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DomiNations Update 12.2 - Museum Loadouts


Greetings Leaders,

DomiNations Update 12.2 is on the way. It features a brand new councilor and implements quality-of-life improvements to museum and Alliance Troop requests.

Museum Loadouts
A highly requested feature, Museum Loadouts, is arriving with Update 12.2!

At release, you can create five different Loadouts per hall; five in your War Hall and five in your Main Hall. Only one Loadout per Hall can be active at a time, and you can edit each loadout whenever you like.

War Hall Loadouts cannot be changed on War Day, so plan accordingly!

You can access your loadouts from the button at the bottom left of each Museum Hall. Here, you can edit or activate any of your five loadouts for that museum wing.


Troop Request Details
We’re updating the information you see when donating troops to your allies. With update 12.2 you’ll see what your fellow Alliance Members have already donated in a request. This should help in better organizing specific troop requests to your Alliance.

Troop Requests can be made as you normally would. However, now when Donating to a Troop Request you’ll see your available Troops to donate and the Troops already donated to the request.


New Councilor: Nancy Wake
Nancy Grace Augusta Wake was a nurse and journalist who joined the French Resistance and then later the Special Operations Executive during WWII. During her time in the French Resistance, she assisted in the escape of Allied Servicemen and Jewish refugees from France into neutral Spain. Her elusiveness in these endeavors earned her the nickname “White Mouse.” She briefly pursued a post-war career as an intelligence officer in the Air Ministry.


Nancy Wake’s War Chamber benefits will reduce the time it takes for your Defenders to spawn. Meanwhile, the Primary Chamber increases the potency of your Paratroopers and increases the amount of oil you can loot from your enemies.

Defender Spawn Time -5%Defender Spawn Time -6%Defender Spawn Time -7%Defender Spawn Time -9%Defender Spawn Time -12%
Ranged Infantry DMG +10%Ranged Infantry DMG +12%Ranged Infantry DMG +15%Ranged Infantry DMG +20%
MRL DMG +10%MRL DMG +13%MRL DMG +16%
Guerrilla HP +11%Guerrilla HP +14%
Defender Spawn Time -12%
Paratrooper HP +5%Paratrooper HP +7%Paratrooper HP +9%Paratrooper HP +12%Paratrooper HP +15%
Paratrooper DMG +4%Paratrooper DMG +5%Paratrooper DMG +7%Paratrooper DMG +10%
Oil Looted +8%Oil Looted +10%Oil Looted +13%
Oil Looted +10%Oil Looted +13%
All Resources Looted +15%

You're reading that right, Nancy Wake features a few duplicate buffs including Oil Looted in Primary and Defender Spawn Time in War. What are your thoughts on these ramped up benefits?

Nancy Wake can be added to your Council Chamber starting 2/12!

Additional Updates
  • Fixed an issue where some players could not view Video Ads for Rewards.
    • Fixed an issue where an “Ad Settings” button would appear for incorrect regions. This was removed from the applicable region’s settings menu.
    • A pop-up will appear asking to hard reset the game in the event where a video ad reward may fail. Doing so will then correct the error allowing the ad to play for your reward.
  • Some additional Text, UI, and Art fixes.
It seems some bug in museum loadouts
1)come in museum, use setting 1 and then begin search people., it is ok, then Battle or just drop one troop and back to peace home
2) come in museum, change to setting 2.
3) begin search people. You can NOT find people.
It show message like "search people something wrong"
@Harlems369th @TheWise great update and will definitely improve QOL. However, another councilor with 24% Dst, that will give defenders 118% without even adding museum stats. There‘s not a single councilor with edst lines. Furthermore, when will the double drone be fixed as this is a huge advantage for alliances with perk 23?
Even the QoL update for the museum is disappointing. I would have expected much more.
The only positive point is that you have introduced the sets.
But you missed soooo many chances to make the museum UI really good. There were really many suggestions in the forum e.g.:
- name the sets individually
- increase the font size
- disable the annoying animations
- Protect artifacts from accidental sale (lock artifacts or mark as favorite)
- (or) while looking at the artifacts, mark them for collective sale so that you don't have to write down the names/color/level separately.
Unfortunately, you can not see the properties of the artifacts in the sales menu, which is annoying if you have several similar-looking artifacts.
- filter for specific category in storage & hermitage
- Rename artifacts
- ...
thank you for the msueum load outs but it was poorly implemented. Looks like a job done under stress!

Dear BHG, pls consider all the above comments from @nobodyknowsthetrouble .
@Harlems369th @TheWise when will you finally close external server(troops, buildings, museum artefact search) and air troop SH exploit bug?
And when you will start permament bans on those same people using that ?
Thankyou for adding the museum loadouts. We needed this and you listened, but it’s missing a key feature. We need to be able to name each load out. Please add this. Thank you
The museum loadouts are buggy. Slot 2 overwrites slot 1 and sometimes a slot cannot be edited. Suddenly there are 3 slots for War Armor...I hope the fix is on the way.
how about for legendary artitacts make all the modifiers all 11% as the bare minimum instead of many of them only having single digit modifiers.

we are paying real money or hard earned tokens for them.
there is currently a bug where if you activate a loadout for war that is in not in slot 1 it will disable your entire loadout and rewrite the original loadout 1.
activated loadout 4, had stuff in loadout 1
war started. no artifacts put up, deleted my stuff in loadout 1. Currently looks like i have no museum
@Harlems369th Loadouts seem to have a major bug.

I set 3 different Loadouts prior to war starting, then I activated Loadout #3. After war started my museum was reset back to slot #1 and locked.

When attacking in war after this glitch occurred it’s as if I have no museum pieces active. They visually show up (the wrong ones in slot #1 that weren’t supposed to be active), but during the attack it was as if my museum was empty.

Please have your team look into this as it’s detrimental to gameplay.
I have a suspicion that although artifacts show up, they aren’t actually working after trying to activate a different loadout slot.

I was supposed to have loadout slot #3 active but after war began it reverted back to slot #1 visually. I’m wondering if it’s one of the following errors:

•visual glitch and I actually have slot #3 active but doesn’t show it

•nullifies entire museum because it’s looking for slot #3 but defaulted to slot #1

•actually has slot #1 active even though I selected slot #3
Why can’t you do war load outs while in war or searching for war if they are not active why are they locked? It kinda pointless until war starts to lock muse only lock current set load rest you should be able to freely change fix it.
Hi, thank You for the update. My #1 loadout have 1 Jewelry, 3 Pottery and 4 Legendary artifacts. The other loadouts contain the same number of artifacts as before. Is this an error, and You will fix it, or a feature and I can use these extra slots permanently?
First thanks for museum layouts. This is an extremly important feature to have & I hope you will continue to improve this game.

Yes there are bugs regarding this feature. It is unclear at the moment which behaviour we have, but at the very least visual issue, maybe even wrong layouts apply. It would have been great to use the beta platform to allow us to test it. QoL is very important & keep implying us in beta testing so we have best of both world : a game which works and which keeps improving :)
I have a suspicion that although artifacts show up, they aren’t actually working after trying to activate a different loadout slot.

I was supposed to have loadout slot #3 active but after war began it reverted back to slot #1 visually. I’m wondering if it’s one of the following errors:

•visual glitch and I actually have slot #3 active but doesn’t show it

•nullifies entire museum because it’s looking for slot #3 but defaulted to slot #1

•actually has slot #1 active even though I selected slot #3
My bug is simpler but still annoying: apply attacking loadout (loadout #2). Make attacks, close app. Log back in, main loadout (#1) has now defaulted to active.