Legitimate Teams Should Stop Wars


Approved user
Dec 8, 2015
There are so many cheating teams in the Leader Board now, scoring five stars in 2 or 10 seconds, that the game has become unsustainable. Nexon is unable to fix this time cheat, despite hundreds of reports to CS. TinSoldier if you are reading our posts, please do something so Nexon developers can seriously look into this situation. It has ruined the game. How come so many teams are able to get away with this obscene cheat? They are cheating Nexon, and they are cheating all legitimate players. The Leader Board has no credibility at this time. Do something please. This can’t continue at the expense of your paying customers.


Approved user
Apr 30, 2019
I agree with you Elite Jag. For those that play by the rules and desire a battle that involves balanced and fair application of strategy the instant cheat in a few seconds sure takes the wind out of your sails. Many players are just like myself and invest a few dollar here and there to get a few crowns and at the same time it sustains BHG allowing a profit for their efforts. Yes, I have heard it all before that war is a dirty business and is always full of cheating and foul play so allowing it to continue in this game is really just a reality check. But I argue that unlike real world turmoil players are in this game for an entertainment value just like any sporting event. So you could cheat at a baseball game but fairly soon you will be caught and throw out of the sport or fined heavily. That is what players of Dominations are asking, allow us to fairly play and compete against each other. This is NOT a real war BHG but a game we chose to play for a fair price on our entertainment dollar.


Approved user
Apr 23, 2016
The game is no fun matching teams who blatantly cheat..... nexon fix your game please


Approved user
Sep 24, 2015
I must agree wars are no longer fun. All the hard work and time invested in the creation of a better matching system is completely useless while you don’t put and end to so many cheats.
It’s beyond frustrating that every time you match, the first thing you think of is if you matched a cheating team or a legit one.

Over a year ago you proudly announced that you had finally closed the door to time cheating, well.... TinSoldier BHG_Muet let me tell you never did!
Instead of having so many events, tournaments, and other activities, devote that time to protect the integrity of wars by closing all backdoors to the system/matrix, and severely punish those who attempt on tampering it, trust me the entire community will appreciate it more than anything else
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