• DomiNations Back Online
    Late last night DomiNations was brought back online. As of 1/28 11am ET compensation has been sent to all players.

November Survey Results - General Balance Sentiment


BHG Community Manager
Staff member
May 6, 2022
In our last survey, we asked you how you felt the current balance of DomiNations stood. Over the last few months, we had seen the start of a vocal sentiment that Defense felt a bit too strong in our most active community spaces. As such, we thought it best to ask the community at large to help paint the picture.

We approached the survey from two different perspectives: the Multiplayer experience and the competitive World War experience. Like our previous survey released in DomiNations, nearly 30,000 participants participated!

Pie Chart 3.png

For multiplayer, while there is a large group that feels the experience is pretty balanced, the next highest majority feels that we are skewing toward favoring defense more. After examining our internal battle data, we noticed this very small trend of increased difficulty in achieving victories. It’s also worth noting that some players tend to ‘lose on purpose’, for various reasons, whether they’re looking to improve their matchmaking odds or increase the odds of better bases to loot.

This type of play does let us know that it’s much more convenient to purposely lose at certain levels to chase a more fun experience in other parts of the game. We are assessing both the balance of combat as well as the motivations for winning your multiplayer attacks. Our design team is examining ways in which future releases can help increase the sense of balance and reward.


For World War, it is very clear that the majority here believe that Defense is favored. We’re seeing an increase in discussions regarding the difficulty of obtaining a 5-star Victory against Defensive bases.

To get to the crux of the problem, we asked what might be the most difficult to deal with from the perspective of both an Attacker and a Defender. First, let's look at what those who were surveyed felt was the most difficult to deal with while on the Attack.


Defenders from Garrisons, Factories, Command Posts, and even Forest Defenders all swarm against you very quickly. Even when players are utilizing troop compositions considered to be ‘top-tier’ for attackers, those surveyed are still finding defenders challenging to navigate.

Fighters, a very common counter to spawned defenders, face their own challenges due to Towers, Machine Gun Towers, and Anti-Air. For us, we need to be pretty careful here as there is certainly strength in Fighters, but the Anti-Air play is still cause for concern. Missile Silo can be tanked by dropping Generals away from your attacking force, which is something that may be easier to do with the upcoming Detachments feature. This isn’t to dismiss the feeling that Missile Silo is difficult to deal with, the resources in Troops to combat it can be a high price and very easily distract from attaining a 5-star victory.


By comparison, the Defenders who were surveyed believed Airstrip units were the most difficult to defend against, followed by Factory and Barracks Units and then Generals. We’ve been evaluating our internal Battle data to discover where we might make adjustments to various units.

Prior to this survey, we’d already set in motion plans to improve the battle experience from the offensive end. Namely, the aforementioned Detachments feature is currently slated for early spring. This new feature will allow you to have more control over your attacks. We’re also re-evaluating Councilor Bonuses, some of which you have now with a higher focus on offensive stats or a single set of benefits for both multiplayer and World War. There are even new Legendary Artifacts in the works that give improvements to Offense for both Main and War Hall.

Here’s what you can expect from us in the near future:
  • Tournament of Glory Releases with Update 12.14, helping to make a more competitive World War experience. Currently slated for release in January!
    • This includes our first wave of Replay improvements
  • Detachments will give players even more control over their armies. Keeping a group of units focused on a target while another group distracts the Defenders is but one simple example of this feature. More information will be coming soon, with a release currently planned for March.
  • Evaluating unit balance with the intent to give usability across more compositions, and allowing underutilized Troops to scale alongside more popular Troops.

Our next survey will focus on the Unit updates that we released in 12.13 and will be your opportunity to share your thoughts on whether this moved the needle in your WW/Multiplayer strategies.


Active member
Apr 19, 2023
Glad some things will be done to help Srikers. It’s over due imo. But, I don’t think just having detachments will be enough . I would think maybe some more library research to help attackers would be good or increasing army size, as this hasnt changed since Space age .

Dhruv patel

Approved user
Aug 27, 2017
the stronghold troop tactics in defence must go. compensate making the gold dome an 8 ranged cannon or tower (damage equal to lowest level present configure for prefrence), spawn unique troop on defense (command post determined) and rubble on death.

for offense: do a factory buff like tou did for barracks and maybe add a 4th barracks.

gatling guns: troop space to 2 range of 4 and multiplier from 6x to 8x

bazooka: troop space 3 and +1 to their multipliers

heavy tanks: after research space ahould be 20 and make gatling gun death from 2 to 3

tactical helis, armored cars and mrl: have 1 less troop space.

and i hope you revisit having more roads


Active member
Apr 19, 2023
Beat thing to do is keep it simple and introduce one thing at a time to help O out and see how each stage goes . At some point O and D will be in balance again. Personally I think the easiest thing is a library book or two that increases troop space and aircraft space and gives a little boost to each one. No need to make this overly complicated


Active member
Nov 27, 2022
I thank the dev team from the bottom of my heart for this. It's good to hear that you're listening to what we're saying here.
Mar 15, 2024
There should be a separate server for full blown whiners like SirBigGun and Odin where defense is completely nullified non existent so they can fell good about themselves and where they can finally 5 star bases from Momineen ares , munks ,tea and tactical wizards with 2 wall sappers from the dock and 2 artillery from the vip . That’s the sole purpose behind their constant moaning and trying to turn defense into an even bigger joke than it is now they want to be able to 5 star top 10 defensive bases on the game without spending without using stallions , bhm’s , fortified strongholds and b17 hangars like the rest of the top players that support this app , and that clearly have vastly better skills than them . With that being said , maybe you should disclosure if any of the players that submitted their feedback is from any of the top 10 alliances . Offence still is op and still vastly overwhelms defence . Any tier 1 hitter from tea, ares , munks , tactical wizards with 195 to 201 edst obliterates any top defensive museum on the game, including the level 508 hacked cheaters museums of xteam in 1.58 to 2.15 with that set up and with stallions and artillery . There’s no countering that as a defender since you have to commit so much to countering edst and that forces you to lower all defensive towers damage and hp , leaving you exposed to fighters and bombers . Tier 1 hitters from the top 10 again with the bombers set up with 169 bombers hp and 100 percent bombers damage go through all top defensive bases usually in 2 minutes to. 2.30 . Even if defenders have a full anti bombers museum with minus 60 bombers hp and damage debuffs . Lastly tier 1 hitters again with the fighters set up with 160 fighter damage and 100 120 damage also go through all top defensive bases usually in 2.20 to 2.45 effortlessly. Even with 3 premium defensive buildings and a fully loaded sh with 4 Ike’s or 2 Ike’s and 2 flammable tanks . Maybe ask some of the top 10 players to share some of their YouTube channels replays here so you can see all of them top defenders getting demolished day in day out regardless of what war lay out , coalitions and museum stats they use . I have said it a billion times before but you guys are clearly deaf or truly unable to take into consideration any feedback from any top player on this app seriously . If you truly want to improve defense , then nerf recon . That 267 percent damage increase to all buildings and walls or whatever the exact percentage is is simply way too high and turns every single building into a paper building . I can do 159 adtd , 107 dst, 195 hp , plus a full manufacture, and full legendary council, and my air defences still die from 3 demolition with recon and a single pass of fighters or bombers. Hence why most top hitters use a recon or two with any of those top 3 set ups I mentioned above . Furthermore they absorb a lot of the damage from Sam’s and cgis , and paratroopers remain alive forever . So again , in my opinion if you really want to make it balanced , and give defenders , the folks who have to spend months and years working on their bases exhaustively to try and defend against 4 5 different attacking styles by some kind of miracle a genuine chance , nerf recon . Paratroopers as well still ate so broken and op . Any senior hitter that knows how to play will not drop a single paratroopers inside a base or close to an air defence or tower, but rather deploy nearby and literally walk to whatever building and destroy it eventually . You can effortlessly easily kill 50 percent of a base with just 3 paratroopers they literally walk up to every single building without triggering any defenders or defense . If you want to make it more fair and actually challenging , then make it so that bunkers , tank depots and garrisons , spawning buildings get triggered by paratroopers both on the ground and in air . Make it a fair trade so that it’s actually skill based where it’s a trade off we might lose some bunkers or tank depots but in the process we get some wages of defenders triggered on the map and the offence guy might lose a paratrooper airplane or two in the process . The way it is right now , they simply walk over and destroy everything effortlessly. They are able to destroy the town center , the silo , bunkers etc key buildings in defence too easily without any consequence for the offence player . You could also increase the range of the instant spawning traps of the flares, since they have such a limited range , usually troops kill the bunker or tank depot nearby before the trap gets triggered , and only from a specific side , since the trap doesn’t cover the spawning building that’s supposed to be covering completely . You could make it bigger a bigger circle so it actually covers whatever building you place it on from all directions and not just one or two .


Active member
Oct 17, 2022
I ain't reading all that, but clearly someone's butt hurt..
Coz you clearly missed the point... Let's take base game to base game comparison

Can a 3D with 0 offensive buffs take down a 3O with 0 defense buffs? Earlier yes, but pretty much once attackers started maxing out D munitions as well thats not the case anymore.. the only way a defender can take down a 3O is if they use premiums...
Base game should always be O favouring, whereas Museum/council/yada yada all the additional stuff on top of the base game should be where people specialise D or O..

There was a good balance for a while before manufactory was a thing, defenders were getting their defends with clever base layouts, attackers were getting their hits without needing to sell of their organs just to make 2 tier1 hits..

The problem is with manufactory they made the base game favour defense which has made all the difference and is the reason why people keep complaining on D being OP
Last edited:
Mar 15, 2024
I ain't reading all that, but clearly someone's butt hurt..
Coz you clearly missed the point... Let's take base game to base game comparison

Can a 3D with 0 offensive buffs take down a 3O with 0 defense buffs? Earlier yes, but pretty much once attackers started maxing out D munitions as well thats not the case anymore.. the only way a defender can take down a 3O is if they use premiums...
Base game should always be O favouring, whereas Museum/council/yada yada all the additional stuff on top of the base game should be where people specialise D or O..

There was a good balance for a while before manufactory was a thing, defenders were getting their defends with clever base layouts, attackers were getting their hits without needing to sell of their organs just to make 2 tier1 hits..

The problem is with manufactory they made the base game favour defense which has made all the difference and is the reason why people keep complaining on D being OP
And I ain’t reading your 2 sentences zero substance no effort generic 20 words retort troll bait with emphasis on butt hurt make a conscious effort if you want anyone’s attention as it stands you babbled blurted out 20 random words without making any points or bringing up anything to the discussion. Try again plz . Ps maybe I should have a ps on my reply about asking for feedback from top 10 players only lol . You sound like every other Garbo off head scrub in here crying about defence regurgitating the same sh over and over again lol.
Last edited:

King Crimson

Approved user
Apr 21, 2016
There should be a separate server for full blown whiners like SirBigGun and Odin where defense is completely nullified non existent so they can fell good about themselves and where they can finally 5 star bases from Momineen ares , munks ,tea and tactical wizards with 2 wall sappers from the dock and 2 artillery from the vip . That’s the sole purpose behind their constant moaning and trying to turn defense into an even bigger joke than it is now they want to be able to 5 star top 10 defensive bases on the game without spending without using stallions , bhm’s , fortified strongholds and b17 hangars like the rest of the top players that support this app , and that clearly have vastly better skills than them . With that being said , maybe you should disclosure if any of the players that submitted their feedback is from any of the top 10 alliances . Offence still is op and still vastly overwhelms defence . Any tier 1 hitter from tea, ares , munks , tactical wizards with 195 to 201 edst obliterates any top defensive museum on the game, including the level 508 hacked cheaters museums of xteam in 1.58 to 2.15 with that set up and with stallions and artillery . There’s no countering that as a defender since you have to commit so much to countering edst and that forces you to lower all defensive towers damage and hp , leaving you exposed to fighters and bombers . Tier 1 hitters from the top 10 again with the bombers set up with 169 bombers hp and 100 percent bombers damage go through all top defensive bases usually in 2 minutes to. 2.30 . Even if defenders have a full anti bombers museum with minus 60 bombers hp and damage debuffs . Lastly tier 1 hitters again with the fighters set up with 160 fighter damage and 100 120 damage also go through all top defensive bases usually in 2.20 to 2.45 effortlessly. Even with 3 premium defensive buildings and a fully loaded sh with 4 Ike’s or 2 Ike’s and 2 flammable tanks . Maybe ask some of the top 10 players to share some of their YouTube channels replays here so you can see all of them top defenders getting demolished day in day out regardless of what war lay out , coalitions and museum stats they use . I have said it a billion times before but you guys are clearly deaf or truly unable to take into consideration any feedback from any top player on this app seriously . If you truly want to improve defense , then nerf recon . That 267 percent damage increase to all buildings and walls or whatever the exact percentage is is simply way too high and turns every single building into a paper building . I can do 159 adtd , 107 dst, 195 hp , plus a full manufacture, and full legendary council, and my air defences still die from 3 demolition with recon and a single pass of fighters or bombers. Hence why most top hitters use a recon or two with any of those top 3 set ups I mentioned above . Furthermore they absorb a lot of the damage from Sam’s and cgis , and paratroopers remain alive forever . So again , in my opinion if you really want to make it balanced , and give defenders , the folks who have to spend months and years working on their bases exhaustively to try and defend against 4 5 different attacking styles by some kind of miracle a genuine chance , nerf recon . Paratroopers as well still ate so broken and op . Any senior hitter that knows how to play will not drop a single paratroopers inside a base or close to an air defence or tower, but rather deploy nearby and literally walk to whatever building and destroy it eventually . You can effortlessly easily kill 50 percent of a base with just 3 paratroopers they literally walk up to every single building without triggering any defenders or defense . If you want to make it more fair and actually challenging , then make it so that bunkers , tank depots and garrisons , spawning buildings get triggered by paratroopers both on the ground and in air . Make it a fair trade so that it’s actually skill based where it’s a trade off we might lose some bunkers or tank depots but in the process we get some wages of defenders triggered on the map and the offence guy might lose a paratrooper airplane or two in the process . The way it is right now , they simply walk over and destroy everything effortlessly. They are able to destroy the town center , the silo , bunkers etc key buildings in defence too easily without any consequence for the offence player . You could also increase the range of the instant spawning traps of the flares, since they have such a limited range , usually troops kill the bunker or tank depot nearby before the trap gets triggered , and only from a specific side , since the trap doesn’t cover the spawning building that’s supposed to be covering completely . You could make it bigger a bigger circle so it actually covers whatever building you place it on from all directions and not just one or two .
Boo hoo. It's an attacking game - it's supposed to favour O.


Active member
Nov 27, 2022
There should be a separate server for full blown whiners like SirBigGun and Odin where defense is completely nullified non existent so they can fell good about themselves and where they can finally 5 star bases from Momineen ares , munks ,tea and tactical wizards with 2 wall sappers from the dock and 2 artillery from the vip . That’s the sole purpose behind their constant moaning and trying to turn defense into an even bigger joke than it is now they want to be able to 5 star top 10 defensive bases on the game without spending without using stallions , bhm’s , fortified strongholds and b17 hangars like the rest of the top players that support this app , and that clearly have vastly better skills than them . With that being said , maybe you should disclosure if any of the players that submitted their feedback is from any of the top 10 alliances . Offence still is op and still vastly overwhelms defence . Any tier 1 hitter from tea, ares , munks , tactical wizards with 195 to 201 edst obliterates any top defensive museum on the game, including the level 508 hacked cheaters museums of xteam in 1.58 to 2.15 with that set up and with stallions and artillery . There’s no countering that as a defender since you have to commit so much to countering edst and that forces you to lower all defensive towers damage and hp , leaving you exposed to fighters and bombers . Tier 1 hitters from the top 10 again with the bombers set up with 169 bombers hp and 100 percent bombers damage go through all top defensive bases usually in 2 minutes to. 2.30 . Even if defenders have a full anti bombers museum with minus 60 bombers hp and damage debuffs . Lastly tier 1 hitters again with the fighters set up with 160 fighter damage and 100 120 damage also go through all top defensive bases usually in 2.20 to 2.45 effortlessly. Even with 3 premium defensive buildings and a fully loaded sh with 4 Ike’s or 2 Ike’s and 2 flammable tanks . Maybe ask some of the top 10 players to share some of their YouTube channels replays here so you can see all of them top defenders getting demolished day in day out regardless of what war lay out , coalitions and museum stats they use . I have said it a billion times before but you guys are clearly deaf or truly unable to take into consideration any feedback from any top player on this app seriously . If you truly want to improve defense , then nerf recon . That 267 percent damage increase to all buildings and walls or whatever the exact percentage is is simply way too high and turns every single building into a paper building . I can do 159 adtd , 107 dst, 195 hp , plus a full manufacture, and full legendary council, and my air defences still die from 3 demolition with recon and a single pass of fighters or bombers. Hence why most top hitters use a recon or two with any of those top 3 set ups I mentioned above . Furthermore they absorb a lot of the damage from Sam’s and cgis , and paratroopers remain alive forever . So again , in my opinion if you really want to make it balanced , and give defenders , the folks who have to spend months and years working on their bases exhaustively to try and defend against 4 5 different attacking styles by some kind of miracle a genuine chance , nerf recon . Paratroopers as well still ate so broken and op . Any senior hitter that knows how to play will not drop a single paratroopers inside a base or close to an air defence or tower, but rather deploy nearby and literally walk to whatever building and destroy it eventually . You can effortlessly easily kill 50 percent of a base with just 3 paratroopers they literally walk up to every single building without triggering any defenders or defense . If you want to make it more fair and actually challenging , then make it so that bunkers , tank depots and garrisons , spawning buildings get triggered by paratroopers both on the ground and in air . Make it a fair trade so that it’s actually skill based where it’s a trade off we might lose some bunkers or tank depots but in the process we get some wages of defenders triggered on the map and the offence guy might lose a paratrooper airplane or two in the process . The way it is right now , they simply walk over and destroy everything effortlessly. They are able to destroy the town center , the silo , bunkers etc key buildings in defence too easily without any consequence for the offence player . You could also increase the range of the instant spawning traps of the flares, since they have such a limited range , usually troops kill the bunker or tank depot nearby before the trap gets triggered , and only from a specific side , since the trap doesn’t cover the spawning building that’s supposed to be covering completely . You could make it bigger a bigger circle so it actually covers whatever building you place it on from all directions and not just one or two .
I started reading but now my eyes hurt. If you want people to read .....that thing, break it up into paragraphs. Seriously.


New member
Oct 17, 2024
the stronghold troop tactics in defence must go. compensate making the gold dome an 8 ranged cannon or tower (damage equal to lowest level present configure for prefrence), spawn unique troop on defense (command post determined) and rubble on death.

for offense: do a factory buff like tou did for barracks and maybe add a 4th barracks.

gatling guns: troop space to 2 range of 4 and multiplier from 6x to 8x

bazooka: troop space 3 and +1 to their multipliers

heavy tanks: after research space ahould be 20 and make gatling gun death from 2 to 3

tactical helis, armored cars and mrl: have 1 less troop space.

and i hope you revisit having more roads
In our last survey, we asked you how you felt the current balance of DomiNations stood. Over the last few months, we had seen the start of a vocal sentiment that Defense felt a bit too strong in our most active community spaces. As such, we thought it best to ask the community at large to help paint the picture.

We approached the survey from two different perspectives: the Multiplayer experience and the competitive World War experience. Like our previous survey released in DomiNations, nearly 30,000 participants participated!

For multiplayer, while there is a large group that feels the experience is pretty balanced, the next highest majority feels that we are skewing toward favoring defense more. After examining our internal battle data, we noticed this very small trend of increased difficulty in achieving victories. It’s also worth noting that some players tend to ‘lose on purpose’, for various reasons, whether they’re looking to improve their matchmaking odds or increase the odds of better bases to loot.

This type of play does let us know that it’s much more convenient to purposely lose at certain levels to chase a more fun experience in other parts of the game. We are assessing both the balance of combat as well as the motivations for winning your multiplayer attacks. Our design team is examining ways in which future releases can help increase the sense of balance and reward.

For World War, it is very clear that the majority here believe that Defense is favored. We’re seeing an increase in discussions regarding the difficulty of obtaining a 5-star Victory against Defensive bases.

To get to the crux of the problem, we asked what might be the most difficult to deal with from the perspective of both an Attacker and a Defender. First, let's look at what those who were surveyed felt was the most difficult to deal with while on the Attack.

Defenders from Garrisons, Factories, Command Posts, and even Forest Defenders all swarm against you very quickly. Even when players are utilizing troop compositions considered to be ‘top-tier’ for attackers, those surveyed are still finding defenders challenging to navigate.

Fighters, a very common counter to spawned defenders, face their own challenges due to Towers, Machine Gun Towers, and Anti-Air. For us, we need to be pretty careful here as there is certainly strength in Fighters, but the Anti-Air play is still cause for concern. Missile Silo can be tanked by dropping Generals away from your attacking force, which is something that may be easier to do with the upcoming Detachments feature. This isn’t to dismiss the feeling that Missile Silo is difficult to deal with, the resources in Troops to combat it can be a high price and very easily distract from attaining a 5-star victory.

By comparison, the Defenders who were surveyed believed Airstrip units were the most difficult to defend against, followed by Factory and Barracks Units and then Generals. We’ve been evaluating our internal Battle data to discover where we might make adjustments to various units.

Prior to this survey, we’d already set in motion plans to improve the battle experience from the offensive end. Namely, the aforementioned Detachments feature is currently slated for early spring. This new feature will allow you to have more control over your attacks. We’re also re-evaluating Councilor Bonuses, some of which you have now with a higher focus on offensive stats or a single set of benefits for both multiplayer and World War. There are even new Legendary Artifacts in the works that give improvements to Offense for both Main and War Hall.

Here’s what you can expect from us in the near future:
  • Tournament of Glory Releases with Update 12.14, helping to make a more competitive World War experience. Currently slated for release in January!
    • This includes our first wave of Replay improvements
  • Detachments will give players even more control over their armies. Keeping a group of units focused on a target while another group distracts the Defenders is but one simple example of this feature. More information will be coming soon, with a release currently planned for March.
  • Evaluating unit balance with the intent to give usability across more compositions, and allowing underutilized Troops to scale alongside more popular Troops.

Our next survey will focus on the Unit updates that we released in 12.13 and will be your opportunity to share your thoughts on whether this moved the needle in your WW/Multiplayer strategies.

lemon juice

New member
Dec 20, 2024
Hello, the current defense system is very challenging for players, largely due to the imbalance between manufacturing plants and offensive forces.
The protective generators of the manufacturing plants have created overly powerful guards. Apart from mortars and fighter jets, no one can eliminate them. This greatly limits player creativity, forcing us all to play with mortars – mortars are overpowered.
I hope the summoning time for guards can be adjusted. Players with artifacts that reduce guard resurrection time by 150% will continuously generate protected guards.
Additionally, the stats of infiltrators, heavy tanks, sniper infantry, helicopters, machine guns, MLRs, and assault vehicles are too low to form a dominant offensive tactic that targets specific enemy defense vulnerabilities. They need to be strengthened to have destructive power like mortars and paratroopers.
Thank you.


Approved user
May 17, 2018
There should be a separate server for full blown whiners like SirBigGun and Odin where defense is completely nullified non existent so they can fell good about themselves and where they can finally 5 .

I play two top auto age accounts (O + D) and thus I have a balanced view of how this game works in contrast to you. I care not of your opinion nor will I read your worthless contribution aka wall of text to this chat.

Btw, you do sound like abeastondef, an outcast from this game that nobody wants in their alliance. Keep digging your own grave.

lemon juice

New member
Dec 20, 2024
希望可以调整护卫召唤时间。拥有将护卫复活时间减少150% 的神器的玩家会不断生成受保护的护卫。

希望可以调整护卫召唤时间。拥有将护卫复活时间减少150% 的神器的玩家会不断生成受保护的护卫。

爆破 (拆除) 战术和齐射 (同时开火) 战术现在非常无效;它们不能对防御者造成重大损害。联盟为这些战术提供的好处远小于防御者的好处。

lemon juice

New member
Dec 20, 2024
防御中的要塞部队战术必须走。补偿使gold dome成为8级加农炮或塔 (伤害等于当前配置的最低水平),产生独特的防御部队 (确定指挥所) 和死亡瓦砾。

进攻: 像tou一样为军营做工厂buff,也许增加第4军营。

加特林枪支: 部队空间到2个范围4,倍增器从6x到8x

火箭筒: 部队空间3和1的乘数

重型坦克: 研究后的空间应该是20,使加特林枪死亡从2到3

战术直升机,装甲车和mrl: 减少1个部队空间。

防御中的要塞部队战术必须走。补偿使gold dome成为8级加农炮或塔 (伤害等于当前配置的最低水平),产生独特的防御部队 (确定指挥所) 和死亡瓦砾。

进攻: 像tou一样为军营做工厂buff,也许增加第4军营。

加特林枪支: 部队空间到2个范围4,倍增器从6x到8x

火箭筒: 部队空间3和1的乘数

重型坦克: 研究后的空间应该是20,使加特林枪死亡从2到3

战术直升机,装甲车和mrl: 减少1个部队空间。

the stronghold troop tactics in defence must go. compensate making the gold dome an 8 ranged cannon or tower (damage equal to lowest level present configure for prefrence), spawn unique troop on defense (command post determined) and rubble on death.

for offense: do a factory buff like tou did for barracks and maybe add a 4th barracks.

gatling guns: troop space to 2 range of 4 and multiplier from 6x to 8x

bazooka: troop space 3 and +1 to their multipliers

heavy tanks: after research space ahould be 20 and make gatling gun death from 2 to 3

tactical helis, armored cars and mrl: have 1 less troop space.

and i hope you revisit having more roads
Your idea is very good, I quite like your insights.
However, I don't think this is enough to completely boost the status of these military units, because their mechanisms are still quite poor.
I wish the range of helicopters could be increased; heavy tanks should not be overly slowed down by debris (with a minimum movement speed, such as 50%, they now occupy so many positions but are tightly trapped by barbed wire); the attack range of machine guns often leads to them being wiped out before they can even fire; the explosion radius of rocket launchers is not high enough to completely clear a tank unit with a single missile.
Some improvements in the roots are necessary, in my view.


Approved user
May 17, 2018
By comparison, the Defenders who were surveyed believed Airstrip units were the most difficult to defend against, followed by Factory and Barracks Units and then Generals. We’ve been evaluating our internal Battle data to discover where we might make adjustments to various units.

@Harlems369th , It's good that you share the poll results. They can be somewhat helpful indeed but let me add that the 30k votes are not representative nor should they be the deciding factor to stear the game towards one course or the other.

1. you do not know the age of those that voted
2. you do not know if they do play WW in the first place, so how can they possibly be trustworthy?
3. you do not know if they attack defensive bases with a dedicated museum/council/manufactory setup. This is very important!

The vast majority of players have absolutely no idea what it means to attack a D base with 3D set and a max museum and how hard it has become the past few months. In fact they have never done it. So, how can you possibly rely on those results? They are not correct nor do they show the real problems behind the current metagame.

And to prove my point....
By comparison, the Defenders who were surveyed believed Airstrip units were the most difficult to defend against, followed by Factory

Factory units are 2nd in this poll... But the only players that still play with factory troops as their main composition are those that never adapted the last 2.5 years and after the big Rebalance of Barracks units. They are casual players that play in a more relaxed way. The more experienced and WW oriented players know that almost all factory troops are worthless now when we are talking about info+ age battles. So, are you gonna listen to their opinion that Factory troops are more of a threat then barracks? This doesn't make sense nor is it correct to do so.

And there is another point that you have to consider. The age of each player is very indicative of how he sees the game. I have a rushed account in Digital age (soon to be info) and the difference is massive in attacking other bases. For example, commandos still work, helicopters are not such a bad choice either. Lego though still rule the day as I can five star as a digital striker almost any auto age base up to 430 level. Now, just think.... how many players that voted and are below info age, do know about the term Lego and how you can use it effectively? I will provide the answer since I have been in many lower ranked alliances lately: Very few players.

All I'm saying is take the poll results with a grain of salt. In my opinion, the game truly needed Defense to become stronger but we have gone to the other extreme where it is too hard to even take 3-4 stars. Not to mention that Defenders themselves are completely useless offensively in wars. We simply cannot take any stars anymore. This leads to boredom and zero rubies. Manufactory has transformed even Offensive bases in mini Defensive bases.

On a happy note, I can't wait to see the Detachment and the new Tournament glory system as well as the fixed replays.


Sep 1, 2023
There should be a separate server for full blown whiners like SirBigGun and Odin where defense is completely nullified non existent so they can fell good about themselves and where they can finally 5 star bases from Momineen ares , munks ,tea and tactical wizards with 2 wall sappers from the dock and 2 artillery from the vip . That’s the sole purpose behind their constant moaning and trying to turn defense into an even bigger joke than it is now they want to be able to 5 star top 10 defensive bases on the game without spending without using stallions , bhm’s , fortified strongholds and b17 hangars like the rest of the top players that support this app , and that clearly have vastly better skills than them . With that being said , maybe you should disclosure if any of the players that submitted their feedback is from any of the top 10 alliances . Offence still is op and still vastly overwhelms defence . Any tier 1 hitter from tea, ares , munks , tactical wizards with 195 to 201 edst obliterates any top defensive museum on the game, including the level 508 hacked cheaters museums of xteam in 1.58 to 2.15 with that set up and with stallions and artillery . There’s no countering that as a defender since you have to commit so much to countering edst and that forces you to lower all defensive towers damage and hp , leaving you exposed to fighters and bombers . Tier 1 hitters from the top 10 again with the bombers set up with 169 bombers hp and 100 percent bombers damage go through all top defensive bases usually in 2 minutes to. 2.30 . Even if defenders have a full anti bombers museum with minus 60 bombers hp and damage debuffs . Lastly tier 1 hitters again with the fighters set up with 160 fighter damage and 100 120 damage also go through all top defensive bases usually in 2.20 to 2.45 effortlessly. Even with 3 premium defensive buildings and a fully loaded sh with 4 Ike’s or 2 Ike’s and 2 flammable tanks . Maybe ask some of the top 10 players to share some of their YouTube channels replays here so you can see all of them top defenders getting demolished day in day out regardless of what war lay out , coalitions and museum stats they use . I have said it a billion times before but you guys are clearly deaf or truly unable to take into consideration any feedback from any top player on this app seriously . If you truly want to improve defense , then nerf recon . That 267 percent damage increase to all buildings and walls or whatever the exact percentage is is simply way too high and turns every single building into a paper building . I can do 159 adtd , 107 dst, 195 hp , plus a full manufacture, and full legendary council, and my air defences still die from 3 demolition with recon and a single pass of fighters or bombers. Hence why most top hitters use a recon or two with any of those top 3 set ups I mentioned above . Furthermore they absorb a lot of the damage from Sam’s and cgis , and paratroopers remain alive forever . So again , in my opinion if you really want to make it balanced , and give defenders , the folks who have to spend months and years working on their bases exhaustively to try and defend against 4 5 different attacking styles by some kind of miracle a genuine chance , nerf recon . Paratroopers as well still ate so broken and op . Any senior hitter that knows how to play will not drop a single paratroopers inside a base or close to an air defence or tower, but rather deploy nearby and literally walk to whatever building and destroy it eventually . You can effortlessly easily kill 50 percent of a base with just 3 paratroopers they literally walk up to every single building without triggering any defenders or defense . If you want to make it more fair and actually challenging , then make it so that bunkers , tank depots and garrisons , spawning buildings get triggered by paratroopers both on the ground and in air . Make it a fair trade so that it’s actually skill based where it’s a trade off we might lose some bunkers or tank depots but in the process we get some wages of defenders triggered on the map and the offence guy might lose a paratrooper airplane or two in the process . The way it is right now , they simply walk over and destroy everything effortlessly. They are able to destroy the town center , the silo , bunkers etc key buildings in defence too easily without any consequence for the offence player . You could also increase the range of the instant spawning traps of the flares, since they have such a limited range , usually troops kill the bunker or tank depot nearby before the trap gets triggered , and only from a specific side , since the trap doesn’t cover the spawning building that’s supposed to be covering completely . You could make it bigger a bigger circle so it actually covers whatever building you place it on from all directions and not just one or two .
Hey beast
Recon already rerfed ( 2 weeks ago)

Reduced scan range and reduced scan duration.

That's a pain especially for air attacks.

I agree, recon was for YEARS the reason of any imbalance between offense and Def.

But I think is not anymore.
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Approved user
Oct 13, 2017
Where they should start and what they indicated they are going to do is boost the ineffective troops so there are more options beyond lego. I would like to see engineers get 2 demo packs so they can actually take down a wall if they live long enough. Give them the the range of heavy infantry and not an axe for after charges planted. Yada yada.

Do not in any regards boost the Lego troop combos. Make other troops relevant again.


Well-known member
Dec 15, 2020
A huge number of attack players simply do not know how to attack, and that is why they complain that the defense is too strong. Instead of weakening the defense, we need to teach players how to play. Provide more information about in-game mechanics, combat strategies, and proper analysis of the opponent. They just want to land their troops and watch them destroy everything. But victory must be earned!


New member
May 22, 2024
Au final, ce que je trouve le plus pénible dans les guerres, ce sont les triches évidentes qui sont encore bien trop fréquentes.

Le point d'équilibre attaque / défense...bon, mais si les règles sont les mêmes pour tout le monde, on adapte la stratégie d'alliance.

Mais quand on matche une équipe à plus de 25 000 points de gloire, on attend de voir leurs premières attaques.
Quant on voit un joueur moyen avec un musé moyen raser de grosses bases 3D en moins de 2 minutes, on laisse tomber la guerre et on passe à la suivante. .... c'est ca le principal problème je trouve.