Players - your attention please.
For countless hours over several years we, the honest grinders who frequent this forum, have been ignored by Nexon. They never take note of anything we say. So let us not waste another kilobyte in hope for any help from these devs. It’s time to take matters into our own hands.
We are not like the repulsive deviants who hang out on discord, buying cheats and hacks from the nefarious underworld. We are self determined upright folk who hunt our own food and fill our refineries with oil won in battle, at great cost to our peoples. We share common ideals and principles.
Brothers and sisters, we must coom together. It is time.
Imagine not ever having to worry about getting resources again. I tell you a great mystery: free coin, free food and unlimited oil awaits all who have a sound mind and a clear conscience. Let me explain.
Today, I have put my refinery and all markets and mills outside my walls - together, in a corner, out of range of any spawning building. My resources are there for you to take.
If we all do this, then none of us need ever worry about getting resources again. Free oil for everyone, for ever. No need to protect your oil, because it’s so easy to get.
Nexon have ignored everything we’ve ever said. Let’s help ourselves. Let’s make the game infinitely better. Edit: See post below for the steps to make your protest base TODAY!!
I wish you all peace in life and glorious wars online.
8/11/2019 - the day we won Dominations.
For countless hours over several years we, the honest grinders who frequent this forum, have been ignored by Nexon. They never take note of anything we say. So let us not waste another kilobyte in hope for any help from these devs. It’s time to take matters into our own hands.
We are not like the repulsive deviants who hang out on discord, buying cheats and hacks from the nefarious underworld. We are self determined upright folk who hunt our own food and fill our refineries with oil won in battle, at great cost to our peoples. We share common ideals and principles.
Brothers and sisters, we must coom together. It is time.
Imagine not ever having to worry about getting resources again. I tell you a great mystery: free coin, free food and unlimited oil awaits all who have a sound mind and a clear conscience. Let me explain.
Today, I have put my refinery and all markets and mills outside my walls - together, in a corner, out of range of any spawning building. My resources are there for you to take.
If we all do this, then none of us need ever worry about getting resources again. Free oil for everyone, for ever. No need to protect your oil, because it’s so easy to get.
Nexon have ignored everything we’ve ever said. Let’s help ourselves. Let’s make the game infinitely better. Edit: See post below for the steps to make your protest base TODAY!!
I wish you all peace in life and glorious wars online.
8/11/2019 - the day we won Dominations.
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