DomiNations 11.2.3 Hotfix


BHG Community Manager
Staff member
May 6, 2022
Greetings Leaders,

Hotfix 11.2.3 is rolling out now for Android and iOS. This includes fixes that target some crashes related to combat. We’re still investigating other issues involving crashes related to combat and will update you as soon as information becomes available.

Right now players can receive 3x FA-18 Hornet Troop Tactics and 250 Crowns due to the difficulty of participating in Battles reliably. Additionally, Players that were eligible to participate in World Wars since 9/4 will receive 1x F-15 STOL and 2x Captain Rickenbacker Troop Tactics. These rewards will be available until 9/21.

We appreciate your patience and understanding while we work to find a solution to this play experience.


Approved user
Feb 15, 2017
Greetings Leaders,

Hotfix 11.2.3 is rolling out now for Android and iOS. This includes fixes that target some crashes related to combat. We’re still investigating other issues involving crashes related to combat and will update you as soon as information becomes available.

Right now players can receive 3x FA-18 Hornet Troop Tactics and 250 Crowns due to the difficulty of participating in Battles reliably. Additionally, Players that were eligible to participate in World Wars since 9/4 will receive 1x F-15 STOL and 2x Captain Rickenbacker Troop Tactics. These rewards will be available until 9/21.

We appreciate your patience and understanding while we work to find a solution to this play experience.
Hornet, stoll & rickenbacker…. And we are supposed to be grateful. What completely pointless/useless troops. They are give aways every day and we all must have 100’s.


New member
May 29, 2022
Die Entschuldigung ist ein Witz, und es ist noch schlimmer bei jeden Kampf im wk oder mp musste hoffen das deine truppen nicht in Luft auflösen.


Approved user
Sep 25, 2019
Circle of death eating troops again. 4.5 hrs to replace plane as one airstrip under construction, and have a temp building for extra two planes. That’s a long long wait. I don’t bother making mercenaries as you can’t afford to replace them all the time. Server issues when they happen, might as pack up for a couple hours at least.

B like Big Bug

Approved user
Sep 25, 2019
The Asian version has completely stopped working. Apart from the previous problems, (problems when logging in and crashing the game and losing forces) now it does not allow the game to be played for more than a minute and it is quickly force closed. Unplayable even without an attack.
The global version is a bit better. if you don't participate in the war and multi player , you can stay inside the game and watch the buildings.
If you can stay at home screen,do it.I wouldn't be surprised if you leave the game for a few days and then notice that some of your buildings are missing


Well-known member
Sep 18, 2022
Buenos días caballería,estoy muy molesto como la mayoría de los jugadores por culpa del círculo de muerte😬 esto empieza ser muy cansino y perjudicial para los jugadores,llevo ya gastados 500 coronas en reentrenar tropas,generales,mercenarios,tácticas y tropas aéreas.
Por favor solucionen el problema.


Newbie in DomiNations
Apr 26, 2021
Okay, I just want to update on my game status.
The situation got worse after this latest hotfix.
- Game crashes and application quits abruptly more often.
- The circles of death started to appear right after entering the game, not requiring any type of battle to be carried out.
- The frequency with which circles of death spawn has increased after battles.

It is very disappointing that there is still no solution, only worsening, for a problem that has completed more than 15 days. This issue has affected a good part of players around the world with Android devices. There are 15 days at full disadvantage in a game that involves dispute and competition.


Newbie in DomiNations
Apr 26, 2021
When completing a battle where there is no loss of troops, it is possible to verify that the spinning circles appear first in some buildings and then in the center of the screen.
In my case I could observe that the circles appeared in only 2 buildings in improvement of the 5 existing ones.
These 2 builds are the last one I requested acceleration for the alliance and the last one I placed to improve. The other buildings being upgraded did not have circles rotating over them. Anyway, I had to restart the game to be able to play again.
With this it is possible to conclude that the problem is not in blessings, VIP training, by video or any type of troop training request. The problem is somehow connected with starting a new upgrade, requesting acceleration for alliance and a battle or ending a battle.
Circles often appear even when not in battles, but the incidence is much higher after a battle. It is impractical to play and have fun. It's actually very frustrating for everyone and especially VIP players to directly contribute to the game's existence beyond advertisements.

I wish the developers luck, but I'm afraid I have to say that this is just one of the many problems the game has been accumulating over the years.
When 1 issue is resolved, 2 new issues appear.
You can make an endless list of problems that have been accumulating over time. Perhaps it is the case of hiring a bigger and qualified team to be able to save the game from its tragic imminent end.


New member
Sep 17, 2022
View attachment 9774Greetings Leaders,

Hotfix 11.2.3 is rolling out now for Android and iOS. This includes fixes that target some crashes related to combat. We’re still investigating other issues involving crashes related to combat and will update you as soon as information becomes available.

Right now players can receive 3x FA-18 Hornet Troop Tactics and 250 Crowns due to the difficulty of participating in Battles reliably. Additionally, Players that were eligible to participate in World Wars since 9/4 will receive 1x F-15 STOL and 2x Captain Rickenbacker Troop Tactics. These rewards will be available until 9/21.

We appreciate your patience and understanding while we work to find a solution to this play experience.
The disconnections after every attack still not fixed. Have lost too many resources and time training back lost troops. Not able to use Retrain at all. Gameplay drastically reduced :(
Hope you guys are listening.. I'm not the only one.


New member
Sep 17, 2022
When completing a battle where there is no loss of troops, it is possible to verify that the spinning circles appear first in some buildings and then in the center of the screen.
In my case I could observe that the circles appeared in only 2 buildings in improvement of the 5 existing ones.
These 2 builds are the last one I requested acceleration for the alliance and the last one I placed to improve. The other buildings being upgraded did not have circles rotating over them. Anyway, I had to restart the game to be able to play again.
With this it is possible to conclude that the problem is not in blessings, VIP training, by video or any type of troop training request. The problem is somehow connected with starting a new upgrade, requesting acceleration for alliance and a battle or ending a battle.
Circles often appear even when not in battles, but the incidence is much higher after a battle. It is impractical to play and have fun. It's actually very frustrating for everyone and especially VIP players to directly contribute to the game's existence beyond advertisements.

I wish the developers luck, but I'm afraid I have to say that this is just one of the many problems the game has been accumulating over the years.
When 1 issue is resolved, 2 new issues appear.
You can make an endless list of problems that have been accumulating over time. Perhaps it is the case of hiring a bigger and qualified team to be able to save the game from its tragic imminent end.
Issue is with ending a battle...the circles of death as you aptly call them start appearing. Running out of patience. Happens for World wars as well

B like Big Bug

Approved user
Sep 25, 2019
It's ridiculous if we think that they don't know where the problem comes from. In the last update, nothing was added to the game that caused this problem. The events were there before the update. If the server resources are not enough, the events could be deleted. If It is added in the programming, everything can be returned to the state before the update, but when the problem still persists after two weeks, it means that there is no decision to fix it.
However, you can post for days and times. It does not affect the process of solving the problem. What I imagine is that a programmer, late at night After work, he looks at the codes for an hour and decides to look more closely the next day if he has a chance.
Be patient. To fix a software problem,one month not a long time. Of course, in Big Bug game.


Approved user
Sep 25, 2019
Circle of death is rampant. Even just opening the game, have to force close and reopen to farm goodies.
Uninstall and reinstall did nothing. Still get circle of death.
Managed to upgrade walls to max for age, but in doing so, was retraining planes for 4hrs at least 2x a day, often 3 x.
Can only rebuild mercanary troops every 2nd day.
Single Barack troops for the fast rebuild and quick loot raids. Unplayable without them.


New member
May 29, 2022
Das begrenzt ja schon eine Arbeitsverweigerung, nach gut 2 Wochen nach dem Update findet man den Fehler nicht.
Hauptsache irgendwelche Events starten anstatt sich auf den Fehler zukonzentrieren, aber da merkt wan wie wichtig wir sind Hauptsache unsere Kohle wollen sie haben.


Approved user
Sep 25, 2019
Customer service responded in game to say its an issue with the Retrain Blessings. And they’re working on it.