Nexon you are clueless on tactics and are obviously against people attacking


Approved user
Oct 1, 2015
I can train an army in 30 min but I have to wait 4 hours to train tactics to support that army. Wtf is wrong with that picture, you are actively discouraging people from attacking until they wait until they have a proper army with tactics. The amount of time it takes to train an army is WAY out of whack with tactics. Even with that blessing active it is still way too long. The whole core of this game is about attacking others as much as possible to progress, you are going against that with long tactics times. Since you seem to copy a lot of ideas from SuperCell why don't you copy another. They figured out a long time ago that shortening the time for all training to complete was in their best interest to keep players active and they greatly reduced the time of both troop and spell/tactic training so you could be attacking over and over without huge wait times. I can train a full army with all spells in under an hour in CoC and heroes (generals) are back in action in under an hour as well. If you want to encourage people to be more active do something about this, tactic training time right now is completely ridiculous, people arent going to crown faster training so its not going to cost you anything. Why not make the training benefits of the powerplant permanent and you will have a much more active and engaged community. I don't even care about the other tactics changes you made, people adapt and continue on and change strategies but you have to do something about the training times or people will do other things instead of constantly waiting which includes playing other games.


Approved user
Sep 26, 2016
Maybe Nexon is tackling obesity in society. If you're frustrated with Dominations or tired of waiting for 4 hours, maybe you could go outside and play instead??! :)


Approved user
Mar 21, 2016
I think you still don't understand why they change it.
It is not about training time or make the community active. There is nothing to do with that.
It is about balance, so as they said.
We have to make it balance so that the players, who spend big money on lots of troop tactics and bazooka tower and so on, are guaranteed to win in the world war.
How balance it is you see?


Approved user
Oct 1, 2015
I don't care about war, you have 24 hrs to attack so tactic training time doesnt really matter, I'm talking about raiding for resources to progress. So you don't understand, this has nothing to do about the balance of war or how many tactics you can take into war, go argue that in the plenty of other threads complaining about that. This is about how long it takes to train tactics which is the same for every single player and has no impact on war, just how often you can raid.
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Approved user
Mar 21, 2016
I am saying the purpose of that tactics nerf only.
But ok if you focus on the training time of tactics, I don't think they will go to change anything for this.
It is one of the frustration factor of the game. Social game like this will depends on this kind of frustration factor to make sure people to spend.
Greedy Nexon will certainly not give up on this.


Approved user
Oct 1, 2015
I am saying the purpose of that tactics nerf only.
But ok if you focus on the training time of tactics, I don't think they will go to change anything for this.
It is one of the frustration factor of the game. Social game like this will depends on this kind of frustration factor to make sure people to spend.
Greedy Nexon will certainly not give up on this.

Yeah that seems to be a common theme for them, they lack any common sense at all, almost seems like Trump is running their company. While I respect there ability to deliver a pretty fun game, they are like a B rate movie who has no idea how to deliver a quality product. I can put up with a lot of their stupid bugs and lack of QA but its a shame they don't really seem to give a shit about anything their customers say. Obviously they lack any pride about what they create and only care about money. I make a lot of comparisons to CoC but Supercell knows how to deliver a quality product, they are much more reactive to their customers and they make a lot more money at the same time.

nikki bella

Approved user
May 12, 2016
There's an upshot of this change, I haven't used a single tactic since the upgrade! Learning new ways of raiding is a fun and much cheaper way to play the game.

I will never again pay to rush tactic training. Nexon has inadvertently saved me a fortune!!

On the the flip side, I see a big rush to the bottom of the medal pile....


Approved user
Aug 8, 2016
i rarely use tattics or generals in multiplayer battles but i totally get your point


Approved user
Oct 1, 2015
i rarely use tattics or generals in multiplayer battles but i totally get your point

Same here, I use them more as a safety net, I do use them occasionally if there are any surprises. If I do use them though that safety net is gone for hours and I probably would use them more if they trained quicker. Right now I treat them as "Break glass in case of emergency"

Angel forever

Approved user
Aug 3, 2016
I agreed with the message I don't use tactics in mp so that is none issue. But the point is the right one