Nexon/BHG Are you going to fix the no-opponent situation?

Hunter Killer

Approved user
Aug 14, 2015
I'm getting around 6 battles an hour at 3500 medals. I don't know whether I can expect more.

I realise this is a pyramid and when you're at the top, you're not meant to break through the ceiling.

They didn't create a league after dynasty on purpose I presume. Once you get too high, you can't earn enough medals in offense and will naturally come down once you log off.

Or there is just not enough players and we just kid ourselves about the popularity of this game. And even so, how many people starting right now will reach IA in time to replace the players who started 6 months ago and quit?


Approved user
Aug 28, 2015
Thank you Parmenion.

To be honest never planned to go that high, that quick, but being in a great alliance with mates constantly pushing, I'm not staying behind :) Makes it more fun.

Have to say that with league bonus and good loot at this level, I'm getting quick resources which makes upgrading much more bearable. Worth it, in my opinion.


Approved user
Sep 11, 2015
Once hovering at around 3.050 medals I decided to go down the day before yesterday because the game stole my time with no-opponent situation. At around 2.650 medals the game became playable again. I don't regret it. Now I can choose which opponent is worth attacking and I get my opponents completely wiped 90% of the time. It's actually enough to spend just 1 training blessing per day to keep the medal level and get all upgrades done.


Hi folks. We're aware of this and other problems, and are working on it. I've passed this thread on to our team to see if there is something that can be done, but it will involve some testing time and dev time should we decide to implement anything. Please continue to make suggestions and examples.


I'm also checking to see if I can find stats on this through analytics. I'll let you know what I find.


In the meantime, PM me your in-game name, league, and medal level please and I will gather that information as well.


Approved user
Aug 28, 2015
Thank you IronAngel. The no-opponent is really, really bad at 3500-3600 plus medals. Six games a hour if you are really, really fortunate. Four a hour on average good. Take into account that that takes a tap on the battle button every 2-3 seconds. If you do the maths that is staring at a (flashing) refreshing screen and tapping the battle button approximately 200-400 times for a battle while you can do nothing else. Not even remotely kidding about that!

This issue is probably the biggest game killer, bar none. All the other; Medal system, PT breaks, bugs, hackers etc combined, will not have such a big impact than this no-opponents. You will lose all your top end players.

In a 8 hour shift I'll be lucky to find one opponent worth more than one medal. It is not sustainable to try and recover 39 medals at 1 medal per opponent at a rate of 4 opponents a hour. We are talking about at least 8 hours to recover one attacks worth of medals. If you are lucky. Not sustainable.

I'm in Dynasty 1, with PT breaks fell from 3608 to 3544.


It looks like we did have a spike of No Opponent Found recently, though why is uncertain. In particular, around 10/18 looks like the worst day. Looking at the recent data, though, things appear to be leveling of towards "normal" - does it feel any different to you all?


Approved user
Aug 20, 2015
Recently, it's actually been appearing worse at least to me. I do agree that 10/18 was a particularly bad day, as were the days before it. If I recall correctly, the 2.5 Update was released on iOS the next day on 10/19. With the update, finding opponents was noticeably a lot better and at certain hours I was able to find one after the other.

However, recently it's been gradually slowing down to almost pre-update searching times. I would reason that the surge in opponents in the immediate days following the update was due to a combination of players having trouble logging in, others logging off more frequently after squeezing in an hour Training Blessing or being low in diamonds, and others experiencing more frequent crashes or quitting entirely etc. I think as these problems were dealt with over the past couple of weeks, finding opponents became more and more difficult as a result.


Part of this will be an inability to match 2.2 and 2.5 versions - we should be fixing that shortly.


Approved user
May 2, 2015
It looks like we did have a spike of No Opponent Found recently, though why is uncertain. In particular, around 10/18 looks like the worst day. Looking at the recent data, though, things appear to be leveling of towards "normal" - does it feel any different to you all?

It seemed to get better when the 2.5 update came out and there was still some people on 2.2, but since you forced everyone to 2.5 it's gotten much worse again. This morning was especially bad and that I was only able to get 5 opponents this morning during my TB. At one point it was at least 20 minutes straight of the no opponent message before i got a battle.


Approved user
Oct 2, 2015
Nexon needs to be aware that if this doesn't get fixed many of us are going to quit. This should be the absolute priority.


Approved user
Aug 28, 2015
All time low last night. Not enough opponents to even gather rss for upgrades. 9 workers standing around. Could recover 5 medals in three hours. Log off -15.

Now how exactly is that progress?

Motaz Tarek

Approved user
Apr 19, 2015
Simply by overpowering attackers over defenders so ppl are encouraged to go up in ranks and attack strong bases without getting their army wipe out in a blink cuz why would i go for overpowered bases while i can farm in weak ones? Gameplay now is based on how much have u spent on defenses, if u got max defense no1 dares to attack u, this is not how it should go, there should be equal chance to win/lose depending on ur play style not on ur spends on defenses particulary walls, sadly its all been going in the opposite direction nerf nerf nerf attackers and buff buff buff defenders

Motaz Tarek

Approved user
Apr 19, 2015
Also reduce peace treaties at higher league and reduce the loss of medals from defense loss since ur going to get attacked more


Approved user
Aug 28, 2015
It looks like we did have a spike of No Opponent Found recently, though why is uncertain. In particular, around 10/18 looks like the worst day. Looking at the recent data, though, things appear to be leveling of towards "normal" - does it feel any different to you all?

Ironangel, any feedback perhaps, as this is not getting better?


Matchmaking issues appear to have dropped down to the lowest point since 10/1; the spike was likely due to people being on 2.2 and 2.5 at the same time. Revamping matchmaking is on our list of things to revisit; right now, we're working on a different sort of matchmaking.