Industrial Age house


Approved user
Feb 28, 2016
So me and many others in my alliance bought the starter pack before industrial age was released. According to the wiki and others who do not have the starter pack there is an additional house in industrial age for 6 million gold. This was also in the upgrade screen once i upgraded. Those of us who bought the starterpack before the release of indy age do not seem to have this house available for purchase which leaves us at 7 houses instead of 8 meaning we are not getting the exclusive bonus house that we purchased.

EDIT: It has come to my attention that this is "working as intended." In that case the starter pack is a bit misleading especially for those that bought before indy age was released as it says you get an extra house which is clearly not the case.
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Approved user
Nov 3, 2015
Just a poorly written sales pitch. You buy the starter pack with house and crowns early. And get the benefits of having the indy house though the ages. There is only meant to be 7 houses. If they add more or allow upgrades in the future ... fingers crossed.