How often are you getting attacked?


Approved user
Dec 5, 2017
I'm an active player - I'll fight 3-7 matches a day. Since the last update, slightly less than that. I get attacked within an hour of me attacking. So if I attack 5 times a day, I'll get attacked at least 5 times. Some days I'll get attacked 2 or 3 times more than I did if they didn't get any stars. I asked Nexon why that was. Because this makes it difficult for me to gain resources. I was told that I must be in an active server.


Approved user
Apr 14, 2016
i get attacked once after each of my attacks too, under regular conditions.

some ways to help you gain resources:

if you drop your medals, you will meet weaker enemies, allowing you to make multiple attacks before you have to take a rest.

if you place your town center on the edge of the map and make that edge appealing for the enemy as the entry point (i.e. put the silo next to the tc), you will gain a peace treaty everytime youre attacked, so you will not be attacked consecutively.

if you get museum jewely artifacts with ‘looted resources refund’ in the first line, put those on display when you log off, and replace them with your regular artifacts when you log in. this effectively creates a huge vault in your defense log where you can store huge amounts of rss.


Approved user
May 17, 2018
I feel for you. This is how it was for me till I maxed at global age around 210 level. From that moment and on, things got much easier for me and now I don't care if someone 5 stars me cause it happens maybe once a week or 10 days. The higher you advance, the less attacks you receive


Approved user
Dec 12, 2017
Can you give more details about your city? Your age, level and the medal range you’re in. And what kind of attacks do you usually suffer from - raiders or full army attacks?


Approved user
Dec 5, 2017
Thanks for the replys. I feel better knowing I'm not the only one. I'm aware of the medal tip. If I drop about 400 medals, things get a lot easier. I'd like to drop down to about 200 medals but it is very time consuming. Have a great day.

Bootney Lee Fonsworth

Approved user
Jan 12, 2018
I'm attacked once a week, at best, on three different accounts ranging from CWA at 1500-1600 medals, global at 1300 medals, industrial at 400 (!). For a lark, i logged into my long ago abandoned level 69 brand new gunpowder and it still has defensive blessings I activated in February.

I also notice that the flow of new players has completely stopped even though our alliance medal threshold is only 300. Whether that means that there is something screwy with the alliance search page, our humble newish alliance doesn't look appealing after the glory crunch, or that BHG has finally achieved their dream of completely alienating new players is open to interpretation.

All signs point to this game being laughably top heavy and that if you're below kingdom league most people just look for abandoned bases to hit now. By all means, keep piling on the defenses though. Frustrating the hell out of potential new customers will surely make the game stand out in a saturated market.
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is this thing on?
Apr 18, 2018
The problem is it takes too long to legitimately build or age up a decent base. BHG should make it easier to reach, let's say, Industrial. A decent IA base should only take a few weeks or so. A decent AA maybe a few months? From there require more time but they better adjust early ages soon else the number of new players will continue to plummet.

That said, long build times made sense early in the game's history but at this point there are 10 ages so today it does not.

Bootney Lee Fonsworth

Approved user
Jan 12, 2018
It's not just that. It is way too difficult to achieve five star victories or even three or four star ones before getting to gunpowder age and getting the library techs to add to the quick victory, victory and rally timers. Sure, all of your gains can and probably should be achieved with raiders or foot troops to that point regardless, but how is Joe Newbie off the street supposed to know that?

Two minutes of battle for 30 minutes of rebuild only to acquire 5 to 10% of your goal on one of a dozen different projects doesn't seem that thrilling to me. Even if you rarely ever have to defend your gains anymore in the early game.

Yes, times need to be drastically reduced across the board until whatever the third to last or at least fourth to last age is at the time. This insane attitude of, ''Well, when I was their age.....'' needs to be put to bed. Who cares if newer players get to atomic in a fraction of the time you did? How would you even know in the first place?

No Angel

Approved user
May 1, 2017
I made it to Dynasty. I was attacked more than 5 times a day?! I dropped medals to Kingdom. Back to dynasty in 1 day without even doing mp. 🙄

Saruman the White

Approved user
Nov 27, 2017
Try using the Storage Blessing as often as possible and invest in the Museum. I have 30% resources refunded granted by accumulated artifacts. You must also find for yourself the best medal range, according to your base strength, so that attackers find it difficult to defeat your base.


Approved user
Jan 31, 2017
“When I was their age...”

Right, in the same totally rational line of thinking as, “Curing cancer is unacceptable because it’s not fair to those who had to suffer through it when there was no cure!”


Approved user
Jan 31, 2017
I’m never actually attacked, as in, not a medal dropper. I am level 113 GPA, scrolling my attack log reveals one serious attack from a Medieval player with a poor strategy and no real chance of getting even 25% on my base. That being said, I used to never even get medal droppers, now I get them from time to time. Strange.


Approved user
May 17, 2018
113? Gunpowder?? dude change are already too late.