New Nation: Possible choices


Approved user
Feb 17, 2016
Ok here is my thoughts on a new nation..

Some popular choices I have read from forum so far includes - Arabia, India, Russia, Mexico, Egypt, Spain & USA

I am probably going to go against Spain. There are too many nations from that part of world.

I am from India. and still i say No to India as well. While, they have a great history, when it comes to unique features, the things comes to mind are already owned by other nations. Eg. Population (Chinese has it), bigger army (Romans have it), Peace (japan) etc.

Persians / Arabia.. This is a very great one to pick. In real world, their strength is on petroleum and building constructions. So give this nation faster or cheaper construction bonus and more oil generation. However, their army should not be strong, as in real world. They can have unique units as cavalry (this is again considering only 2 current nations have cavalry as unique units)

Mexico: Not really a great choice. But if they go then, the Unique units will be foot soldiers. Less cost for temple blessings and mercenaries OR faster trade goods.

Egypt : Besides the fact that it has a great history and it could attract African players, i dont really tend towards this. If it is picked, i would say, less wonder cost/time & bonus wonder benefits.

Russia : You cannot have Russia without USA. So unless they both come together or USA followed by Russia, i am not going to expect it.

Finally USA: This is very popular choice but could be more tricky. Currently in real world they seem to have greater strength in several aspects - economy, military, technology. But a poor or no history. So I am proposing a different choice for USA...

To become USA, you have to complete all Single player campaigns. and the final campaign will be a very tough base, which can be cleared only by Industrial age people. So any country Brits, French or Italians conquer a nation that eventually becomes USA, much like the history. Make the invasion cost per attack a big amount say 10 M coins / Food or 20000 Oil or 100 crowns. This will make it harder to become this nation and it will be a quest by itself.

Nations strength : I am not sure what exactly should be given. But should be on army and technology. Should have weakness in resource generations & people.


Approved user
Nov 25, 2015
Currently we have 3 Northern European Nations, 2 Mediterranean Nations, and 3 Oriental Nations. I think we are due for either an American Nation, a Middle Eastern nation, or another Mediterranean nation. I say it that way because of the building architecture for pre-industrial (though the City Centers have small differences) buildings.

With this in mind, the nations you proposed are all of that which contains a different architectural style (with the exception being Russia and the USA as they would share a similar Northern European style if you'd ask me).

Can't really say much about Spain without blatant advertising of my idea.

With your suggestion for India, I would also change up the Japanese Nation power of peace. The Japanese were conquerors. They should get a Bushido bonus: 25% of their dead troops are "revived" for free. It reflects the Samurai's pledge not to show weakness to another. That way, India could have that old Japanese nation power.

Mexico is the weakest suggestion out there according to me, as they had equivalent history of the United States. Unless you want the Aztecs to magically assimilate, which doesn't fit right.

Your suggestion for Egypt is actually very doable. I suggest you do some research for their unique units. It would convince me to switch.

So is Russia. And we can definitely have Russia without the USA. We could spend time doing some research with Egypt.

Saudi Arabia and Iran/Persia is the strongest suggestion and the most likely the next nation(s) they would add if they could.

I wouldn't want to do busywork so I could be the USA. I'd just make it available at Enlightenment Age (same with Mexico) with the Revolution mechanic.

Anything can be possible with the research. I can help you out if you want these implemented.