friendly challenge bug


Approved user
Jul 12, 2017
there's a bug where if you have an existing challenge and before it expires (1d?) you put another one up ....
it will become unstable. a few different things happen, but most commonly the new one has the flavor-text of the old one.
both sometimes get bumped showing two challenges simultaneously. sometimes you can attack multiple times.
i just attacked my own base and the replay seems to have gone to the old challenge.

this is common enough that i'm sure we've all seen it.
it's obviously some problem in creating the new object and discarding the old one witth curious inconsistent results.
it's annoying and clumsy though for having made it through beta, since it's so common and visible.

it's more of a priority because of the miscommunication and subsequent explanation again and again, so it's not just clumsy -- it's in the way.
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