Hello Domination Community,
I would like to have some discussion, especially from players in Global, Atomic and Cold War Ages. I would like to discuss if it is worth now to spend time in Global Age, and if so, what would be benefits and the drawbacks. I am want to have this discussion, because I will upgrade to Global in this summer of the ages event, and I would like to know if should upgrade, and max the age out, or take the benefit of the ages rush events and jump also to the atomic and stick in there.
Having said that, I will give you some context on my current situation. I am almost maxed out in Industrial age now. What I have:
- All defensive building upgraded
- All barrack troops and war tactics upgraded
- Library all done
- Walls and gates a mix of level 10/11, but focusing now on them
- University, have Hiawatha, Montezuma and Mansa Musa all done, the others have good progress and have currently 13 citizens on there until I hit GA
- Taking now some forests until I hit GA
- Upgrading now the farms and caravans - only 2 citizens for that - until I hit GA
- Factory troops, all upgraded apart from sabotour
- Planes all upgraded apart from zeppelin
- Generals at level 10, MacArthur at level 13 - need some improvement here
- Maxed out coalitions
With the above I think I am good to go for GA, because I expect to have all walls at least level 12, the time the upgrade to GA hits. Also in the meantime I will have some research done in the university, and hopefully upgrade the generals a bit more.
Given you my current situation, what I plan to do as soon as I hit GA is to:
- Build the silo right away
- Upgrade factory and airstrip
- Upgrade armory and start upgrading my artillery to howitzer, and my tanks (yes, I am french)
- Upgrade the fort
- If possible without mills upgrade, upgrade the mercenary camp
- Upgrade silo to level 2
- Start upgrading the planes if still have time and resources available
Sooooo, a lot to do as you can see, and let's hope the plan goes ok.
Ok, now comes the point I would like to discuss with you. Now, once Global Age can be hit almost by every high age - from Industrial upwards - is it worth sticking and maxing it? Or would you advise to take advantage of the event and skip to atomic? The only advantage I see in staying global, would be the possibility to still hit industrial players. But is it worth staying? What are your opinions on that?
Thank you in advance, and all feedback is welcome.
I would like to have some discussion, especially from players in Global, Atomic and Cold War Ages. I would like to discuss if it is worth now to spend time in Global Age, and if so, what would be benefits and the drawbacks. I am want to have this discussion, because I will upgrade to Global in this summer of the ages event, and I would like to know if should upgrade, and max the age out, or take the benefit of the ages rush events and jump also to the atomic and stick in there.
Having said that, I will give you some context on my current situation. I am almost maxed out in Industrial age now. What I have:
- All defensive building upgraded
- All barrack troops and war tactics upgraded
- Library all done
- Walls and gates a mix of level 10/11, but focusing now on them
- University, have Hiawatha, Montezuma and Mansa Musa all done, the others have good progress and have currently 13 citizens on there until I hit GA
- Taking now some forests until I hit GA
- Upgrading now the farms and caravans - only 2 citizens for that - until I hit GA
- Factory troops, all upgraded apart from sabotour
- Planes all upgraded apart from zeppelin
- Generals at level 10, MacArthur at level 13 - need some improvement here
- Maxed out coalitions
With the above I think I am good to go for GA, because I expect to have all walls at least level 12, the time the upgrade to GA hits. Also in the meantime I will have some research done in the university, and hopefully upgrade the generals a bit more.
Given you my current situation, what I plan to do as soon as I hit GA is to:
- Build the silo right away
- Upgrade factory and airstrip
- Upgrade armory and start upgrading my artillery to howitzer, and my tanks (yes, I am french)
- Upgrade the fort
- If possible without mills upgrade, upgrade the mercenary camp
- Upgrade silo to level 2
- Start upgrading the planes if still have time and resources available
Sooooo, a lot to do as you can see, and let's hope the plan goes ok.
Ok, now comes the point I would like to discuss with you. Now, once Global Age can be hit almost by every high age - from Industrial upwards - is it worth sticking and maxing it? Or would you advise to take advantage of the event and skip to atomic? The only advantage I see in staying global, would be the possibility to still hit industrial players. But is it worth staying? What are your opinions on that?
Thank you in advance, and all feedback is welcome.