Let’s dance .fatality.the Muslims ...cheaters


Approved user
Dec 23, 2015
I most certainly also have to report myself that the rudder has come loose and that the tires are flat


Approved user
Mar 24, 2018
So, there's been a few questions crop up regarding cheating. I don't have a lot to share right now (sorry). But know that we are looking into the issue and are working through how we want to address it. As with anything, I don't like band-aid solutions to these types of problems and I want to make sure we're taking the correct steps. Hopefully the deep dive on the matchmaking overhaul is a good demonstration of that. We'll certainly message it loud and clear when we have more to share.

5th April.


Approved user
Jul 29, 2018
Players using cheats and hacks should be banned from the game. Period. Alliances that appear to be repeat offenders should be issued a warning - to the Alliance leader - then if cheating continues the Alliance should be banned from WWs for 30 days, if cheating continues after the 30 day ban has expired, the entire alliance should be disbanded or permanently banned from WW. The issue is more complicated with Alliances because only one player may be cheating and other players may be totally unaware that one of their teammates is cheating. Even though the issue with Alliances is more complex, Nexon should take a strong stance. Cheats and hacks ruin the game for all honest players and alliances.


Approved user
Mar 23, 2019
I'm not in the ''leaderboard'' alliance. Fairplay is nice, but imho I never cared who led the alliance board 😆 seen this happened to all other games as well, so I'm just chilling here, popcorn ready 😎
Dance, please!

Then if you don't care about them why comment on a thread that is full of people who care? It's got nothing to do with you.

Your kind of attitude is part of the reason they are free to wreak shit, and is probably the same ignorant attitude as many on BHG's team have. Very sad to see.

You really think everyone is an elitist who doesn't only play the game for 5 minutes per day, and/or have any kind of opinion on any issues with the game, it seems.


New member
Jun 4, 2017
We are in the process of investigating this--and every Alliance--that is reported to our CS teams and in the forums. (We also pulled some screenshots about this issue from DomiNationsPrime as well!) Some investigations take longer than others, and we appreciate your patience. We use our data gathering period to both confirm cheating and prepare bug fixes for future releases.

Davina - thank you for re-posting Joe's words on the subject. We will have more to say about the issue in the future.

Thank you for reporting issues you encounter. It does go a long way to help us out!

Bootney Lee Fonsworth

Approved user
Jan 12, 2018
Ha! Had to login for the first time in months to get my chuckle on. That's the same line of crap you guys have been spewing for years. I realize that it's a neverending battle against cheats and hacks, but these aren't exactly brand new incidences, are they?

At the very least you guys could have spent this time to come up with some new meaningless phrases to cover up your inability, or unwillingness, to do anything about it. That would have been time slightly better spent.

Tl;dr: Less "investigating", more demonstrative actions.
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Bootney Lee Fonsworth

Approved user
Jan 12, 2018
Plane goes into a death spiral when the wing breaks off mid-flight.

''We are aware of the issue and are investigating. Unfortunately, it is our policy not to disclose details of said investigation. Closed.''

What has always killed me about this crew is, this in BHG's only active game. Even with a small team why does everything take so long?

No Angel

Approved user
May 1, 2017
I thought I was free to leave a comment anywhere in this forum, Kratos?


Approved user
Dec 8, 2015
This Post must remain as the top post until Nexon fixes the Time Cheat. Please keep it as number one. Nexon hear us, you cannot take longer to fix this obnoxious time cheat. TinSoldier anything you can do to help your developers understand what is going on with this cheat?


Approved user
Sep 24, 2015
TinSoldier BHG_Muet you took the time to tell us you are looking into this “cheating” stuff, and and that it takes time to fix, but for God’s sake, how much time do you need!!
you are celebrating Dominations 4th Anniversary, well....we have been continuously reporting cheaters with enough proof during those same 4 years!!

Every time we file a report to CS, it’s because we have enough proof of the cheats we are talking about and what do we get? One of two responses, it’s either a “visual glitch” or the one saying you will investigate because “you take cheating very seriously” If you do, why did you leave so many teams get into leaderboard knowing they are blatantly cheating?
and even worse, taking over #1 spot! Trust me it’s not rocket science to find out what is so evident.

Leaderboard nowadays is a completely joke, when we all know, like many others already stated here, is plagued with cheaters, teams which were unknown until a few months ago, or were created by the end of last year are there while dozens of legit ones who have been playing since the beginning are now wandering at the bottom, and you know what, that’s insulting to all, but you don’t seem to care at all

You proudly “rolled back” players back in January, and what happened? A few quit perhaps admitting their guilt, while the vast majority is back again doing what they do best, and for what I see, have been flying under your radar because they are still there, and not only that, over the last 6 months overnight maxed out bases have been reproducing like rabbits, when they are so easy to find. It should be really easy to detect those bases where every single building is upgrading, they don’t even hide, everything is at plain sight.
You know, I’ve reported dozens of those as well, just to find out a few days later, they are still out there well alive and kicking but 1 or 2 Ages Higher and 100 levels ahead.

The problem with you is it takes Ages for you to come out with a fix or a solution, the fix closes one door and cheaters will find 2 backdoors.
You come with a solution and you do it once, like roll backs or the so needed “decay system”, then you simply forget and the solution goes into oblivion.
Why don’t you run roll backs on a monthly basis?
Why don’t you run the Decay system like you originally said twice a month?
why don’t you run a program to detect those overnight maxed out bases or those Iron and Medieval accounts getting 5* on maxed out 3D bases and ban them for good?

Every week/month you bring us events, new troop cards and so on....in an attempt to make us forget all the issues we have been discussing along this full four years, but trust me, like the many who have posted above, we won’t forget, and this is a fact!

So, put your gifted minds to work and bring us a solution, which at this stage we need ASAP
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Approved user
Apr 24, 2017
We are in the process of investigating this--and every Alliance--that is reported to our CS teams and in the forums. (We also pulled some screenshots about this issue from DomiNationsPrime as well!) Some investigations take longer than others, and we appreciate your patience. We use our data gathering period to both confirm cheating and prepare bug fixes for future releases.

Davina - thank you for re-posting Joe's words on the subject. We will have more to say about the issue in the future.

Thank you for reporting issues you encounter. It does go a long way to help us out!

Another useless answer like all of Nexon’s CS answers. But 0 action!
Nothing actually changes.


Approved user
Apr 24, 2017
It not a time cheat. These f***ers uses a modified apk for Android devices where you just drop a few troops and get instantly win! That’s why they use it with their bag accounts to ensure time win because they actually suck at attacking.

Here take a look: https://youtu.be/BQEEr1mYyQ4
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Approved user
Nov 4, 2015
I have spent over $1,600 on this game over 4 years. And I will not spend another dollar until Nexon takes this issue more seriously.


Approved user
Mar 14, 2018
You have lost credibility. This standard reply is sind out by CS as well - and nothing else.


Approved user
Apr 23, 2016
Another post about cheaters....

Don’t give us any more content till you put all those developers to work on getting rid of the real cheaters and the alliances who harbour them. Stop giving infringements for using too many lures in a day ... that isn’t cheating ... but listen to the players about what the real cheaters are doing.


Approved user
Aug 26, 2016
BHG, I’m so tired of the word investigating. That seems to be your go to response to what you’re doing about cheaters. How about some firm action? Forget rollbacks, it’s time to start banning players and even full alliances like your #1 cheating alliance on your cheater invested leaderboard.


Approved user
May 10, 2017
They seem to have defined policies and punishments for individuals (however loosely enforced), but I have never seen them punish at the alliance level. These guys cheat and get reported in literally every war they participate in. Why not have glory penalties for repeat offenders? First offense, warning. Second offense, lose 500 glory, third offense 1000 glory, fourth offense and any subsequent offenses, roll back to 12K glory. They would have less incentive to cheat if there was no reward for it.


Approved user
Sep 24, 2015
That’s not a punishment, teams like #1 on Leaderboard never lose so they will make their way up faster than the time it takes me to write this note, and it will be more painful for all those teams they match with, since there will be higher Glory at stake.