MRL rocket launcher unit - broken or description wrong?


Approved user
Nov 14, 2017
TinSoldier & Dom dev team...
Thanks for the MRL fix guys... The new stats now make this unit worth investing in...

Per latest factory description for a CWA account with MRL library research fully complete:
(sorry I can't check whether factory & armory descriptions for MRL match now. Dom stops showing armory stats once you're fully upgraded. But I assume Tin & team fixed this)

HP 2,309
Dmg per rocket 847
Rockets per attack 11
Attack speed 5s
Range 5
Cost 330 oil

Recalculating to get back to DPS, to compare the new MRL with regular units
Dmg per attack = 847 x 11 rockets = 9,317
DPS = 9,317 / 5 = 1,863

It looks like there's a latency period... where the MRL cannot fire while it reloads fresh rockets... but from watching my replays, in reality a team of MRLs will blast whichever target is in front of them, then reload while they roll forwards to their next target... so latency doesn't hurt so much...

Compare the new MRL to regular CWA Heavy Artillery
HP 1,514
DPS 1,143
Range 5
Cost 21,830 (food)

So, if the factory stats are finally displaying accurately, this makes the MRL a mean unit to include in your attack force. Kinda expensive at 330 oil, but worth it.

And with splash damage in attack too...

Thank you Santa! Merry Christmas Nexon


Approved user
Sep 18, 2015
Still, 5 seconds is a very slow rate of fire. Now if you could fit a few of them in a Town Center for defense, that might be interesting? If they could all get their shots off real quick and destroy an incoming force?

But on offense, 5 seconds seems like an eternity. Perhaps if you have a few of them, and the timing worked out so that there was overlap in their firing. But in general, I feel like you're better off with more bazooka or HT who shoot faster and also do spread damage.