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[RESOLVED] Another multiplayer bug

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Approved user
Jan 8, 2015
2 times in a row game crashed, it were 2 total victories with a lot of loot and the half of the army survived. After the crash none loot was received, no records in the battle log however entire army gone.


Approved user
Dec 9, 2014
That sounds like a frustrating bug indeed. Were these two the first such instances that you have experienced with this bug?

I know from a previous post of yours that you're running an Android device. What version of the game are you running? If you are not certain how to determine this, click on the 'two-gear' icon along the centre-right of your game screen. Click the "Customer Service" button, and look for the data that appears after "Build".

The additional information you provide to the answers above should be able to further assist developer Big Huge Games and publisher Nexon M in identifying and resolve the malfunction that you are experiencing.


Approved user
Jan 26, 2015
That sounds like a frustrating bug indeed...

Frustrating? For 3 or 4 days now I've not been able to attack (Nexus5 just hangs on the load screen), at the same time other players appear to be able to attack me with impunity. And the only evidence I get is a steadily reducing medal count (and associated lost resources). And the Defense/Attack log is not working either so I have no idea who attacked me and how they managed to make off with all their ill-gotten loot. That's frustrating!


Approved user
Jan 26, 2015
Yeah this happens all the time for me... I did submit a ticket about a month ago and the response was basically "use wifi"... I always use wifi as this game isn't very light so that advice is superfluous.


Approved user
Dec 9, 2014
Frustrating? For 3 or 4 days now I've not been able to attack (Nexus5 just hangs on the load screen), at the same time other players appear to be able to attack me with impunity. And the only evidence I get is a steadily reducing medal count (and associated lost resources). And the Defense/Attack log is not working either so I have no idea who attacked me and how they managed to make off with all their ill-gotten loot. That's frustrating!
Is this issue still continuing with the latest game update? Since our respective replies above, the version 1.2.38 update was released and I upgraded to it (Build 01-02-038-021).. If you are still experiencing this than to say it is frustrating now, yes, would be an understatement.


Approved user
Jan 26, 2015
No, the issue has disappeared with the update. Looks as if the Nexon team has been able to get on top of it. Good on em. Now back to enjoying the game. It still occasionally crashes in the middle of a multi-player battle, though I suspect the issue is something to do with the increased demand on specific device resources, rather than the coding?
I'm now concerned about learning (from this forum) about the various bugs/exploits/cheats that are apparently available for people to take advantage of. This game has a lot of potential and it would be a shame to see it fail because there is a perception it won't deliver fair gameplay.

Aussie guy

Approved user
Jan 29, 2015
It's also working for me again. I was out for 5 days. Seeing the imbalance in accessing resources has certainly annoyed me. 14 caravans!...that's not on. That will quickly kill this game if Nexon don't deal with it.


Hey, all -- great to hear that the issue was resolved with the most recent game update! Thanks for your patience and letting us know about this so that the game team could put it on their improvement list.
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