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Regretful decisions: Nations


Approved user
May 2, 2015
So I'm currently 2 days in the iron age and ready really displeased with my decision to join the greeks. I honestly thought the perks of this nation would be worth it, but now I see what a huge mistake it was.. The building bonuses basically don't even exist and companions become practically useless in later ages so really what's the point? I get to look forward to getting raided more and saving 20 minutes and 5k gold on a 24 hour upgrade? Does anyone else regret there decision to join such a nation? I'm wishing I would have chosen Japan now lol


Approved user
Apr 13, 2015
I've chosen the greeks too and I am in Medieval age atm. I think their perks are great, but badly executed. I actually like the ability to finish upgrades and buildings faster, I wish you could save more time with it though, like 2-3 hours on a 24h upgrade. I also wish the Greek special unit was infantry or archers as I never use companions and they really are useless in the later ages. I would've chosen the Japanese, but I don't like the look of their buildings. :D


Approved user
Apr 27, 2015
Sorry you regret your choice. Japanese are fun. I enjoy the art. Personally I think Greek/Roman stuff looks like a open sewer flowed over it.

I'm a little annoyed that people don't own their choices a little more and expect to be able to just switch nationalities on the fly to whatever is FOTM (thats what this threads really about right?)

I didn't know you wouldn't be able to switch either.... but I made my choice as if I only had one shot. And gosh I don't regret it!


Apr 15, 2015
switching nations is tough. how do you roll back all the nation-specific buildings and troop types?
maybe you can just reset to the bronze age(?) where you choose your nation again, forfeiting all the progress and upgrades you have made since then.
that's pretty drastic.


Approved user
Apr 13, 2015
I don't think they will put a nation switching function in this game. If people could switch nations what is the point in choosing a nation in the first place?

This game is laggy

Dude, where's my village?
Apr 26, 2015
Maybe nation switching would be a one-time thing (like the recent CoC name change), or maybe it would cost a lot of crowns.

And yeah, that 30 mins free upgrade probably is not that useful when your upgrade takes hours or days to complete.
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Bau Wau

Approved user
Apr 27, 2015
I agree that people shouldn't be able to switch nations at random, but with the perks so badly explained in some cases and a knowledge base non-existent, I'm sure some people chose poorly (chinese here :( ) and would have chosen better if they had the info now available. AFAIK, base cost of upgrades is always the same across civilizations. So if you have your Heavy Cavalry fully upgraded as chinese, you have paid the exact same as a civilization with unique heavy cav would pay for theirs to be max level. So if you switch, the upgrades should just travel.

More to the point, maybe the Romans and British could be less OP and then people wouldn't all want to switch as much. Also, are there any nation specific buildings? I had not thought this to be the case.


Approved user
Apr 6, 2015
Probably, they can allow a user to build more than 1 nation with the same account. I know there is a game that allow users to do that. However, it isn't pretty. Only one base can be set as the active base, the one that is inactive will have all its upgrade progress paused but will still get attacked. :(

The Great One

Approved user
May 3, 2015
100% agreed. I selected Greeks as well and am regretting it greatly. However, I consider 'nations' to be...I don't know, different difficulty levels? Best nation perks = easier to complete than one with low perks. So I'm not sure, unhappy I chose Greeks but awaiting the challenge.


Approved user
Apr 12, 2015
i have no regrets. i chose france
in late game, i wait 2 seconds for a solider to train, and 2 minutes for a cannon lol
you can keep your crappy TC defenders, 3 range TC shooting and 30 minute reduction on 1 week upgrade timers lmao


Approved user
Apr 27, 2015
Plus i hear in the modern age you get the powerful "FIRE ZE MISSLES!" perk.

That is unless you are "...le tired"


Approved user
Apr 30, 2015
So far the Brits have been great early on. The loot bonus is nice I suppose, though I never notice it because I have nothing to compare it to. but those archers early game make raiding so much easier. most other perks can be gained by other means (ie extra troop health or dmg from research or blessings) but the extra range on perhaps the most ubiquitous troop type is a noticeable advantage early on when u really need it.


Approved user
May 2, 2015
I can see someone would think changing nations would be dumb, but ofcourse those that play a certain nation and have no regrets would think that ehh? I don't hate the greeks or anything but I definitely don't like them as much as I thought I would. I'm a natural defender/builder, focusing more on the scale of my civilization and not so much the raid, raid, raid aspect. I also like the actual strategic parts of raids so Germany/France would have been pretty fun to play imo. However I feel pretty mislead at first went reading the perks/cons of each nation, it just doesn't tell you the amount of detail I require to make a well thought out long-term decision. I honestly feel like every nation should have some sprt of end-game perk or else there will be a surplus those who pick just those nations. Perhaps a way to test each nation would be a better way of knowing for sure, ofcourse that'd would tale a lot more work that most game developers aren't willing to add on spur of the moment's notice. Plus I'm not even sure how to work these perks that the greeks have nor do I know what it even pertains to. Upgrades seem to be the same cost/time as they were are in any other nation (e.g. upgrading a wall to level 3 takes 5,000 gold, the same amount it was before I had chosen a nation) maybe it's that message that says "The so-and-so has awarded you x amount of food/gold for constructing so-and-so" but still, this value is minuscule to the real value of construction and I still don't see how it effects the time to build or upgrade something. If there was a perk that effected the time then surely the amount of time wouldn't be a common number (3 hours 0 minutes) instead it would be 2 hours 45 minutes. Etc. idk, this is the 2nd week into playing this game so the mechanics are still new to me but honestly if you don't notice a difference then obviously there's some buffing that needs to be done to the perks. Just my opinion. Thanks for your comments so far!


Approved user
Apr 7, 2015
I also hope they allow us to switch nations but i really hope they put a very stiff penalty to it. I already only see roman and Japanese bases and can't imagine ever seeing another French or German base again if they allow this. I hope the eventual ability to switch nations comes with a significant buff to the neglected ones.


Approved user
Apr 14, 2015
I chose Greek, but not regret that. I happened to adapt to Greeks play style. Actually the main problem here is, nation perks are not clear for the players in the first place. I thought the decreased build/upgrade times/costs are calculated initially, like 2 hour upgrade on other nations is 1:40 in Greeks. But it wasn't as I expected. Also decreased cost isn't a decreased cost, I have to raid for the same cost with other nations, cost perk is just some tax back. I would like the Greek perks calculated initially, that way Greeks will be more precious.

About Companions, I actually like them. They were really helpful in the early game, I used to send 6 of them in battles. Now I'm in late Medieval Age, a week max to fully upgrade everything and go in to Gunpowder Age, I use only 4 Companions. With all upgrades and researches 4 Companions backed with infantry are enough to bring down catapults easily. I usually send infantry to bring down the Ballista Towers. End of the raid usually all of my Companions get back to the town, I mostly only train lost infantry and get back to raid again in a short time.

Sorry for my bad English as I'm not a native English speaker.


Approved user
May 2, 2015
Your english is understandable Monura! And I do agree the perks need to be a lot clearer. I also adapt to what situation I'm given. I do love the game so far though, it does however need some polishing but so far the game directors are doing a decent job in recognizing issues and fixing them within reasonable time.