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Let's talk about Global Age! Is it worth to stick in it now?


Approved user
May 17, 2018
ok need your help guys...especially from those that are already in CWA...

Up till last month I was almost maxed global level 212. Got bored and went Atomic. I already have completed Airstrip, library, some market/mills, armory, museum, wonder, some traps, 2 factories and 4 chapters of "Radar" books.

My plan is to power level up till 220 in 1 month and 2 weeks time. I did that!! I am 220 now and I am not sure if going to CWA is the right move. Reason for wanting to change 2 ages within 2 months is to have max offense for WW and donating to other alliance members the very best equipment. But will I face difficulties? Should I wait? If yes, why?

Have in mind that my base is hard for its age and I get 5 starred maybe once a month or so. Loot attempts don't take much and I don't care really. So far in atomic I can loot perfectly fine. No problems there.

Please help me to decide.



Approved user
Mar 24, 2017
wrathchild_78 Go CWA as soon as possible. Better troops, same pool of bases to attack. There might be some loot penalty for attacking global, but it isn't clear how much and I haven't noticed it at all as a problem. There aren't any downsides as things stand now. Who knows what will change when space age comes out, but for now I would say do it.


Approved user
May 17, 2018
thanks Yemen! I will advance as I am eager to try the new toys! The worst that can happen is having some difficulties the first month, then it will settle down.


Approved user
Dec 5, 2017
Regardless of what age you decide to stick with there will always be some initial drawbacks. My mistake was going to Cold War without having the needed market/mills to really get the new troops going right away. Initially base selection seems tougher but that can be adjusted with lowering medal count. I think it’s beneficial now as the rush event will chop costs significantly so you can still get upgrades done. Max offense is always the way to go and it’s not that you’re giving up on defenses, you’re just going to do that later once offensive stuff is done. Other than obviously seeing some higher opponents like 280 cwa and such, you can click the next button.