• DomiNations Back Online
    Late last night DomiNations was brought back online. As of 1/28 11am ET compensation has been sent to all players.

Optimized Video Rewards

Greetings Leaders,

Beginning 8/30 (4pm EST), we’re reducing the number of video ads available daily while optimizing the rewards you’ll receive!

For a limited time, we’re slashing the number of daily video ads from 8 to 4 and increasing the total amount of rewards gained.

You’ll find Season 4 Fast-Track Video Rewards to include:

  • Legendary Tokens on the weekends!
  • Increased Crown Rewards at later Ages
  • Larger Speedups

Be sure to login each day to take advantage of these rewards, and spend less time watching ads and more time playing!
Anyone else getting a blank screen on watch ad for 30 crowns, then seeing Evony, then X and no reward. Very frustrating because I watch ads for crowns & instant retrain, hours off building/research.
من می بینم که تبلیغات کمتری وجود دارد، اما من نمی بینم که بهتر است.

با سلام خدمت رهبران

از 30/8 (4 بعدازظهر به وقت شرق)، تعداد تبلیغات ویدیویی موجود روزانه را کاهش می‌دهیم و در عین حال جوایزی را که دریافت می‌کنید بهینه می‌کنیم!

برای مدت محدودی، تعداد تبلیغات ویدیویی روزانه را از ۸ به ۴ کاهش می‌دهیم و مجموع پاداش‌های کسب‌شده را افزایش می‌دهیم.

جوایز ویدیوی سریع آهنگ فصل 4 را خواهید یافت که شامل موارد زیر است:

  • توکن های افسانه ای در تعطیلات آخر هفته!
  • افزایش پاداش تاج در سنین بعدی
  • سرعت های بزرگتر

حتماً هر روز وارد سیستم شوید تا از این جوایز استفاده کنید و زمان کمتری را برای تماشای تبلیغات و زمان بیشتری را صرف بازی کنید!
  • نقل قول نادرست
  • معلوم نیست چه چیزی را می خواهید بیان کنید
بازی بسیار خوبیه اما جوایز بیشتر ميتونه جذابیتش رو بیشتر کنه و بازیکن لذت ببره لطفا مثل قبل جوایز ۸ تایی بشه 🙏🏻
saturday and normally i would get 70 crowns but this "optimized" reward has 10 less crowns less than original... i think you now know my verdict of this experiment.
Hopefully you also picked up the crowns on Friday and Sunday! In some cases, you'll get more spread across multiple days.
Hopefully you also picked up the crowns on Friday and Sunday! In some cases, you'll get more spread across multiple days.
The question is one of "will the new optimized crowns rewarded in a week total the previous crowns awarded in a week" ?? I'm not so sure ...
For a limited time, we’re slashing the number of daily video ads from 8 to 4 and increasing the total amount of rewards gained.
Wed has come around and no IRB - so I'm glad this change is for a limited time and look forward to the return of the regular rewards with the IRBs. 3 Taipei oil rewards in Drone Age are appreciated but unnecessary. The battle rewards are plentiful & I can't get rid of my own oil fast enough.

Just a thought: when things return to the status quo, instead of the same rotation of rewards each Mon, each Tues, each Wed, etc - how about a different set of rewards each week, on a four week rotation? After week 4, week 1 rewards start again? Just to mix things up - but hopefully IRBs will still be included in the weekly rewards.
The question is one of "will the new optimized crowns rewarded in a week total the previous crowns awarded in a week" ?? I'm not so sure ...
I can't say if the reward is the same for all ages, but yes... The total sum of crowns in the 3 days was higher than what was offered previously, at least in the Information Age.

I miss the IRB too, as do most here.

I would also like a council card pack instead of oil charges and hope to keep the Super Stallion among Troop Tactics to a minimum.

And thanks for the accelerators. They are great.

My only regret is that the game is full of bugs and various means of cheating, especially those that affect wars. And I hope the CS team has returned well from the holidays, as it's been 30 days since they haven't responded to me.
For most of this week some of my Alliance and I have been unable to access the Daily and Marco vids for rewards! Is there an iOS issue with the optimised rewards?
Just going to echo this sentiment as a drone age player. I benefit more from a 1hr IRB than a 1 or 2 day speedup if upgrades take 2 weeks.
Some of these rewards are better for lower ages or middle ages - so why not make the rewards age-appropriate? (if that's possible)
Maybe a selection according to an age group:
Just spitballing here .....
its been several days after this change and I would like to say that the rewards are not better. The only good thing is that they are 4 and not 8 and that the speedups are 6h which is good but nothing else is for the benefit of the player.

Most notably, we are missing the occasional Stallion and the 1h IRBs . We can't buy those 1h IRBs from anywhere in the game
My sugestion. In this new format we have 3 days offering 2 videos for crowns. Collect the crowns in these 3 days in a single ad each, this way you will release 3 videos, one per day, in which it would be possible to add 1 IRB, 1 Super Stallion and 1 premium advice card or higher. Now yes! We will all be satisfied.
My sugestion. In this new format we have 3 days offering 2 videos for crowns. Collect the crowns in these 3 days in a single ad each, this way you will release 3 videos, one per day, in which it would be possible to add 1 IRB, 1 Super Stallion and 1 premium advice card or higher. Now yes! We will all be satisfied.
yes i like that
Suspiciously, after these changes, an IRB sales offer came out. They promised that we could win legendary artifacts (without purchasing the pass) and so far they have only released one. And another for the people who pay for the pass obviously.
Something good to say? I like Marco Polo's accelerator chest.
The rewards are still bad despite our comments. I'm starting to lose faith.
one is better than none ;-)

today is another IRB
Yep l get it. Glad they're back but it's the spin they put on the elimination of the rewards. Optimising is just another way of saying we're getting better rewards per video but we're still getting less than before - there's no way to spin that.
At my level l don't really need the rewards but lower ages would be the most affected. But yeah, since we weren't paying for the previous 8 we should be grateful for the free 4.

ps: all of this still has a 'permanence' about it, despite the original comments of "limited time" (happy to be wrong) 😀