Quick question about national trade goods


Approved user
May 7, 2015
Is the probability of getting a national trade good with a 5 star win the same for all Civs?
I don't know why but I feel like it is more difficult to get porcelain from the Koreans and others...

If I 5 star a Chinese, brit or Roman I almost always get 1 or 2 goods. Other civs the same.. But Korean... Yesterday I 5 starred 3 Koreans in a row - and got no porcelain.. This has also happened before...

Hopefully this is just my biased view... :)


Approved user
Apr 7, 2016
Random is random... I've observed no difference between nations for this.


Approved user
May 7, 2015
Hate random... Steve Jobs supposedly changed the random function on his ipods because people refused to believe they were random...


Approved user
May 2, 2015
Yeah Ive raised this point with customer support Tower. Srsly seems the game knows just want you need after the WW finishes and screws you at any given chance to render that flags requirements slower! Hmmm :confused:

I so need salt and cheese for the cheesy salt flags I choose to use (no pun lol).
I get every base BUT German or French, then when I finally find one and 5 star it I get..yup, zip nat trade goods. Its getting to be a ROFL event. Grrrr :mad:

Its well past time a 5 star base win should guarantee at least one embassy national trade supply!


Approved user
Oct 13, 2016
Games do this because this guy named Skinner determined that mice get more excited by a "variable schedule of rewards." We've since determined that this is also true for humans and game companies have been exploiting it for years. Game companies know the theory works but forget about negativity bias. If I have an unlucky streak, I'm going to remember it and become frustrated even if I'm well within the expected average.

The problem with this strategy in DomiNations is that trade goods don't feel like rewards. It only feels bad to not get them. I need them to perform another task so I can get the rewards I want. They're just a means to an end so it's frustrating when I'm delayed from getting my rewards because of a random streak of bad luck. Even if all the rewards for NTG were fairly stagnant. 50% at 3 stars, 100% at 4 stars 200%(2) at 5 stars. It would still be a variable schedule because getting 1-5 stars is variable, even if somewhat controllable. It just wouldn't feel bad not to get any because I know the payout.

Same goes for regular trade goods, which I find doubly annoying because I have to wait for them.


Approved user
Jun 19, 2016
Maybe after every war if you get perfect 10 stars you should get 3 national trade good shipments