• DomiNations Back Online
    Late last night DomiNations was brought back online. As of 1/28 11am ET compensation has been sent to all players.

DomiNations Update 12.2 - Museum Loadouts


Greetings Leaders,

DomiNations Update 12.2 is on the way. It features a brand new councilor and implements quality-of-life improvements to museum and Alliance Troop requests.

Museum Loadouts
A highly requested feature, Museum Loadouts, is arriving with Update 12.2!

At release, you can create five different Loadouts per hall; five in your War Hall and five in your Main Hall. Only one Loadout per Hall can be active at a time, and you can edit each loadout whenever you like.

War Hall Loadouts cannot be changed on War Day, so plan accordingly!

You can access your loadouts from the button at the bottom left of each Museum Hall. Here, you can edit or activate any of your five loadouts for that museum wing.


Troop Request Details
We’re updating the information you see when donating troops to your allies. With update 12.2 you’ll see what your fellow Alliance Members have already donated in a request. This should help in better organizing specific troop requests to your Alliance.

Troop Requests can be made as you normally would. However, now when Donating to a Troop Request you’ll see your available Troops to donate and the Troops already donated to the request.


New Councilor: Nancy Wake
Nancy Grace Augusta Wake was a nurse and journalist who joined the French Resistance and then later the Special Operations Executive during WWII. During her time in the French Resistance, she assisted in the escape of Allied Servicemen and Jewish refugees from France into neutral Spain. Her elusiveness in these endeavors earned her the nickname “White Mouse.” She briefly pursued a post-war career as an intelligence officer in the Air Ministry.


Nancy Wake’s War Chamber benefits will reduce the time it takes for your Defenders to spawn. Meanwhile, the Primary Chamber increases the potency of your Paratroopers and increases the amount of oil you can loot from your enemies.

Defender Spawn Time -5%Defender Spawn Time -6%Defender Spawn Time -7%Defender Spawn Time -9%Defender Spawn Time -12%
Ranged Infantry DMG +10%Ranged Infantry DMG +12%Ranged Infantry DMG +15%Ranged Infantry DMG +20%
MRL DMG +10%MRL DMG +13%MRL DMG +16%
Guerrilla HP +11%Guerrilla HP +14%
Defender Spawn Time -12%
Paratrooper HP +5%Paratrooper HP +7%Paratrooper HP +9%Paratrooper HP +12%Paratrooper HP +15%
Paratrooper DMG +4%Paratrooper DMG +5%Paratrooper DMG +7%Paratrooper DMG +10%
Oil Looted +8%Oil Looted +10%Oil Looted +13%
Oil Looted +10%Oil Looted +13%
All Resources Looted +15%

You're reading that right, Nancy Wake features a few duplicate buffs including Oil Looted in Primary and Defender Spawn Time in War. What are your thoughts on these ramped up benefits?

Nancy Wake can be added to your Council Chamber starting 2/12!

Additional Updates
  • Fixed an issue where some players could not view Video Ads for Rewards.
    • Fixed an issue where an “Ad Settings” button would appear for incorrect regions. This was removed from the applicable region’s settings menu.
    • A pop-up will appear asking to hard reset the game in the event where a video ad reward may fail. Doing so will then correct the error allowing the ad to play for your reward.
  • Some additional Text, UI, and Art fixes.
Great news regarding museum loadouts! It would be fantastic to have the same for the Council.

We need council loadouts far more than additional councillors IMHO, and/or at least give us a pathway to achieving more legendary councillors. Currently it’s almost impossible after the milestone rewards are exhausted.
Great news regarding museum loadouts! It would be fantastic to have the same for the Council.

We need council loadouts far more than additional councillors IMHO, and/or at least give us a pathway to achieving more legendary councillors. Currently it’s almost impossible after the milestone rewards are exhausted.
I agree. Council Load out will be great help as well. And thanks for museum load outs.
They need to fix the issue with stars in wars. We’ve had several players getting fewer stars than they should’ve gotten. ie. The live battle shows 5 stars but when you go back to the map it only shows 4 stars.
Thanks for the useful update.
I was really looking forward to the editing of the museum interface, which I proposed to make some time ago, but unfortunately this did not happen.

I hope it will be implemented soon.
Can we get the Alliance Speed Up for University issue fixed? It's been, literally, YEARS.
How about the terrible unreliability of replays during World War?

Being able to TRADE resources and other items with Alliance Members would be INCREDIBLE!

Thanks for the update!
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Saudações Líderes,

A atualização 12.2 do DomiNations está a caminho. Possui um novo conselheiro e implementa melhorias de qualidade de vida para solicitações de museus e tropas da Aliança.

Carregamentos de museu
Um recurso muito solicitado, Museum Loadouts, está chegando com a Atualização 12.2!

No lançamento, você pode criar cinco Loadouts diferentes por salão; cinco em seu War Hall e cinco em seu Main Hall. Apenas um Loadout por Hall pode estar ativo por vez, e você pode editar cada loadout sempre que quiser.

Os equipamentos do War Hall não podem ser alterados no Dia da Guerra, então planeje adequadamente!

Você pode acessar seus equipamentos no botão no canto inferior esquerdo de cada Sala do Museu. Aqui, você pode editar ou ativar qualquer um dos seus cinco equipamentos para aquela ala do museu.
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Detalhes da solicitação de tropa
Estamos atualizando as informações que você vê ao doar tropas aos seus aliados. Com a atualização 12.2 você verá o que seus colegas Membros da Aliança já doaram em uma solicitação. Isto deve ajudar a organizar melhor os pedidos de tropas específicas para a sua Aliança.

Solicitações de tropas podem ser feitas normalmente. Porém, agora, ao doar para uma solicitação de tropa, você verá suas tropas disponíveis para doar e as tropas já doadas para a solicitação.

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Nova Conselheira: Nancy Wake
Nancy Grace Augusta Wake foi uma enfermeira e jornalista que se juntou à Resistência Francesa e mais tarde ao Executivo de Operações Especiais durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial. Durante seu tempo na Resistência Francesa, ela ajudou na fuga de militares aliados e refugiados judeus da França para a Espanha neutra. Sua evasão nesses empreendimentos lhe rendeu o apelido de “Rato Branco”. Ela seguiu brevemente uma carreira no pós-guerra como oficial de inteligência no Ministério da Aeronáutica.

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Os benefícios da Câmara de Guerra de Nancy Wake reduzirão o tempo que leva para seus Defensores aparecerem. Enquanto isso, a Câmara Primária aumenta a potência dos seus pára-quedistas e aumenta a quantidade de petróleo que você pode saquear dos seus inimigos.

[SPOILER = "Estatísticas do Salão de Guerra de Nancy Wake"]
Tempo de surgimento do Defensor -5%Tempo de surgimento do Defensor -6%Tempo de surgimento do Defensor -7%Tempo de surgimento do Defensor -9%Tempo de surgimento do Defensor -12%
Dano de infantaria de longo alcance +10%Dano de infantaria de longo alcance +12%Dano de infantaria de longo alcance +15%Dano de infantaria de longo alcance +20%
LMR DMG +10%LMR DMG +13%LMR DMG +16%
Guerrilha HP +11%Guerrilha HP +14%
Tempo de surgimento do Defensor -12%
[SPOILER = "Estatísticas do Salão Primário de Nancy Wake"]
Pára-quedista HP +5%Pára-quedista HP +7%Pára-quedista HP +9%Pára-quedista HP +12%Pára-quedista HP +15%
DMG do pára-quedista +4%DMG do pára-quedista +5%DMG do pára-quedista +7%DMG do pára-quedista +10%
Petróleo saqueado +8%Petróleo saqueado +10%Petróleo saqueado +13%
Petróleo saqueado +10%Petróleo saqueado +13%
Todos os recursos saqueados +15%

Você está lendo certo, Nancy Wake apresenta alguns buffs duplicados, incluindo Petróleo saqueado na Primária e Tempo de surgimento do Defensor na Guerra. O que você acha desses benefícios aumentados?

Nancy Wake poderá ser adicionada à Câmara do Conselho a partir de 12/02!

Atualizações Adicionais
  • Corrigido um problema em que alguns jogadores não conseguiam visualizar anúncios em vídeo de recompensas.
    • Corrigido um problema em que um botão “Configurações de anúncios” aparecia para regiões incorretas. Isso foi removido do menu de configurações da região aplicável.
    • Um pop-up aparecerá solicitando a reinicialização total do jogo caso uma recompensa de anúncio em vídeo possa falhar. Isso corrigirá o erro, permitindo que o anúncio seja reproduzido em troca de sua recompensa.
  • Algumas correções adicionais de texto, UI e arte.
Thank you guys. Nice work.
I don’t get the usage of these load Outs. Why would you use that? some examples please
War loadouts examples: 1 .You assess your opponents' strengths and conclued that you your attack strength is sufficient for attackers without war artifacts. Hence, you want to load your defense strengthening war artifacts. 2. Your opponent has strong bomber damage and hitpoints reduction artifacts, so you decided to switch to fighters for your attack and you want to load the most powerful fighter damage and hitpoints enhancing artifacts loaded. 3. Based on your opponent assessment, you want to switch from factory troop to barrack troops. Hence, you load your barrack troops loadout. I hope those examples help.
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Greetings Leaders,

DomiNations Update 12.2 is on the way. It features a brand new councilor and implements quality-of-life improvements to museum and Alliance Troop requests.

Museum Loadouts
A highly requested feature, Museum Loadouts, is arriving with Update 12.2!

At release, you can create five different Loadouts per hall; five in your War Hall and five in your Main Hall. Only one Loadout per Hall can be active at a time, and you can edit each loadout whenever you like.

War Hall Loadouts cannot be changed on War Day, so plan accordingly!

You can access your loadouts from the button at the bottom left of each Museum Hall. Here, you can edit or activate any of your five loadouts for that museum wing.
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Troop Request Details
We’re updating the information you see when donating troops to your allies. With update 12.2 you’ll see what your fellow Alliance Members have already donated in a request. This should help in better organizing specific troop requests to your Alliance.

Troop Requests can be made as you normally would. However, now when Donating to a Troop Request you’ll see your available Troops to donate and the Troops already donated to the request.

View attachment 11630

New Councilor: Nancy Wake
Nancy Grace Augusta Wake was a nurse and journalist who joined the French Resistance and then later the Special Operations Executive during WWII. During her time in the French Resistance, she assisted in the escape of Allied Servicemen and Jewish refugees from France into neutral Spain. Her elusiveness in these endeavors earned her the nickname “White Mouse.” She briefly pursued a post-war career as an intelligence officer in the Air Ministry.

View attachment 11615

Nancy Wake’s War Chamber benefits will reduce the time it takes for your Defenders to spawn. Meanwhile, the Primary Chamber increases the potency of your Paratroopers and increases the amount of oil you can loot from your enemies.

Defender Spawn Time -5%Defender Spawn Time -6%Defender Spawn Time -7%Defender Spawn Time -9%Defender Spawn Time -12%
Ranged Infantry DMG +10%Ranged Infantry DMG +12%Ranged Infantry DMG +15%Ranged Infantry DMG +20%
MRL DMG +10%MRL DMG +13%MRL DMG +16%
Guerrilla HP +11%Guerrilla HP +14%
Defender Spawn Time -12%
Paratrooper HP +5%Paratrooper HP +7%Paratrooper HP +9%Paratrooper HP +12%Paratrooper HP +15%
Paratrooper DMG +4%Paratrooper DMG +5%Paratrooper DMG +7%Paratrooper DMG +10%
Oil Looted +8%Oil Looted +10%Oil Looted +13%
Oil Looted +10%Oil Looted +13%
All Resources Looted +15%

You're reading that right, Nancy Wake features a few duplicate buffs including Oil Looted in Primary and Defender Spawn Time in War. What are your thoughts on these ramped up benefits?

Nancy Wake can be added to your Council Chamber starting 2/12!

Additional Updates
  • Fixed an issue where some players could not view Video Ads for Rewards.
    • Fixed an issue where an “Ad Settings” button would appear for incorrect regions. This was removed from the applicable region’s settings menu.
    • A pop-up will appear asking to hard reset the game in the event where a video ad reward may fail. Doing so will then correct the error allowing the ad to play for your reward.
  • Some additional Text, UI, and Art fixes.
I love these news. Well done Domi ❤️❤️
Even the QoL update for the museum is disappointing. I would have expected much more.
The only positive point is that you have introduced the sets.
But you missed soooo many chances to make the museum UI really good. There were really many suggestions in the forum e.g.:
- name the sets individually
- increase the font size
- disable the annoying animations
- Protect artifacts from accidental sale (lock artifacts or mark as favorite)
- (or) while looking at the artifacts, mark them for collective sale so that you don't have to write down the names/color/level separately.
Unfortunately, you can not see the properties of the artifacts in the sales menu, which is annoying if you have several similar-looking artifacts.
- filter for specific category in storage & hermitage
- Rename artifacts
- ...