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Silo no problem

Angel forever

Approved user
Aug 3, 2016
For those complaining about the silo and using rifles. Here’s how it’s done. Pretty simple heavy units well away from your main event or main army https://youtu.be/ZaRd1E7ER7o watch the replay it’s only 1:43 but the battle itself is only 1:10 fastest time todate on a base over level 220. For those still having issues attacking a silo. Here’s one of two great ways to do this. https://youtu.be/bLyKp9tAdts the next way is simple yet drop 155 rifles all over the map. The silo won’t shoot at you. 1 type of unit is not considered a threat! If u would like to see a replay of that I can most certainly show u! But for now check on those replays
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Angel forever

Approved user
Aug 3, 2016
That’s simple 1 drop medals get into bronze or silver attackbases without silo. 2 add 1-2 ht in your build drop them like u would merc well away from your army. Or 3 take 2-3 sabs and sab it to death or 4 spread your drop all over the map and then drop 2 decoys right on top of each other so it looks like there’s 80,000 health in that area confuses its targeting


Approved user
Sep 18, 2017
Exactly, you just can't compare war and mp attack:
in war: full army, tactics, mercs, all generals, troop cards, full planes, 24 hours to plan 2 attacks very carefully = 5☆
in MP: full army, no generals (you keep them for war), usually not full tactic ( you training them) usually no mercs or weak ones(you keep them for war), no troop cards (you keep them for war) , planes - optionally, and you have 30 seconds to quick scan opponent base = usually no 5☆ (no NTG for war coalitions )
this is high medals scenario, without using crowns for quick training, and you please correct me if i'm wrong?


Approved user
Sep 22, 2016
1) Cold War age comes out, available pool of easy bases gets cut in half at least.
Besides, because of one building now every player who wants to be even somewhat competitive in wars now (coallitions give enormous boosts that you can't ignore in any match that's not a joke mismatch) has to drop their medals to the lowest and hunt silo-less or rushed silo bases? Permanently? And that's somehow a fine game system that doesn't need changing?

2) So, almost 1/3 of your army capacity dedicated to one building, provided that the 2 HT's don't just split and royally mess it up.

3) & 4) Using tactics which take hours to retrain even with tactics blessing, while you have to make a mass of attacks for the NTGs, enough said.

Something needs to change in MP, either tactics training time reduced, silo strength in MP reduced, NTG requirements curtailed, league rewards up to par so you can actually secure enough NTGs for them, something.


Approved user
Mar 24, 2017
The silo is not the end of the game in an all out war attack, and I don't think anyone is disagreeing with that. It is still stupid, because it limits strategic variety - must keep high HP units far away from lower HP units, which is completely against normal army balance rules. But for the most part a well planned attack with full tactic support means it only inflicts 5 or 6 shots on some tank destroyers or generals - 10-15k extra damage on them isn't game changing, and decoys serve as the distractions your soft units don't have with them for mortars and towers.

For multiplayer, it is beyond stupid. You can't use generals, mercenaries and tactics every battle and expect to get more than a few attacks a day in. Goodbye to high level wars 2-3 times a week, which require 54 NTGS each war. Or everyone has to medal drop hard, to find the remaining silo free bases at the bottom. Your counter measure for MP requires AT LEAST 2 tactics per battle - so 1 battle every 90 minutes at best. And that is for a British line attack - with two french tanks in your troop mix, it is easy for those two decoys to stop being the highest HP cluster, so you have to drop more or stop using tanks.

It didn't even change the relative rating of nations much - possibly made British more powerful & French and Greek worse, as tank heavy tends to mix troops together more, and the support troops die. HT mixes are more powerful, so props to players who enjoy that - maybe Romans and German are a bit better now?


Approved user
Apr 7, 2016
LET'S ALL ATTACK THE SAME WAY! Just watch the video above!

I don't think a lot of the people who are expressing concerns about the silo are saying they don't know how to beat it. The problem is it cuts down on attack styles and creates problems in MP, collecting NTGs, lower players attacking it, etc.

It is just TOO MUCH. Meaning one building should not create this many changes, problems, or COMPLAINTS. One f-ing building! (F stands for "flawed." Do not censor me.)
I have been a bit busier lately so haven't been able to read like in the past (I could never read, btw. I just hope for pictures), but has nexon even acknowledged the problem or the potential changes they will make? TinSoldier

I am not annoyed because the silo is hard. I am annoyed because I HATE homogeneity. There was already enough in this game. Why force more?

Btw, homogeneity leads to boredom. Boredom leads to players quitting. Fixing this is in Nexon's interests too.

Angel forever

Approved user
Aug 3, 2016
Does anyone here know you can drop 155 rifles and the silo will not shoot at you? And most likely no. Because you arnt trying to adapt. 2 you all watch that replay and tell me that it can’t be done. And yea that silo is in a ****ty spot but guess what. It don’t matter that silo could have been in the middle. This strat will work at every level. How many more replays do you need to see of me dealing with a silo? Before you all realizes the silo is a waste of oil to upgrade and one of the worst defensive buildings they have added! By the way if u need more replays I will gladly provide
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Angel forever

Approved user
Aug 3, 2016
If u can’t figure it out then you need to improve your skills that’s pretty simple on how to deal with the missile silo heavy tanks can split. It won’t matter problem is your grouping your army to tightly if the silo isn’t shooting at a ht! Also learn how to deploy units. Dropping tanks ht i front of anti tank guns won’t work. Half the people that have a problem in this game don’t have a clue how to drop there units. Then they don’t know the best place to deploy. Watching the several 100 movies would go a very long way in helping you get better!
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Approved user
Sep 18, 2017
So You are giving example atomic 247 lvl attack on global 170 with missile silo and industry age defense , with no tactics?
AA could attack that base with his eyes closed, and still overrun him, literally...


Approved user
Mar 24, 2017
Angel forever so a maxed atomic with 5 strike fighters and a pair of HT MK5s can easily kill a weak global with a missile silo and no real air defenses on it. That is meant to be an argument for why this building is not OP?

Also, you can drop a bunch of rifles without being shot at. As soon as you then use a decoy to keep them from all getting murdered by a mortar, the silo starts firing and doesn't stop until it is dead or all of your troops are. So I guess a sabotage would help, or 2 or 3? But now we are back to two tactic space.

No one is arguing that no silo bases are easy. Or that dropping medals doesn't help find those bases, or even ones without a silo at all.

Angel forever

Approved user
Aug 3, 2016
first your really bright. Who in the heck attacks hard bases in mp! Apparently your not very bright. no you raid easy base for loot and nat trade goods. Man I must be doing something wrong! Hold the phone I will record u a battle of a over 200 guy to prove a point. Nah watch the war replay! If your out there hitting hard bases knock yourself out but you playing the game wrong. You leave those hard bases for war. Seriously who raids tough bases in mp. Apparently just you!

Angel forever

Approved user
Aug 3, 2016
Really so you complain you can’t get nat trade goods and diamond and can’t beat bases without spending or using cards. Well maybe you should try hitting weaker bases. Who hits tough bases in mp. You have lost your mind. I will record you a battle of an over 200 with a better placed silo. Wow just wow. Oh and I never use alliance troops in mp. You guys seriously who hits tough bases in mp. It’s no wonder you can’t gain nat trade goods or anything else lol

Angel forever

Approved user
Aug 3, 2016
Level 192 https://youtu.be/nRO-Zslp8GM some aa defense. Now I lost a ht and my th did something stupid. But to retrain my other lost units was 5:50 now like I said before who attacks hard bases In mp! Personally you guys are going back to saying you don’t know how to attack a silo. Because one min it’s to easy the next it’s war and u went all out. Wel like I said. Your playing the game worng if your attacking the high level bases https://youtu.be/nRO-Zslp8GM so with that being said this is my very last post. You guys that want to attack high end bases go complain else where because it’s possible to attack bases with two ht and rifles without tactics! Once more! WHO ATTACKS HARD BASES IN MP PLEASE WHY!

Angel forever

Approved user
Aug 3, 2016
Level 192 https://youtu.be/nRO-Zslp8GM some aa defense. Now I lost a ht and my th did something stupid. But to retrain my other lost units was 5:50 now like I said before who attacks hard bases In mp! Personally you guys are going back to saying you don’t know how to attack a silo. Because one min it’s to easy the next it’s war and u went all out. Wel like I said. Your playing the game worng if your attacking the high level bases https://youtu.be/nRO-Zslp8GM so with that being said this is my very last post. You guys that want to attack high end bases go complain else where because it’s possible to attack bases with two ht and rifles without tactics! Once more! WHO ATTACKS HARD BASES IN MP PLEASE WHY! Complains the 220+ base was war and I went all out! Complains can’t get diamonds or nat trade goods complains the bases I hit with a silo and used no General not tactics is to easy! Well 192 and yes I lost a few units. But here’s the point why attack hard bases in mp when u can lower your medal count and attack bases with silos with 2 ht. Easy bases in mpso you don’t need to retrain army as much faster battles faster returns. More trade goods more loot less time training. Once again why would u attack hard bases in mp