• DomiNations Back Online
    Late last night DomiNations was brought back online. As of 1/28 11am ET compensation has been sent to all players.

Free oil for all for ever !!!!

Wicked Lord

Approved user
Sep 2, 2018
Since the museum it´s absolutly no problem to gain enough ressources.
If everyone would do as Kenny suggests the game would lose it´s sense. I agree with albynos the game would be boring.

Develop your troops, HT, Commandos, Zooks, and your planes. Upgrade your loot and offensive artifacts. Max your library and finish the stronger uni reseaches.
Search for a good medal range and you will never again have problems with loot.

PS: I´m no maxed-out whale, not even SA. Its definetly doable.


Approved user
Jun 4, 2015
Search for a good medal range and you will never again have problems with loot.

PS: I´m no maxed-out whale, not even SA. Its definetly doable.

That’s why you don’t understand it. Not the whale part, just not being SA. Advance to SA and see how well you’ll do there now. Huge majority of bases are so advanced that you’d have issues 5* even with full army, including tactics, mercs, and generals. It really gets annoying when every attack 3 or 4 heavy tanks die on land mines and half or your planes get shut down. You have an option to crown retrain or wait about 2h.

No Angel

Approved user
May 1, 2017
Well I need resources a lot and fast. Please do this, Atomic, Cold War and Space Age players! 😍


Approved user
Jul 30, 2015
this is pretty common to me...I really do not understand what do you expect..have you ever heard about a battle in which one of the two opponents do not loose any troop? I don't. Search a good range of medals and you will get no problem in looting. The point is that this post it is all about protest, nothing constructive. Players want to strike because Nexon does not reply to their posts...lol

King Crimson

Approved user
Apr 21, 2016
You're not even SA? Then the game is still fun for you even if you don't have all the information to make an informed comment. Why would you even comment about how 'doable' the game is when you're not even at the highest/hardest level?
When SA was able to attack 2 down mp attacks were regularly doable. The key word is 'regularly'. Now mp bases are 'regularly' harder and the game is even more of a grind as 'nexting' becomes the new norm.
Wait until you get to SA and then you'll appreciate how easy you have it. Better yet, stay where you are for your own benefit.
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Approved user
Jun 1, 2018
The fun is in World War. Making a Protest Base just makes it easier for everyone to get rss and ntg in the daily grind, plus it sends a message to the game developers that we will do our own thing because they don't listen to anything said on this forum.

Wicked Lord

Approved user
Sep 2, 2018
Why should it be harder in SA than in CWA? You have the same targets but a better offensive. In addition you have a big advantage in museum (Archeology). You´re right of course I don´t know the feeling of beeing SA but I will definetly advance as soon as posible. I mean why not?
Now SA is not able to attack atomics anymore but thats a good thing, no one can attack two ages down except for the top age. Its just back to normel now.
Btw. why should you want to attack atomics? For NTG I understand, but for loot?
Even I as CWA rarely attack atomics. I don´t bump into many of them (around 3k to 3.2k medals) and they dont offer good loot.

Wicked Lord

Approved user
Sep 2, 2018
Did you try commandos? I use one HT for the first defender wave and 12 commandos for the defense. I can hit much harder bases compared to the time when I used HT. I will advance with the next rush event and maybe I understand you better then, maybe.

King Crimson

Approved user
Apr 21, 2016
SA don't have AA targets anymore that's the point. Instead of 30% nexting 70% attacking (as an example) it's now 70% nexting and 30% attacks. At least it is for me.
That's not my idea of fun. That's why my rss are exposed (been like that for a while) and l hope others follow.


Approved user
Jul 30, 2015
I see, it does not work to me anyway. The fun is in WW, to have fun you need to win, to win you need many updated strong troops (or crowns), to have strong army, you need to update, to update you need resources, to get resources you need to go multiplayer. If all the bases will be easy to be defeated I assume there won't be big lots in them, so here it comes the issue...how can you go on with the game without resources? Simple as that.


Approved user
Jul 30, 2015
you got the point. Instead of protesting, do Multiplayer battles, steal lots, and upgrade your army. FYI I'm CWA I've update and boosted my RPG they have a total of more than 4500 hitpoints each...I use 25 of them along with 7 supersonic planes MK2 and some sabotages I get approx 1mln gold food and 8k oil per attack (in a certain range of medals that I keep it for my self...)


Approved user
Apr 29, 2016
I redesigned my base with exposed TC and resources, spawning buildings walled in with no gates, shooting building exposed for commandos. Some observations:
  • I got hit and lost alliance troops that I was saving for a war attack. With the current training blessing bug I had to wait some time before a generous soul refilled me
  • I still can't 5 star my own base. Town center alliance troops, Forest defenders and Zhukov were enough to stop me getting 100%.
  • I have seen only 1 other player who has done this in the past day. That's about 200 bases scouted. I'm level 301 Digital at 2500 medals
Unless I see at least 5% of bases doing this within the next week I don't think I will continue.


New member
Nov 15, 2019
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Approved user
Jun 1, 2018
On behalf of all my fellow players who constantly raid my base for max stars and tonnes of loot, I would like to say, "Thank You Very Much," to me!

Also, I would like to thank all the legends who attack my base and inexplicably fail, get no loot and loose all their troops. It is definitely THE most entertaining thing in the game for me - watching these CWA, SA and DA players fail miserably on a base designed to be as easy as possible :)

I'm also loving seeing more of these layouts in MP - keep up the good work, my high IQ, based and peak-oil-pilled brethren!