For players that love to attack, here's a (possible) way to fix wars!


Approved user
May 31, 2016
It goes something like this: Each alliance member participating in World War MUST start attacking from the bottom up. Starting with the lowest ranked opposing base and working there way up until they fail to earn a star.
All of the other mechanics would stay the same (coalitions, traps, tactics, etc...)
Granted this would be somewhat tedious but it would, unless I'm mistaken, effectively eliminate any benefit from sandbaggers because their low and/or abandoned bases would not add much or anything to the score. (I might go so far as to say non-participants would inflict a penalty.)
Your top dogs would quickly mow through the lower ranks and likely go all the way. But I think this would cull the herd in the middle. I for one know I sometimes avoid certain bases or nations. This would allow you to face your fears and attack bases you might not otherwise.
A couple of added benefits would be simply getting better at War and a real possibility of more loot from attacking mutiple based instead of just two! A downside might be longer time frames for War to accommodate all of the attacks. (More time for larger wars?) I know this is a rough idea but I wanted to get it out there while it was fresh on my mind.


Approved user
Apr 29, 2016
So if I understand correctly, the number 1 ranked player in an alliance who can destroy every base would have to slog through possibly 50 attacks in a war?

Dear lord no. Wars take long enough already.


Approved user
May 31, 2016
In theory yes. I agree though it would be annoying at best. Your choice of 'slog though' pretty much sums it up lol.
I think the idea has merit but could use some refinement. Say like, 'Attack 1/3 or 1/4 of the bases' available. The upside would be all the additional loot!


Approved user
Oct 22, 2016
Thats an interesting twist. Would have to redo the training time for troops and tactics or expand the length of the war. It almost sounds like the "king of the hill" kind of war. Not to be confused with TV show.. You could have it as a War option when you start a war...


Approved user
May 31, 2016
Sometimes when I have a rough idea I find it best to get out before I forget the concept. I'll admit this would need some tweaking and yes. Training time, length of war, etc. would all have to be addressed.
But I expect ties would be a rarity!