Forefiting Wars


Approved user
Sep 20, 2017
It’s a good idea but it would have to be within the first 10 min or so, so that people aren’t losing donated troops or coalitions


Approved user
Feb 3, 2018
good idea, i would think they would have to alter gain/loss of glory in the event of a forfeit. forfeit would have to be before war starts.

donated troops/coalitions would be an acceptable loss, alliance would have to think about a forfeit before donating or spending NTG's


Approved user
Dec 12, 2017
It's a double edge suggestion - sandbagging alliances will cancel matches that they consider not enough "sandbagged".


Approved user
Feb 22, 2018
Perhaps it would need to be mutually agreed between both alliances?


Approved user
Feb 3, 2018
Perhaps it would need to be mutually agreed between both alliances?

do that and you'll never get to forfeit a war esp. if the other team is winning they wont agree to a forfeit.

It should be agreed on by the majority of the players on the side that is forfeiting

a forfeit should still cause the team to lose glory but the other team should get nothing from a forfeit

as far as the baggers go if they cancel because the war isn't in their favor then they will continue to lose glory from it.

there would need to be a repercussion for forfeiting a war (such as losing glory) and a forfeit cannot happen after war day starts


Approved user
Apr 29, 2016
The alliance leader should be able to forfeit a war within the first hour or three. That's long enough to discuss with team members. Glory is won / lost as though the war had been fought. The alliance that forfeits gets no AXP, but the other alliance gets the winner's bonus of 50 AXP.


Approved user
Jan 11, 2018
I like the idea of it only being possible if the leaders of both alliances forfeit the war. We're pretty high up in the ranking and sometimes we get a war against an opponent where we can win tiny amounts of glory. There is no question of who will win and it is just as boring for us as it is for them. Generally when there are massive mismatches the bigger alliance is just as annoyed as the small one (unless you can win lots of glory with basically no effort but that basically never happens). What's the point of wasting two days to win 7 glory? If both leaders forfeit the war within the first hour or so search will automatically start again and neither one gets or loses glory (why neither team should get or lose glory is the same explanation as in 1) below).

If one alliance could unilaterally forfeit the war the following scenarios are possible:
1) Glory gets assigned as if the other alliance had won: The big ones would automatically rise in the ranking like crazy because small outmatched opponents would just forfeit, not caring about the 30 glory they might lose. Now this happens 4-5 times in one evening the big alliance would have gained more than 100 glory without doing anything in a single day.
2) No glory get assigned when forfeiting: Whenever you think your chances are not good and too much glory is at stake you'd forfeit the war without any penalty. We'd all be searching wars forever hoping the opponent doesn't forfeit when we're slightly stronger while immediatly forfeiting ourselves when the opponent seems slightly stronger.
3) The forfeiting alliance loses glory but the other one does not get any: This would basically be a forfeiting penalty. The problem with this one is that the big alliances would not earn any glory anymore. If we're completely outmatched and know we'll lose 300 glory this war, we'd rather forfeit and lose the glory... at least the opponent doesn't get it.
4) the other alliance gets glory but the forfeiting one does not lose any: I guess the problems with this one are self-evident.

Thus, both alliance have to mutually agree to forfeit, which wouldn't really be forfeitting but rather some mutual agreement that there was a mismatch. Only sensible thing it seems.


Approved user
Feb 22, 2018
This war we stand to win 1 glory point. It doesn't make sense for either party. It's a wasted war and costs us 48hrs. Would love to see some variation on the forefit front


Approved user
Oct 15, 2016
I really like this idea, mismatches happen. I also think it would provide BHG, data on their player base of match preferences and produce better ways to balance the game.