How does the Medal system work?

Chris Coley

Approved user
May 24, 2015
I've scoured the forums and Googled it, but maybe I'm missing the answer, but I was wondering while browsing for an opponent today; How does the game decide how many medals it rewards for a win vs how many you lose for a loss? I've seen some very heavily defended maxed out bases with only 1 medal reward vs lots of losses, but a few gunpowder era bases with up to 13 medals/ win and only 2 -5 for the loss.

The Prince

Approved user
May 6, 2015
I also wanted to know how does the medals system works out in Domination! It looks like inbalance and a bit of stupid!

I am GP and level 70+, at medals 1000-1200 range, I always checked back the attackers base / level / troops whenever my opponents had clans under their names. This morning, was raided 266k foods, but surprisingly, he was level 116, checked based was heavy enlightment but I am not happy that he took me 4 stars instead of 5 stars but I dropped 16 medals and he was in 1700 medals!

How can a 1700 medals vs 1150 medals, EA vs GP, a 4 stars took me off 16 medals! and I battled EA base, a 4 stars only generate me 8-10 medals


Approved user
May 10, 2015
The alliance info screen can take hours to update. Even your own medal count will not update for quite some time.

It could also be that he gained a quite a bit after attacking your base.


Approved user
Jun 9, 2015
The more stars you earn in an attack, the more medals you will get. The differences in levels between the attacker and defender also matters, but I'm not sure how exactly.

Chris Coley

Approved user
May 24, 2015
The more stars you earn in an attack, the more medals you will get..
This works fine up until a point. Once you start getting into the 1500-2000 medal range, it doesn't matter who you attack or how well you do, IF you're just going for medals, because they only award you 1 no matter what: even if you just go for the Town Center Victory only. This seems broken.

The Prince

Approved user
May 6, 2015
My suggestion

1) Fair amount of max medals for same age vs same age for each battle, loser will definitely lost the max but winner is well earned from 1-5 stars. If 5 stars, just get it the same medals he/she could afford to lose in the battle
2) Refer back to No. 1, if same age vs same age but resources available is going to be max, max medal available for raider is not more than 50% he is going to deduct if he going to lose. This is for the game balance of either you loot for resources or loot for higher medals once the opponent has no resources. That means, no city is safe when you're offline without treaty
3) As usual, lower medals vs lower age based and importantly, it should be higher medals available for battle vs higher age nation ( since the troops was one age lower compare to defense an age higher ), I see no reason why a gp age have to take 5 stars to earned 8-10 medals against enl age strong defense but risk to lose 15-16 medals.
4) Victory changed to min 75%!, in order not to encourage small infantry to hit the town center and runaway with medals.

plenty more ....