Player controlled medals and ranks


Approved user
Jun 9, 2016
Maybe an option for leaders and co-leaders to create different ranks and trophys to award to members of the alliance for whatever reason, be it good attacks, great defense, overall teamwork etc. I know currently all we can do is promote from ally to council to co leader to leader. Council has the ability to boot players so I only promote people I can really trust wont boot everyone in the alliance. We only allow 3-4 co leaders in the alliance and of course 1 leader, this basically makes the current promotion system pointless for regular members of the alliance so it would be nice to be able to create our own awards and import them into the game. It would obviously just be for show and not have any particular effect in the game other than making people feel good after a good accomplishment. Thoughts? I just know i have players now who really seem to feel we need to promote but as statedI wont promote someone and have them dismantle the alliance. At the minimum remove the boot player option from council members.