Increased Alliance Gate capacities missing in wars after the matchmaking update?


Approved user
Sep 18, 2015
I have recently finished the first part of the Sally Ride university research and got +5 alliance gate spaces. That IS showing up in multiplayer when I ask for donations. However, it's not showing on the war map. (It also shows up correctly when I click on Info on the Alliance Gate).

I think there are other problems with the War base troop capacity counts:

I'm French, and typically had 39 spaces. However, I'm down to 36. Some folks are also claiming that their level 10 Alliance Gate upgrade (to get another +3) isn't being reflected either. For instance, one guy who is level 10 + French used to have 42 spaces. He is down to 39.

Please confirm! Thanks

Garmaggio fro Boss Level, BockerKnocker on Reddit