Keep losing all my food

Jackie - Maxordom

Approved user
Feb 8, 2015
I keep losing all my food, in the last two attacks I have lost 94 thou and 116 thou. My mills are behind walls; which are level 5 and my gates are level 6. In one attack it was my victory, yet they still got all my food. Does anyone have any ideas? This feels so wrong and unfair, yet I know that is the game :)


Approved user
Jan 5, 2015
Hello Jackie, and welcome to the forums!

There is currently a replay bug in the game that causes replays to be inaccurate. For example, on the defensive log it might say that the player stole 90k loot, but in the replays, they stole 120k.

So basically speaking
The Defensive Log is ACCURATE
The Replays are INACCURATE


Approved user
Jan 23, 2015
Are your farms itself protected? Im pretty sure that 50% of resources can be raided from the source itself (farms and caravans) and only 25% from the storages (mills and market). Some tips id give you would be to:
- protect your farms behind walls but not directly as archers could still reach (same goes for your storages)
- if you cant fit them behind walls then at least spread them out around your village so its more difficult for enemys to raid from all of them
- Have defences protecting them to deter raid attacks
- place traps near them if outside walls and not near defences
- upgrade farms when you can to increase their HP


Approved user
Jan 7, 2015
Another thing I'm doing (or not doing) is upgrading the storage. I figure if they can raid 25% of the Storeage then you're best NOT to upgrade your storage till you absolutely have to (to be able to get something higher level) - that way, a larger amount is safe in store.

Saying that - if you get a "Victory" in a battle - you can still loose a massive amount of food from farms/storehouses. Like raiding all your farms, you still win, then someone else can still attack you and get another 25% AGAIN! That's when it gets frustrating.

I think even in a victory you should get a peace treaty, just for less time.


Approved user
Jan 14, 2015
Leonidas here mentioned the key point in all this; as the game says so itself on one of the loading screens, the raiding party can capture 50% from your farms & caravans, yet only 25% from the markets & mills. As such, it is best to collect from your farms & caravans frequently.

Then again, and this is more of a question for Andy: why so serious about the storage upgrades?
If you're doing it right, you should rarely ever find yourself sitting on more than a couple of 100K at best with nothing to spend it on. : )
As such, a 25% loss of your 'spare change' shouldn't really impact your game that much anyway. : )

Plus, once you've been attacked, you get a peace treaty anyway so losing yet another 25% soon after really isn't that much of a concern.
This will clearly vary somewhat, depending on the base layout.
Last edited:


Approved user
Jan 7, 2015
I'm at Medieval, and for a Catapult upgrade alone I need 700,000 gold. The next upgrade to Town Hall needs 1.3mill.... so actually I need quite a lot more than a couple of hundred thou in storage. Gunpowder will be even worse given the last upgrades increased so much from the last age!

The problems aren't the defeats (which is why I purposely put my TS outside my walls) - but the guys raiding for food or gold alone. I get a stinking Victory - then they can immediately choose "Next player" over and over a few times and get the rest of my loot, and THEN I get defeated.

That's the issues Max is facing (given her medals are higher too, so she's up against tougher opponents) - I just keep mine as low as I can - and keep an eye on the storage to make sure as little as possible is available.

Why so serious? - I'm a computer programmer, so the numbers are in my nature. :)


Approved user
Jan 14, 2015
Medieval on this end as well, I can relate.

Not sure I follow your 'stinking victory - next player' example; by 'next player', are you referring to the Revenge button?
If so, wouldn't defeating your base enable a peace treaty in your favor, as such preventing your base from getting raided again (at least for those few hours)?
Other than that, as you know, you can only take revenge once.
That is, once you do, the option is automatically removed unless that player decides to take revenge on you (which, I think, once again enables the Revenge button), etc. etc.
But you're probably talking about something else..?

And agreed, the more medals, the tougher your opponents.
As far as I've been told by people currently playing CoC, however, it's pretty much the same thing over there as well. Pretty common too.


" ... upset the established order "


Approved user
Jan 7, 2015
Good to hear that CoC has similar patterns - I was a bit concerned, but if it's common that's ok.

By "Stinking Victory" - I mean that when someone is just doing raiding (with the purpose of just getting gold/food) and I get a victory - then you don't get a peace treaty. Max was saying she got raided and "Won" (Victory) and still lost 50k food/gold.

So, since you've NOT got a peace treaty, the same player can go to multiplayer battle again - and just select "Next Player" a few times, and you'll come up again in the list and have the potential to be re-attacked! (Or someone else attacks - either way - you get slammed twice) That's what I think is unfair - which is why I leave the Town Centre outside my walls atm, so there is a high chance I'll get a "Defeat", keep my medals low, and have a better chance of keeping my food and gold which are behind walls.

This way - if I get the "Defeats" from people attacking me, then I can offset that against "Victories" when I choose to raid other people. That way I can control the medal count a bit easier.

I suspect when I get up into the higher numbers (which I hope to do) then I'll have to change that strategy, and keep defense of the TC a higher priority. But for now it's working ok.


Approved user
Jan 14, 2015
You are absolutely right on the money.
On all points except the one on coming up again on someone's list.
Despite the game still being in beta, the number of players has become significant, as such increasingly reducing this probability.
In fact, I'm yet to come across the same name twice in one 'session' of raids.

I don't know, it all just seems part of the game to me. : )




Approved user
Jan 7, 2015
Yes, that's probably truer as the game expands. Thou if you're at the very high medal levels I think the group of people the game would be able to pick out for you (same medals/level etc) would become smaller also.

Either way - you can get attacked twice which sux.

Jackie - Maxordom

Approved user
Feb 8, 2015
Thanks for the tips. I am trying to get my medal count down, but have to do battles now and then to try and recoup. I think I have a lemon army, my stars are high, all of them are upgraded except for one as to get $700,000 to upgrade him is proving difficult at the moment, as I am getting rid of food and money as quickly as I can or I lose it. but they die so quick :( lolol

I have had the problem where I will get a victory and hence no peace treaty so then get raided again and lost nearly $200,000 in gold before I got defeated.

One thing I have wondered is whether the time difference is not helping me. I am in Australia and while I am sleeping my farms etc build up, I can't collect from them (because I am sleeping, dreaming of being raided and waking to nothing; I so need to get back to school this week) Maybe the bulk of players are US or Canada/

Maybe it is time to do another major move around and put my town centre out from behind the walls, it means I will get more defeats and my mills, farms etc might all get behind the walls.


Approved user
Feb 19, 2015
Try when raiding to next opponent until you got a good shot raiding much food and gold. a 5 star victory is also nice since a gem will give you animal blessing :)


Approved user
Jan 7, 2015
Hey Jackie - check out the General area - under "Show us your bases" I saw a good layout by Hoibie - you should check that out if the "Double wall" layout ain't working? Looks pretty good with a few tweaks.


Approved user
Feb 26, 2015
It's a tactic called "farming" and it's really the only way that you're going to progress at a half-decent pace at this stage of the game. It's how I play, and my only goal when attacking is to steal ALL of your resources. I don't care about the trophies, because right now I just need to upgrade.

What you need to realize is that if you are more of a defensive player, and constantly sitting on 500k resources and just waiting until you have enough to upgrade, you will constantly get raided and you will be plagued by frustration. To quickly get that gold or food, you need to go on the offensive.

Quick tip/strategy for maximum profit:

1) Stop using expensive and slow to build troops like Knights and Ballistas etc. when attacking.
2) Upgrade your Archers (Or whatever you have) and your Pikemen fully, and only build those. It's a super cheap army to build, and it only takes me 19 minutes to build an entire army (Medieval, 80 troop space). I personally prefer to make 40 Pikemen and 40 Archers, but you can play around with that.
3) Search until you have found someone worth attacking (I only attack people with a MINIMUM of 100k of each resource, otherwise I just keep pressing "next".
4) Take a minute to find out WHERE their resources are held. Do their storage's look full or empty? Empty storage's but high resources means that their farms and caravans are BURSTING, and you have found your perfect target.
5) Wait until there are a decent amount of caravans in roughly the same place. This will make it easier to get the most amount of gold (Closer to farms would be best, but not everyone is that easy)
6) Send out a wave of at least 20 Pikemen (spread out, not all in one spot, to avoid catapult damage) near where your target farms or caravans are. Very quickly send another wave of archers. These will take care of enemy troops, and provide cover-fire.
7) If their resources are roughly split on each half of their base, use your remaining troops to target the other side, OR target more defensive buildings. If not, you can send them right behind the first wave.
8) $$$$$

***Remember, Pikemen do a tonne of damage to buildings, but not a lot to enemy troops. Archers are the exact opposite, so they complement each other greatly***
Bonus tips: If you can quickly take out their stables, DO IT. Mass amounts of horses are a pain in my butt. Actually, if you can quickly take out any defenses, do that too. Remember, if you destroy all defensive buildings, you will get to keep your troops. If you have troops left over, that means you can attack sooner next time, which in turn means more hourly profit. If you only get to play here and there throughout the day, this will allow you to quickly make two armies in a half hour lunch break versus only being able to attack once.

I can very easily make 500k-700k in an hour, and that's only Medieval at around 650 trophies. No need to wait overnight and let someone like me pillage ya!


Approved user
Jan 11, 2015
Problematic, generally I agree with what you have said. Except I use 4 bombards and 4 knights. And I try to keep them alive so I can raid continuously for an hour. Currently I'm raiding at between 1 and 1.5 million gold per hour (whenever I have an hour to play).


Approved user
Feb 26, 2015
Hey Whatwhat, I noticed lately that the only people taking me out consistently use the same strategy as you. I may have to try it out. I guess the only challenge is making sure you don't have to retrain them every battle.

I've been playing around with my army a bit and I've actually found that there isn't much difference from just making a full army of Halberdiers (Gunpowder) vs. my previous half and half mix, other than a small cut to training time and cost, as well as faster battles. Without archer support, I do have to be smarter about where I place my army, and it tends to be much more of a "blitz" style.


Approved user
Feb 22, 2015
Re: 25% of resources from.storages: is that 25% of whatever is in storage at time of attack, or 25% of storage capacity? There can be biiig difference between those two.


Approved user
Feb 26, 2015
People can steal 25% of what's in storage at the time of attack, NOT 25% of total storage capacity. Hope that helps :)


Approved user
Jan 11, 2015
Actually the 25‰ of what's in storage is not accurate. I have been raided with over 3mil in food and gold and the player only took 300k each with 100% victory. So I guess there is an upper limit to what you can take.