Frustrated at medal imbalance


Approved user
May 14, 2015
I'm about ready to quit this game. I get on to play, attack, and the max and I can win is 1 medal per attack. So I slowly and methodically work on winning that 1 freakin medal per attack ... but then invariably the game freezes, or lags so bad I can't leave, can't win, can't even drop more troops; or I try to hit the "next" button and a troop drops.

Then that careful hour of playing, in which I was able to gain a maximum of 6-10 medals, is down the drain with one glitch or lag or mistake, and I lose 23-34 medals. Invariably this is followed by me getting kicked from game, at which point I am instantly attacked, helping me lose another 1-15 medals.

Simply by playing the game, I lose more medals than if I'd sat in my city bubbled most of the time and never attacked.

How is that fun?

It's not. And don't tell me that I should lose on purpose to level down to get resources, because losing on purpose is not fun.

Are the developers going to adjust this algorithm so that there is a reasonable expectation of fair return for strategy, effort, and spending, or should I just quit now?


Approved user
Jan 11, 2015
So wait a sec your saying it should be easy to get medals? Lol. Maybe they should give you a minimum amount of levels per fight, like 20. Then you can get to 50000 medals really easily. Is that what you want? Lol. You have no idea what your talking about. Look at the top 20 players. There are a few guys in there who are below lvl 70. They have it much harder than you.


Approved user
May 14, 2015
Did I ask to win 20 medals per attack? No. I am perfectly comfortable with a challenge. And how can it be harder than winning only 1 medal per attack? Is there a point at which you only win half a medal per attack when you're a top twenty player? I don't think I saw that anywhere.

And the most frustrating part is losing 30 medals you just spent two hours working hard for because of game lag or game freezing just makes it absolutely pointless to even try to attack.


Approved user
Jan 11, 2015
the top players have gone from being around 2k medals to 2.5k medals. That means there are plenty of medals around if your willing to fight for them. 95% of the medals gained at the top are one at a time. Harden up mate.


Approved user
Apr 6, 2015
How is collecting medals fun? I thought upgrading buildings and raiding people was the fun. I'm willing to give you my medals if you want.

It is a shame that this game can't be like Star Wars Commander. I consistently maintained only 1 medal (the lowest allowed in the game) all the way from HQ1 to HQ7.


Approved user
May 29, 2015
I agree with the OP. I realize that everyone has a different style of game play, but for those of us who want to be on the leaderboards, it's very frustrating to lose so many medals at a time to a game glitch (like the OP) or to someone ages higher than you but with a lower medal count (as happens in my experience).

I too play Star Wars Commander. For whatever reason, the fights tend to be a bit more balanced there - it's hard to tell someone's exact power, but I'm typically matched with players at my approximate level, and the medals are even as well. So why Dominations instead? Because a group of gaming friends settled on Dom, and I'm too social for my own good lol.


Approved user
May 14, 2015
Honestly, I don't mind a challenge ... but I had the day off today, played for six hours about. Carefully chipped away at gaining medals all day. Started at 1225 medals. Got all the way up to 1280, had to step away from game for a second, down to 1267. Chipped away at them again ... got to 1275, then bam! had to step away for ONE MINUTE, and down to 1252. Got on again, started chipping away one at a time, and bam! My eyes were bigger than my might, and I lost 23 medals in one attack. And then I lost on defense. By the end of the day, I was down to 1228 medals.

It just seems imbalanced, and I do wish they'd look into revising their algorithm. I don't mind a challenge, love a challenge, but if you're not a high level for your medal grouping, then you're seriously screwed.


Approved user
May 31, 2015
Sounds like MMR in Dota 2. If a 7k player won a game against a bunch of 5k, he will get about 5 MMR, and if he loses he will lose at least 25 MMR. Point is, the higher your rank/MMR/medals is, the more you will lose if somebody wins against you.

Pak U Bitzh

Approved user
Jun 1, 2015
@muoikhoang97 I am sure u are at 2k mmr dota. u are just dumb as fuck, look at what he was asking to u dumbass!