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Let's talk about Global Age! Is it worth to stick in it now?


Approved user
Nov 8, 2017
Hello Domination Community,

I would like to have some discussion, especially from players in Global, Atomic and Cold War Ages. I would like to discuss if it is worth now to spend time in Global Age, and if so, what would be benefits and the drawbacks. I am want to have this discussion, because I will upgrade to Global in this summer of the ages event, and I would like to know if should upgrade, and max the age out, or take the benefit of the ages rush events and jump also to the atomic and stick in there.

Having said that, I will give you some context on my current situation. I am almost maxed out in Industrial age now. What I have:
- All defensive building upgraded
- All barrack troops and war tactics upgraded
- Library all done
- Walls and gates a mix of level 10/11, but focusing now on them
- University, have Hiawatha, Montezuma and Mansa Musa all done, the others have good progress and have currently 13 citizens on there until I hit GA
- Taking now some forests until I hit GA
- Upgrading now the farms and caravans - only 2 citizens for that - until I hit GA
- Factory troops, all upgraded apart from sabotour
- Planes all upgraded apart from zeppelin
- Generals at level 10, MacArthur at level 13 - need some improvement here
- Maxed out coalitions

With the above I think I am good to go for GA, because I expect to have all walls at least level 12, the time the upgrade to GA hits. Also in the meantime I will have some research done in the university, and hopefully upgrade the generals a bit more.

Given you my current situation, what I plan to do as soon as I hit GA is to:
- Build the silo right away
- Upgrade factory and airstrip
- Upgrade armory and start upgrading my artillery to howitzer, and my tanks (yes, I am french)
- Upgrade the fort
- If possible without mills upgrade, upgrade the mercenary camp
- Upgrade silo to level 2
- Start upgrading the planes if still have time and resources available

Sooooo, a lot to do as you can see, and let's hope the plan goes ok. :)

Ok, now comes the point I would like to discuss with you. Now, once Global Age can be hit almost by every high age - from Industrial upwards - is it worth sticking and maxing it? Or would you advise to take advantage of the event and skip to atomic? The only advantage I see in staying global, would be the possibility to still hit industrial players. But is it worth staying? What are your opinions on that?

Thank you in advance, and all feedback is welcome. :)


Approved user
Oct 22, 2017
I was level 182 Industrial with maxed out Generals, Walls, Troops etc before I went up to Global.
I stay in 400 medals league. There is an incomprehensible amount of rushed Industrial bases that you can 5🌟 and keep most of your troops for the next attack. I'm 204 now and my plan is to stay in Global till level 210 and then go up to Atomic where I only have to get my level up to 220 for CWA.

I think you need start working in your Generals. As Global Age when it comes to World Wars you'd have to deploy your troops in 2 different places because of Missle Silo.

1st spot is where you drop your selective troops to distract Missle Silo. Its gotta be away from it and Anti-tank guns and Missle Silo. Generals, Mercenaries and some Tanks. Your Generals don't have much hitpoints, so you need to upgrade them.

2nd spot is where you drop your main army, SH troops and Alliance troops, as close to TC and Missle Silo as possible so ypi can destroy it whilst it shooting at your General, Mercenaries and Tanks.

Or if Missle Silo is next to TC you can sabotage them both and advance towards it and TC.

Or you can be a real newbie and use 4 or 5 sabotage on Missle Silo.

Lord Stark of Dragonstone 1.0


Approved user
Nov 8, 2017
Thanks for your input LordStark263AC. You a valid point there. One of the reasons also is keeping me from moving to atomic is the silo. I have to learn how to deal with it, and it would be easier in the global than in the atomic. I know my generals are very low level, and I intend to start upgrading them in the meanwhile.

One question for you, how frequently are you hit by atomics and CW? This is my main concern...


Approved user
Oct 22, 2017
Well that depends on what league you're in and how much Oil you have. I try to stay as low as possible to minimise CWA attacking me, but to be fair they're in every league, no escaping them, just minimising their hits on your base. In a week, even if i have 170K oil in my Refinery, I lose no more than 10K oil a week.
For you, as soon as you go Global with Industrial defenses you will be hit by Atomicstrui and CWA but with time it'll be less and less.

So stay patient and crack on with your Generals and Walls.

To answer your question on how often do I get hit by CWA, not so often, even with full Refinery. But that's becauae I have a lot of Global building.


Approved user
May 17, 2018
i am global 212 french at the moment and advancing to atomic as we speak. Almost max out except generals, farms, caravans, heavy transport.
I can take down early atomic bases with ease and my defense is strong. Even to some cwa players.
My advice would be to wait till you reach 200 level and then advance because there is a huge gap upwards in atomic age army and you will want to take advantage of it. But don't go now to atomic because high level global players will rip you apart.


Approved user
Feb 8, 2018
my 2c. I went to global during the winter rush and am planning to go atomic during this rush. I would stay at least long enough to get your primary offensive troops/buildings upgraded fully (including planes and factory). It is more important to be able to collect resources than defend your base, and being able to raid industrial helps a lot with this as stark mentioned. Ive found Silo and walls (and maybe anti-tank guns) are the biggest deterrent to attacks. so focus on those when not doing offensive upgrades. hope it helps


Approved user
Nov 8, 2017
Wow, thank you for the input! I got the wrong impression then. I read the forum frequently, and from what I have read I got the impression that since the release of the CWA, staying in the GA was useless and that we should advance to Atomic ASAP. From your feedback I think I really got the wrong impression.

I frequently saw statements like "get to atomic. getting resources there is much easier", "since CWA can attack GA there is no need to be in atomic for long.".

Now that I am about to go to GA I was wondering, if I had it right and that was the reason why I started that post. The only reason I could think of to stay was to hit industrial, but if it means being back-to-back raided by CWA, maybe a jump to atomic was worth the risk.

I think I got it wrong, and I am now convinced to not rush to atomic.

By the way I am by no means a rusher, I like to enjoy each age. I was about to max out industrial age, but I can't miss the summer of ages now that I am left with few to there - and apart from the low level generals, I think I am at a good level (161 now). So I intent to take advantage of the event, go to global, during the global event take advantage of it and upgrade some global stuff and after that continue with the remaining industrial stuff and start the global ones...

Once again, thank you guys! You have convinced me. :)


Approved user
Feb 8, 2018
currently lvl 192 global if it helps interpreting the comment


Approved user
Apr 25, 2016
Wow, thank you for the input! I got the wrong impression then. I read the forum frequently, and from what I have read I got the impression that since the release of the CWA, staying in the GA was useless and that we should advance to Atomic ASAP. From your feedback I think I really got the wrong impression.


Once again, thank you guys! You have convinced me. :)

Glad they set you straight, because I'd have suggested the same. I'm now enjoying Atomic Age, but it took a while into it before I did. I found Global Age to be a ton of fun and really easy for farming. I found Industrial Age players just can't withstand an air attack from a Global Age player, while a Global Age player can defend fairly well against air from an Atomic Age player. For me, though, the big difference between the two was when it came to the events. A lot of the tiers at Atomic Age and above are so high that it makes it nearly impossible, or at least very uncomfortable, to attain the top prize. I don't ever remember needing to try very hard to get the top tier prizes in Global Age on down.

No Angel

Approved user
May 1, 2017
My second account is Global Age level 149, staying at 400 medals, rarely attacked by Atomic/CWA at all even when I have no silo yet. I always spend my oil first for whatever reason, which probably makes my base less yummy 😄
Planning to rush to Atomic this season though.
I rush ages for this account, not to main account. Will suffer a bit for a while after we rush ages lol 😪


Approved user
Apr 14, 2016
I frequently saw statements like "get to atomic. getting resources there is much easier", "since CWA can attack GA there is no need to be in atomic for long.".

the second statement means there is no need to stay in Atomic after lvl 220, and you should just go to CWA.

the first statement is not false. it just takes a couple weeks before it really becomes true, and you also need to tap ‘next’ more


Approved user
Apr 29, 2016
I have both a CWA and a Global base (and an industrial and an enlightenment base, but that's not relevant to the current discussion). Here's my 2c.

I try to play at a low medal range with both accounts. On my CWA account I keep getting victories from medal droppers, so it is hard to get below 1200. Even at that range there are plenty of Global bases without a silo, and I will hit them without hesitation, and lose very few troops. I drop medals on any base with a silo, even if I could destroy it, because I will lose enough troops that the retrain time ends my session. I'm sure Atomic age players in that medal range have the same strategy. My global base is also at around 1200 medals and has a silo. It gets hit occasionally, but my experience is very similar to Lord Stark's. I lose about 10k oil per week. Being raided often is is not really something that would drive you to advance.

Now to answer your question. I advise against rushing to Atomic if you participate in world wars. When I advanced my CWA base, I hated being Atomic for 3 months. I wasn't rushed, but I didn't have the battle experience to beat global bases consistently. My alliance expects that you can 5 star pretty much any base 1 age lower than yourself, and I couldn't. So spend some time in Global learning how to deal with silos. I have completely different attack methods for bases with and without silos.


Approved user
Sep 26, 2016
Whether it's CWA or AA armies it doesn't matter, your new Global account will suffer from stronger attacks as soon as you get there. You sound like someone with a good game plan and you clearly are a very thorough individual.
My advice, move to Global and stick with your game plan, enjoy your time there and move on to AA only when you're comfortable.
As you said, enjoy each age.


Approved user
Jan 28, 2016
Yeah go for it during the rush. How is your museum display. It’s been working out for me quite a bit so don’t over look the benefits.


Approved user
Apr 27, 2017
I am global lvl 204, about to jump. I think you are right not to jump twice in one go. Ive enjoyed global you do get hit from above eaely on but the silo will slow that down.

I wanted to add that your goals are pretty oil heavy. I would suggest getting the museum and upgrading to lvl 2, there is significant help for oil in there.

industrial bases cant handle the global air attack and with the meuseum perks added can offer a decent amount of oil for small losses. If you want to upgrade your generals quickly you are going to need to be hitting a lot of bases in a short space of time.


Approved user
Nov 8, 2017
Thanks for the replies guys. Once again, you enlightened me a lot into not jumping twice and stick to what was my original plan.

As for the museum, I have it already on level 3 and have some pretty good artifacts already - +11% on planes health, +19% all looted resources (this is awesome for oil grinding), +11% oil wells production and -11% on ranged siege enemies. I think I am ok, regarding artifacts for the time being and that 19% has helped a lot in grinding resources, especially oil, of course.

Also, I know my plan for the age rush, and as soon as I hit global, will require heavy oil grinding, but this is the plan, to take advantage of the discounts. Let's see how will I can stick with it. If I complete at least 70% of what I have planned, I would say it was a good age rush. At least having the silo, the airport and new tanks and howitzer would be mandatory to me. :)

In the meanwhile I have another question for you, that I would like you to help. I have put yesterday MacArthur upgrading to level 14. I grind oil a bit to have enough for the next upgrade so as soon as it finish I start it to level 15, and so on. However, I only have 4 stages out of 10 of plane damage on Amelia. I would like to reach the 10 level the time I hit global, and that was my initial plan. But as you pointed out, my general are week, so I focused a bit now on upgrading them. My question is, what would be the best at this point? Finish those Amelia levels for planes damage, or continuing with the generals upgrade? I think having better planes would give me an upper hand as soon as I hit global, because I seldom use general on MP, but I may change this because of the silo, and this is why I am asking now.

One again, appreciate your input very much. Thanks!!! :D


Approved user
Mar 24, 2017
Once you hit atomic, you can upgrade the museum to get a second jewelry slot. Take that 19% and double it, it is a big improvement.

There are lots of easy globals as well. Getting to atomic means APCs, and eventually a fifth fighter. It is big. I double jumped, and was glad I did - but I crowned my factory upgrades during the rush to get APCs and THs while it was all on sale. That meant I didn't need to upgrade my tanks quickly, and just did my howitzer and shooter upgrades to get a nearly full atomic army. Also crowned my armory - if you want to double up, you really need to have saved or bought a reasonable number of crowns (10-15k)

I would not worry about generals at all for now, unless you have excess oil - those are great units to work on when you have finished other key things, but they are much lower priority than amelia and plane upgrades. Planes gets used every battle, generals are mostly for war and you can only use them fully every day or so.


Approved user
Feb 8, 2018
RE: Generals
Keep in mind that the melee range generals get upgraded to range 3 at level 21, so if you are going to focus on generals keep that in mind. Suggested elsewhere to focus on your favorite generals (im partial to Joan and Alexander for the HP) one at a time to get them to 21 rather than raising them all evenly 1 level at a time.


Approved user
Nov 8, 2017
Thanks Dvicious. Yeah for the general upgrading I am using this method already. Upgrading one at a time until they reach level 21, then start other, and so on. I have already that in mind. The issue was if it was worth at the moment spend the oil on them or on the plane damage. Thanks for your opinion. ;)


Approved user
Nov 8, 2017
That is a good point yemen. I have thought on focusing on the planes damage because of that also - I will be using them a lot more than the generals. What keeps me thinking twice is the fact that I will be facing targets with silo on WW from a few weeks from now, so for that better generals sure are of great help. So that was why I would like to hear several opinions, so that I could move forward with the best options out of the two. Thanks for your input.

As for the rest I have thought about that plan when I was about to jump two ages, but I will stick with global and do my way to the top at my pace. :)

Nevertheless, thanks for for sharing you experience. If I would go forward with two ages rush, surely your plan would be the way to go. ;-)