ally responds to your request when you're offline. That particular assist will work, then the request will disappear from chat.