• DomiNations Back Online
    Late last night DomiNations was brought back online. As of 1/28 11am ET compensation has been sent to all players.

Let's talk about Global Age! Is it worth to stick in it now?


Approved user
Feb 8, 2018
no problem :) Id focus on the planes first. You use those every battle unlike generals that are mostly reserved for war and/or defense. Best of luck in global


Approved user
May 2, 2015
As soon as your troops (used in ww or mp 5star attacks) are upgraded in GA go to Atomic and do the same there... it is much better to have better troops to play the game actively as to play the defense game, passively. As soon as you will have the silo and even if you can upgrade it to lvl2 then they will not attack your base that often, by the current situation. I did the same and spent maybe a month in GA with my "baby" account and didn't have any troubles finding the loot for the needed upgrades.
Unless you leave in the oil ref a 100k+ oil, you should be ok - just plan your needed oil upgrades wisely, the rest is not really interesting...

Remember: getting back the resources you have lost when not online could be gained back in 1-2 attacks. The GA age is the worst to stay long - you will be attacked by the same opponents as in AA...


Approved user
Sep 26, 2016
To add to yemen's point: planes, planes and always planes. 5 planes can take out a lvl 1 & 2 silo. It's been a while since I was Global, so I'm not sure what 4 planes with Amelia's damage can do. Either way, planes! :D
Regardless of the silo, planes are used in every attack for towers to defenders to Generals. Generals are great at distracting a silo and don't need to be levelled up all that much to be a distraction. Besides, lose a plane and you're down 1. Lose a General and there's another ready to take his place.


Approved user
Sep 26, 2016
it is much better to have better troops to play the game actively as to play the defense game, passively.
Couldn't agree more.

The GA age is the worst to stay long - you will be attacked by the same opponents as in AA...
Could possibly agree less. :)
Speaking for myself, my Global alt is having a good balance between attacking easy Industrial bases and rushed AA accounts. By the time I hit AA my defenses will stand up nicely to AA accounts.
(having a strong defense is a personal thing)
Use the Industrial accounts for easy raiding if you want to steadily build a strong all-round base.


Approved user
Aug 7, 2017
My 2c as a level 165 GA - I always rush. Half a year ago I was level 130 IA with maxed offense and very poor defense. I asked here if I should "rush" to GA and got many NO!s.
I did eventually, my team mates thought I should, cause of the huge difference in both attack and defense.
After 3 weeks I added to my funny defense a level 2 silo, level 3 bunkers, resistance (both factories turn to level 3 bunkers ++, flamp from MC...) and from that time on, got attacked very seldom. In wars, my base was very decent too, and beyound reach of non maxed IA and below.
At the offense side, I got 4th plane, howies, great increase in decoy, and other goods, making myself much stronger, able of killing each and every non 3D AA base in wars.

I have an alt, he is 4 month old. He was level 91 a week ago, he will be around level 135 for the GA rush. If I could be 15 levels higher, I would rush it to AA this rush. Same 15 levels that I missed last time (thought it took me 10 month first time). And I am sure that he could do well being AA, both O and D.

Now you also get second jewerly + pottery slot - meaning ~+20%all resources and +~10% oil production - a huge extra boost for AA!

This is my perspective, I guess it is war oriented (I think we can raid any age without problems).

If you are a maxer, scrap all I wrote and enjoy your style, as much as I enjoy mine.

Hope this helped getting other point of view of you, and making your decision more complete.

P.S.: Last time I wrote this, half a year ago, people said they would instant kick me from their team if I showed up, because of my low level and "poor defense".
So I would just clarify that I am a part of a top 50 team, and participate in most of the all stars events, and doing great.
And I am far not the most rushed base in my team ;-)
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Approved user
Feb 8, 2018
Update for me. Followed through and went atomic. Made it to lvl 194 by the time of the rush and came up with a plan to get all my workers synced for the morning of the rush and have resources maxed. Had a productive morning yesterday. I was able to

Instant upgrade the TC, build all the new traps/decoys, 10 road, 10 wall, 2 gates, the new house, the new market and mill, a stable, crowned the first barracks upgrade and started the second, started the armory upgrade, lvl 6 factory, and my fourth SAM.

plan for the atomic rush period after these upgrades finish is to start the third barracks, lvl 7 factory, library, HT MK4, field howie, and maybe the new airstrip level. just have to stay on top of resources. with planning this feels like a fairly stable transition and in a couple weeks I should be a lot stronger.

Hope your rush period is going well.


Approved user
Feb 8, 2018
also having the resources stockpiled for collection from the event, and from war in command post made this alot easier (50% discount didnt hurt either ;P )


Approved user
Oct 22, 2017
Another House in Atomic Age? I'm in Atomic since yesterday and I haven't seen any new houses. Am I missing something here or what?


Approved user
Nov 8, 2017
Update from my side, and after the first week of the Global Rush.

As soon as the event started I upgraded my TC to global, and started the Silo level 1 upgrade. Also, started the level 3 oil refinery upgraded - my mistake I miscalculated the discounts and thought I needed more oil storage space, which wasn't the case, so could have saved the citizens for other upgrade - started the armory upgrade, and once the factory were on sale with one less citizen I also started the upgrade of the factory. Also started the upgrade of the first S.A,M battery. I farmed a bit to gather more resource and as soon as I had enough resources for the howitzer upgraded I crowned the armory and started to upgrade the howitzer. With the newly freed citizens I started to upgrade the second factory because of the sale with one less citizen. I farmed a bit more and with the one free citizen I had I upgraded some walls and gates and when I had enough food for the tank upgrade I started it.

By the end of the week I had the silo level 1 finished, and my priority was to ensure I had enough oil available to start the second level. Luckily I found some good targets while farming and the production event helped on this quest, and I was able to start the silo upgrade level 2. Also the S.A.M. battery finished also, and I started the second one. Along with this the second factory upgrade also finished and I farmed like a mad to get enough oil for the airstrip, which is also upgrading now. The refinery finished and I started the merc camp upgrade.

In summary this is what I have acomplished so far:
- TC upgrade to global
- Second factory built to level 1
- Silo level 1
- Armory upgrade
- Refinery level 3 upgrade
- S.A.M Batery
- Built the additional walls and gates, and upgraded them to level 10(5 walls), 11(5 walls) and 12 (the two gates)
- Built the additional roads
- Built the first level of additional traps (caltrop, spike trap and ambush trap)

What is running in the moment is:
- Factory upgrade to level 4
- Silo to level 2
- Second S.A.M. Battery
- Airstrip
- Mercenary Camp
- Howitzers and Tanks R35 upgrades

What I still want to do in the current event:
- Factory will finish tomorrow and I already have the oil ready for the upgrade to level 5
- Upgrade the Tank S35 and if possible the HT to MK3, if not upgrade the healing car
- on the last day of the event crown the remaining of the airstrip and start upgrading the Fort

If I accomplish all of what is missing I would be very glad and I think that this event has been very fruifull for me - it allowed me to save tons of oil so far, and expect it to save even a bit more. If I had another week for sure I would go for the planes and the bunkers, but I guess I have do those the hard way. :)

In summary, I am very happy with my progress in the global age, and I haven't been attacked so far by any CWA - hope it continues like this. Some atomic have came to my base and stole a bit of my oil, but that would be expected to happens. Also I am not attacked that often, and most of the attacks are from medal droppers. As for loot gathering it is much easier than in global. There are a lot of global/atomic/industrial abandoned/easy/rushed bases to steal a lot of oil. Even now without my planes - airstrip upgrading - I can easy raid around 20,000-30,000 per day easy loot. So I am happy to stay in global for the months to come and to do my steady and sustained progress. Also I hope that when the silo is ready it will back off most of the attackers - apart from those high level atomic and CWA.

The funniest of all is that when I started this post I intended to rush to the Atomic, because of the fear to be slaughtered in the global, and to be slaughtered maybe it was best to be in Atomic and have the chance to have better toys to give my payback. :) I am glad I started this post and that you guys shared you thoughts on this. It really helped to have different point of views discussed, which allowed me to made my mind into sticking with the global. Now I am so focused on my plan for the global, and with so much to do (along with the new global toys) that for the time being the idea to go to atomic doesn't even cross my mind. XD

The two main reasons that made me stick to global:
- Ability to still attack easy industrials
- Silo introduction. So I have the ability to learn how to deal with the silo once in a while, while when I have long farming sessions I have those easy industrial/global/atomic

Will keep you guys updated on my progress and experience in the global age. :)


Approved user
May 17, 2018
well it seems that you made great progress with the most important buildings already!! well done mate!


Approved user
Feb 8, 2018
did you buy any starter packs to get a house earlier in the game? if so that was just an advance on your atomic house not an extra one.


Approved user
Dec 5, 2017
Planes are the backbone for the game (Not transports or bombers btw). You use them in both war And MP whereas generals are more geared towards war. If you’re not a participant of war or attacking silos bases, generals won’t make a huge impact for you. I honestly say max the offensive units than rush. Defenses can catch up. As long as your layout looks tricky, you can make up for lower lvl defenses. No matter what age, you’ll find bases that you can attack easily for rss as long as you keep medals low enough. That’s why upgrading units helps a great deal as it helps you attack better both in MP and war.


Approved user
Nov 8, 2017
I agree with your opinion planes, that is why they are one of my priorities. As for the generals, I also only used them for war - although I use them for some cleanup to get the five stars in battle, but this is rarely. I was curious to see if this would change after getting into the global, but so far I have only farmed based without silo, so didn't really feel the need to upgrade them yet. As for wars my alliance does two wars per week, but we have rules that won't allow us to participate if any important offensive building are upgrading. Once I am upgrading most of them, I can't participate in war for the moment. Once I get into the wars again, I will get a grasp on how my generals hold against the silo. If they do ok, I will wait until an event discount pops up and invest in them. Until then, will focus my oil on my planes , Amelia and factory troops, and eventually in the bunkers.

As for rushing to Atomic, I don't feel the need right now. I will stick to global and enjoy it for a while. Let'e hope that this year we have another winter of ages and by that time I will go to Atomic and eventually rush to Cold War - I think that there is no benefit in staying Atomic at the moment as soon as you hit the 220 mark, but correct me if I am wrong. :).

Bootney Lee Fonsworth

Approved user
Jan 12, 2018
Loot is much better in atomic age(due to the 50% loot nerf against global bases) and the offensive upgrades in CWA are nothing to shout about. Granted, the museum has mitigated the poor CWA economy somewhat but if I had to do it all over again I wouldn't bother going to CWA until I had max atomic walls and defense.

You can essentially get around 90% of the max offense in Atomic and keep 90% of the loot from global bases as well. At the very least finish Amelia, the bottom levels of Haille, and get a few generals to at least 36 before going CWA, museum or no museum.

Or don't. It's nowhere near as bad as it was when I first jumped. Getting enlightenment age loot from global bases while paying CWA prices absolutely sucked.


Approved user
Nov 8, 2017
Oh was there a nerf for CWA players when looting from global ones? haven't caught that... Hum, that would explain why I have only been attacked by one CWA so far. Most of decent attacks are from high end global onward and atomics. I think this is fair nerf though.

No Angel

Approved user
May 1, 2017
Don't worry bugalho, you can even hit Atomic soon. Trust me my Atomic base is rareeeely hit, I'm always stuck with "enemy troops movements nearby" notices but not attacked 😂 keeping my oil high though. You'll have plenty of time to upgrade your stuff and learn to hit all Global, Atomic, and CWA bases also.