New building type : City Administration


Approved user
May 16, 2015
• New building: City Administration
• City administration building would be an 8x8 building that must be adjacent to the current city center.
• Upgrades to City Administration building must be made to enable the ability to obtain permits to build the new buildings/ Armies for that age.
• The City Administration building consists of the following departments:
Building department
○ Require players to build / upgrade the Building department each age.
○ Require permits to be in place before starting to build buildings. Permits would be building and level specific.
○ Permits could be obtained by
i. Purchased completely using crowns (500 crowns)
ii. Distribute a daily building - level permit page. Five building/level specific pages are required to complete a permit.
○ All existing players would be required to have permits for the buildings they already have. Failure to obtain the appropriate building permits would result in the forfeiture of that building. Players would be given 7 days (NEXON can’t be expected to wait more than 7 days for anything).
Army department
○ Require players to upgrade the Army department each age.
○ Require players to have appropriate “troop roster” in place. “Troop Rosters” would be troop specific.
○ Rosters could be obtained by
i. Purchased completely using crowns (100 crowns)
ii. Distribute a daily roster. One troop roster allows a player to train a limited number of troops of that type.
Taxation department
○ Require players to upgrade the Taxation department each age.
○ Every day, a player will be required to pay taxes to NEXON. Following are the daily rates would be age specific. Following are the Cold War age taxation amounts:
§ 1000 oil +
§ 1,000,000 Gold +
§ 1,000,000 Food +
§ 200 Rubies
§ Crowns
□ Monday 100 crowns
□ Tuesday 200 crowns
□ Wednesday 50 crowns
□ Thursday 100 crowns
□ Friday 500 crowns
□ Saturday 1000 crowns
□ Sunday 863 crowns
○ Failure to pay the daily tax results in the random destruction of one of the player’s buildings
Administration department
○ Administration department upgrade for a given age is free, once the other three departments have been upgraded and the player waits 14 days.
○ Every other month, NEXON could eliminate one building type or troop and replace it with a new building / troop type. Of course, the new building type / troop type would be a Stone Age level troop. This will help keep the long term players interested in the game.

This total change accomplishes Nexon’s perceived goals for the game - keep the long term players interested in the game, while accumulating resources for NEXON to pay their developers and offset the development costs of the museum, chat and Marco Polo.

Zionist Killer

Approved user
Jun 18, 2018
It would keep long term players interested in the game, yes, but then the game would appeal to a whole lot less people, and it would just make it a lot harder to get through an age. It doesn't have any good benefits for the player, and is hurtful to someone who isn't in an alliance, can't pay for the crowns, etc. It'd make sense for someone who's maxed out the Cold War age and is getting bored, but not much else. A new building type should have benefits, like the museum did when it first came out.


Approved user
May 23, 2018
Are you some kind of sadist that loves really, really, boring stuff?