Find a new lead developer and a new team


Approved user
Jul 30, 2015
give (money) to pay for goods, services, or so as to benefit someone or something.
"the firm has spent £100,000 on hardware"
sinonimi: pay out, lay out, expend, disburse

put (money) into financial schemes, shares, property, or a commercial venture with the expectation of achieving a profit.
"the company is to invest £12 m in its manufacturing site at Linlithglow"
sinonimi: put money into, sink money into, lay out money on, plough money into

but it is me not understanding my point, well, OK


Approved user
Mar 24, 2017
I remember when I was brand new to the game and the forums. Chad was threatening to quit / stop spending back then, two and a half years ago now. The very first time was over sandbagging, and we can all see how quickly that was resolved. It is a recurring theme in this forum whenever something breaks.”-aka-sandbagging?p=560814#post560814

The developers may have discounted his threats to quit spending by now.

Black tiger

Approved user
May 20, 2018
Manifesto. Nexon never forced me to buy anything. Instead they enticed me into their trap with marketing, and once there, inundated me with continual torture devices designed to coerce me me into buying all sorts of things. I kept playing into their fraud for a long time thinking there must be a way through or around it.

Had I known this from the start I NEVER would have tried this game in the first place. Call me naive, I’m certainly guilty of believing I could play a fair game. You’ve got me if this is your point, but remember this game was not always this way. Perhaps they actually used to be honest in the early years before they sold out.

However, now I read reviews on new games and am delighted when players point out the p2win tendencies of the game designers because I’m now savvy enough to direct my business elsewhere. It saddens me to think that you actually prefer the whale/free model to a level playing field and go far out of your way not only to defend it but to ridicule those who oppose it.
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Approved user
Mar 24, 2017
The linked post was from 2 months before I started playing.

My use of the glitch only started last year, when the matrix bug became widely known and wasn't patched.

I think you know it won't get better at this point, come join me back in the real world. Popping in for an occasional view of the carnage here is entertainment enough for me.


Approved user
Sep 26, 2016
Black tiger
Yes l do prefer a free game to a paying game, who doesn't?
If you want to think of yourself as the victim of this giant corporate meat grinder, go right ahead.
Games will never, NEVER, be a level playing field. Never. In games, as in life, there will always, ALWAYS, be someone ahead of you. Always.
All you can do is accept and do your best anyway or rage against it and continually feel cheated.
Or play another game.


Approved user
Sep 26, 2016
One more thing before l move on. 😁

Devote (one's time, effort, or energy) to a particular undertaking with the expectation of a worthwhile result.
''we have invested a considerable amount of time in demonstrating the value of the system''

Be thorough when trying to make a point.
Now, moving on. 🤣


Approved user
Sep 22, 2016
Manifesto, ''level playing field'' here means that the major determining factor of the outcome of a match within a game is skill. It doesn't mean ''everyone is perfectly equal and has equal chances to win'' like you represented it.
The OP is free to correct me if I'm in the wrong on his interpretation of this term, but given his complaints of P2W that exactly ruin this defined game principle, I am 99.9% certain he means this.

You need to work on your comprehension skills, you misunderstand arguments quite often. I mean this as serious advice, not an insult.


Approved user
Sep 26, 2016
I understand arguments just fine, but thanks for the advice. 😁
And to emphasize both your point and mine, if skill is the determining factor in a level playing field, then l say again: there will ALWAYS be someone ahead of you, me, black tiger in terms of skill.
Can you say that statement is incorrect?
ps: l never made any reference to why the game will never be equal. You can interpret it in any way you want. You assumed l was talking about things other than skill.

I talk about anything and everything. When l make an argument, it's all-encompassing, not one sided. I don't selectively use information like a lot of people, yet people often try and refute what l say with selective points of view. Then when they can't refute me, out comes the annoyance.
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Approved user
Sep 22, 2016
Read my post again. No one in this comment chain is pointing fingers at different levels of skill for ''ruining'' the level playing field or complaining about it (since it doesn't ruin it), but are pointing fingers at the p2w practices that are.
When you understand this point that is being made, you'll know that saying something like ''There will NEVER be a game like that'' is really detached from reality.

If you stopped patting yourself in the back for one second maybe you could understand how dumb it looks to keep misunderstanding and misrepresenting people's arguments.
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Approved user
Sep 26, 2016
You're right, Black tiger was talking about fairness and l gave my opinion about that.
You're right, no-one was talking about different levels of skill. Except you. And l commented specifically about that in response to your comment.
Your 'reasoning' is astounding. And you accuse me of not understanding and misinterpreting. Wow.
Moving on.


Approved user
Sep 22, 2016
On the concept of the level playing field (which in the OP's intended context clearly means a lack of p2w factors which hinder *skill*) you give an opinion that there will never be a game that is on a level playing field in this context.

So you either
1) Really think e-sports competitive games, many sports games, and games of old like chess do not exist
2) Misrepresented the OP's argument of level playing field to mean: ''everything must be perfectly fair and equal in all aspects'' in which case, yeah, no game in the world is perfectly fair and there is always someone better than you. Captain Obvious levels of conclusion which no one argued here and you tried to use it as an argument that he is wrong and to make your own argument look more valid.

It is just amazing how far you can double down in denying you accidentally or deliberately misunderstood/misrepresented a person's argument even when it is so blatant.
You are either a well refined troll looking to waste people's time in mostly unproductive arguments;
or a really self-deluded person incapable of admitting many lapses of judgment.
Consider me permanently moved on, continuing to reply on your many opinion and contrarian pieces on almost everything on this forum, is a true waste of time.
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Approved user
Jul 30, 2015
a cabbage of a variety which bears a large immature flower head of small creamy-white flower buds.
the flower head of the cauliflower eaten as a vegetable.

Be vegan when trying to make a point.
Now, moving on. 🤣
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