Registering Complaints About Cheating

Jolly the Wise

Approved user
Oct 12, 2015
For various reasons Nexon refuses to state whether any action has been taken against alliances or players about whom complaints of cheating are made. This leaves us all in the dark about which alliances or players have been reported, when and whether they continue to cheat.

I suggest that we establish a registry of complaints regarding cheaters. This cannot contain a simple claim of cheating against a player or alliance but must contain evidence of cheating (e.g. screenshots of bases) as well as screenshots of complaints made to NEXON via Customer Support or BHG. This registry should be viewable and searchable by any player and should record the date the complaint was submitted. It should also state both the alliance name and the name of the players about which the complaint was made.


Approved user
Jan 27, 2016
Good idea, Jolly!

I hope many people here support this approach. Many have complained that Nexon doesn‘t do much about cheaters.
Now let’s put out visibly all those darn cheaters for all to see and together get Nexon to act and ban those guys. 👍👍👍