• DomiNations Back Online
    Late last night DomiNations was brought back online. As of 1/28 11am ET compensation has been sent to all players.

November Survey Results - General Balance Sentiment


Approved user
May 17, 2018
As a longtime T1 attacker in some of the top alliances, it won’t bother me if you guys continue to strength the D side. Instead I'd like to see the defense in WW strengthened even further to further avoid time wars. I’ve had enough of the endless boring time wars of the past.
Nobody wants the return of time wars indeed. But how many have you encountered the past months? we have none!
Mar 15, 2024
Hey beast
Recon already rerfed ( 2 weeks ago)

Reduced scan range and reduced scan duration.

That's a pain especially for air attacks.

I agree, recon was for YEARS the reason of any imbalance between offense and Def.

But I think is not anymore.
I stand by what I said . Specially regarding recon, paratroopers and how all top 3 current metas army compositions museums still obliterate all top defensive museums in the game in 1.56 to 2.30. Just watched you all’s ex teammate Corey get smashed in 2.20 lol. I still get smashed more often than not by them tier 1 hitters from the top 20 and I have a level 454 museum . But forget about me even the absolutely hacked museums of xteam with 5 perfect equipments with 5 lines of 15 percent percentages with museums ratings of 508, the highest there is on the game , get smashed as well in 2.15 which is beyond ridiculous. My air defences with 193 adthp , plus a full manufacture and fully legendary council still get blown up with 3 demolition and recon and a single pass of fighters or bombers . I would like to see defenders lasting at least 2.45 2.50 close to 3 minutes that would indicate there is at least a small chance of actually pullling a defence . As it stands 90 percent of the time all of us get blown up in 2 to 2.15 within 2 hits 90 percent of the time . I could spend 3 years tweaking that Starkstone base everyone up top is using to make it truly different unique work the trap placement exhaustively and it will still get blown up in 2.15 2.30 regardless because defence still is crap . Recently I even got 3 starred by a chump with a non top 100 museum with not even 90 edst and 48 mortar hp on account of him snipping my tc easily with 3 paras. And keep in mind I put up a museum and debuffs that turned his museum stats into zero . Imagine that a freaking not even top 100 museum getting 3 stars on a top 10 museum that goes to show paras still are so broken and off still overwhelms defence so much . So yeah I stand by what I said .

King Crimson

Approved user
Apr 21, 2016
No one wants your b a either . And your sh stinks like everyone else’s which is why you and the Fatal girls disbanded . It’s also why you can’t retain anyone for sh including any newcomers or travellers. It’s also the reason why Corey dumped your b a . A lot could be said about your w…. Hore back stabbing pos little group as well and all the sh… your precious teammates the bunker, stix and sroth talked about me when I went to tea cause that’s how you all operate you are all human garbage of the highest order. Call things for their name I simply do not put up with any of you c. I do have that on video I just don’t bother uploading . Whatever crap you could possibly spout glides off my sack my results everywhere I have been including ares speak for themselves and my ability to defend and customize bases no one can including ares bases still is unmatched. Put that on your pipe and smoke it, when you and your entire team are not choking hard on deez n . I could upload about 20 gigs of me dismantling your entire team day in day out of your entire team choking on me from Momineen I got about 2 years worth of uploads I haven’t uploaded yet. You are on my sh list c it was unfortunate that I did not find you with the Chinese team but mark my words I will stick it up good to you for sure eventually that’s a promise. I could play ball play nice or apologize and go play up top on a ton of places but again I don’t put up with any of you all incels up top . Oh and your sad idiotic a can’t hit for sh nor kill any actual top defender that knows his stuff who can match your museum . Hence why you are here with your pack of whiners scrubs 24/7 crying about defence like it’s a full time job . You were 26 to 40 glory boring fests every single time I matched you with Momineen practice punching bags lol and you are all so trash that most of the time it took several wars to be able to test traps placement from all sides since you idiots needed months and about a dozen tries on every single base of us before casually getting a 4 stars lol . Your opinion to me is as valid as relevant as the opinion of a turd . Kindly F off .
If you can't handle opposing viewpoints, maybe a public forum isn't for you? :unsure:
Despite your comments to the contrary, your opinions are just as biased as others. Try keeping an open mind...


Nov 30, 2023
Yeah defense is at it's best since ages but it should be like this, 4 stars should be normal nd 5 star should be earned , it should be hard. People already have bonus of 30% quick victory stars etc. most of people aren't good attackers anyways , all they want is to deploy troops somewhere nd get the business done. Why would a base should be 5 stared, defenders toil nd crafts thousands to get a good artifact nd upgrade everything just to get destroyed everytime. A defender finds happiness even when he defends one star for team . I'm all in for offense upgrade nd buffs for that but that should be diversifying the troops making factory troops good again nd other barrack troops not just Lego nd helis. Still there are rarely few bases who defends and those are top tier defender. In every war there will be 1-2 people who defend some stars nd it should be so.

If defense is being nerfed so will be legos.


Well-known member
Mar 28, 2022
As a longtime T1 attacker in some of the top alliances, it won’t bother me if you guys continue to strength the D side. Instead I'd like to see the defense in WW strengthened even further to further avoid time wars. I’ve had enough of the endless boring time wars of the past.
Dear Agnidox, you are using my photo for your avatar without my permission. Of course, I am very flattered, but this may mislead people who know me personally. They might think that your comments are coming from me, and I don't even know you. Please, in order to avoid misunderstandings, stop using my photo. Thank you.


Approved user
May 17, 2018
Dear Agnidox, you are using my photo for your avatar without my permission. Of course, I am very flattered, but this may mislead people who know me personally. They might think that your comments are coming from me, and I don't even know you. Please, in order to avoid misunderstandings, stop using my photo. Thank you.
lol what are the chances of this? :oops:

Lord Zoltan

New member
May 16, 2023
In our last survey, we asked you how you felt the current balance of DomiNations stood. Over the last few months, we had seen the start of a vocal sentiment that Defense felt a bit too strong in our most active community spaces. As such, we thought it best to ask the community at large to help paint the picture.

We approached the survey from two different perspectives: the Multiplayer experience and the competitive World War experience. Like our previous survey released in DomiNations, nearly 30,000 participants participated!

For multiplayer, while there is a large group that feels the experience is pretty balanced, the next highest majority feels that we are skewing toward favoring defense more. After examining our internal battle data, we noticed this very small trend of increased difficulty in achieving victories. It’s also worth noting that some players tend to ‘lose on purpose’, for various reasons, whether they’re looking to improve their matchmaking odds or increase the odds of better bases to loot.

This type of play does let us know that it’s much more convenient to purposely lose at certain levels to chase a more fun experience in other parts of the game. We are assessing both the balance of combat as well as the motivations for winning your multiplayer attacks. Our design team is examining ways in which future releases can help increase the sense of balance and reward.

For World War, it is very clear that the majority here believe that Defense is favored. We’re seeing an increase in discussions regarding the difficulty of obtaining a 5-star Victory against Defensive bases.

To get to the crux of the problem, we asked what might be the most difficult to deal with from the perspective of both an Attacker and a Defender. First, let's look at what those who were surveyed felt was the most difficult to deal with while on the Attack.

Defenders from Garrisons, Factories, Command Posts, and even Forest Defenders all swarm against you very quickly. Even when players are utilizing troop compositions considered to be ‘top-tier’ for attackers, those surveyed are still finding defenders challenging to navigate.

Fighters, a very common counter to spawned defenders, face their own challenges due to Towers, Machine Gun Towers, and Anti-Air. For us, we need to be pretty careful here as there is certainly strength in Fighters, but the Anti-Air play is still cause for concern. Missile Silo can be tanked by dropping Generals away from your attacking force, which is something that may be easier to do with the upcoming Detachments feature. This isn’t to dismiss the feeling that Missile Silo is difficult to deal with, the resources in Troops to combat it can be a high price and very easily distract from attaining a 5-star victory.

By comparison, the Defenders who were surveyed believed Airstrip units were the most difficult to defend against, followed by Factory and Barracks Units and then Generals. We’ve been evaluating our internal Battle data to discover where we might make adjustments to various units.

Prior to this survey, we’d already set in motion plans to improve the battle experience from the offensive end. Namely, the aforementioned Detachments feature is currently slated for early spring. This new feature will allow you to have more control over your attacks. We’re also re-evaluating Councilor Bonuses, some of which you have now with a higher focus on offensive stats or a single set of benefits for both multiplayer and World War. There are even new Legendary Artifacts in the works that give improvements to Offense for both Main and War Hall.

Here’s what you can expect from us in the near future:
  • Tournament of Glory Releases with Update 12.14, helping to make a more competitive World War experience. Currently slated for release in January!
    • This includes our first wave of Replay improvements
  • Detachments will give players even more control over their armies. Keeping a group of units focused on a target while another group distracts the Defenders is but one simple example of this feature. More information will be coming soon, with a release currently planned for March.
  • Evaluating unit balance with the intent to give usability across more compositions, and allowing underutilized Troops to scale alongside more popular Troops.

Our next survey will focus on the Unit updates that we released in 12.13 and will be your opportunity to share your thoughts on whether this moved the needle in your WW/Multiplayer strategies.
Please do not even consider asymmetrically changing existing councilor bonuses. This is the area where we have the least control over the game. It took years to get a high-rate councilor, and to achieve this, we must sacrifice the other councilors, which is a tough decision. These decisions make the real difference between the players. You would erase these hardly earned results with a single move, which would be the most unfair step Yoy ever made.


Nov 30, 2023
It's a fact that most of the people in game prefer rushing and 80% of the players are offensive. Defensive players is a minority and hence the voice of defenders gets suppressed by huge majority of rushers and offensive players. Finally there is some balance nd we get rid of time wars. Finally players realised their mediocrity so now they want to get back to era when most of wars are 100-100. We can make defense little less effective but artillery range should also be nerfed then and mortar mongol benefits also . Heavy tank should have more movement speed , tactical heli should supress in range , tanks should shoot over walls , things like this is called balance. It's just Lego strategy now.
There should be a tough struggle between offense and defense . That we are having now but for that there should be just one or two strategies. Promote other troops as well . Defense is perfectly ok , 5 stars should be earned , you should be really great at attacking and not any tom dick Harry who deploys troops any side and do 5 star. Most of people don't realise they aren't good attackers bcz most of good attackers can easily clear most of top bases. There are some hundreds who r really tough nd there should be some .
I hope you go for little nerfing of Lego troops and empower every other troops except helis.
Nd go to youtube, you will see top attackers clearing top defensive bases easily in 2.5 min easily . Bases with max museum are getting fkd easily.
Lastly it's defense that pays you , who will buy premium tts, and nighthawk hangar when people can actually do 5 stars without efforts . It's because of few defenders that attackers are keep buying premium stuffs . If you did a pseudo rebalance get to ready to be affected.
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New member
Jul 23, 2024
Defenders are whining all day. The main culprits of ruining the game lol


Active member
Oct 17, 2022
The problem isn't attackers vs defenders..
It's simply their visions that's the problem..
Defenders want to see 5 black stars on their base even if attacker drops bzallion dollars to attack whereas their "investment" at best is a 7 day building..

Whereas attackers want to succeed against every base with little paid TTs, if any

So honestly the best foot forward, is Nerf defense enough where base game favours offense (ie a 3D with 0 offensive stats and coalitions should be able to take down an 3O with 0 defensive stats without premiums) and then revisit that idea of "temporary artifacts" and make them straight up favour defense..
If an attacker is gonna spend 16$ per hit on TTs, make the defender spend 16$ to stop them..
Because for the majority of playerbase it'd make little difference, but for the real "whiners" Attackers or defenders of T10-T20 alliances can now have their peace


Nov 30, 2023
The problem isn't attackers vs defenders..
It's simply their visions that's the problem..
Defenders want to see 5 black stars on their base even if attacker drops bzallion dollars to attack whereas their "investment" at best is a 7 day building..

Whereas attackers want to succeed against every base with little paid TTs, if any

So honestly the best foot forward, is Nerf defense enough where base game favours offense (ie a 3D with 0 offensive stats and coalitions should be able to take down an 3O with 0 defensive stats without premiums) and then revisit that idea of "temporary artifacts" and make them straight up favour defense..
If an attacker is gonna spend 16$ per hit on TTs, make the defender spend 16$ to stop them..
Because for the majority of playerbase it'd make little difference, but for the real "whiners" Attackers or defenders of T10-T20 alliances can now have their peace
It should be normally 3d attackers taking 3 stars of 3O bases and 3D defenders should be able to hold one star generally that will be called balance.

Lord Zoltan

New member
May 16, 2023
The problem isn't attackers vs defenders..
It's simply their visions that's the problem..
Defenders want to see 5 black stars on their base even if attacker drops bzallion dollars to attack whereas their "investment" at best is a 7 day building..

Whereas attackers want to succeed against every base with little paid TTs, if any

So honestly the best foot forward, is Nerf defense enough where base game favours offense (ie a 3D with 0 offensive stats and coalitions should be able to take down an 3O with 0 defensive stats without premiums) and then revisit that idea of "temporary artifacts" and make them straight up favour defense..
If an attacker is gonna spend 16$ per hit on TTs, make the defender spend 16$ to stop them..
Because for the majority of playerbase it'd make little difference, but for the real "whiners" Attackers or defenders of T10-T20 alliances can now have their peace
I am not a Defender nor an Attacker by born. I do what’s needed to do for the fastest development as possible. In early stages, it is attacking. There is no other way. After a while, I am not motivated to attack. There is literally no benefit in attacking any more… Anyway, if I am good, I can make 3 stars. If I am not,… then 2 stars. In high leagues all basis are well constructed, does not matter if I am good or bad attacker, I do 2 or 3 stars. If I do regular attack, my storages are full. If I am in constant defence, then the storages are on 100%. No difference.


Active member
Oct 17, 2022
I am not a Defender nor an Attacker by born. I do what’s needed to do for the fastest development as possible. In early stages, it is attacking. There is no other way. After a while, I am not motivated to attack. There is literally no benefit in attacking any more… Anyway, if I am good, I can make 3 stars. If I am not,… then 2 stars. In high leagues all basis are well constructed, does not matter if I am good or bad attacker, I do 2 or 3 stars. If I do regular attack, my storages are full. If I am in constant defence, then the storages are on 100%. No difference.
Multiplayer is not whats in question here, its wars..
What you say is true, once you reach high enough ages, there is nothing fun in the game to do other than world wars, that is why these people are so passionate about balance in game..


BHG Community Manager
Staff member
May 6, 2022
@Harlems369th , It's good that you share the poll results. They can be somewhat helpful indeed but let me add that the 30k votes are not representative nor should they be the deciding factor to stear the game towards one course or the other.

1. you do not know the age of those that voted
2. you do not know if they do play WW in the first place, so how can they possibly be trustworthy?
3. you do not know if they attack defensive bases with a dedicated museum/council/manufactory setup. This is very important!

The vast majority of players have absolutely no idea what it means to attack a D base with 3D set and a max museum and how hard it has become the past few months. In fact they have never done it. So, how can you possibly rely on those results? They are not correct nor do they show the real problems behind the current metagame.

And to prove my point....

Factory units are 2nd in this poll... But the only players that still play with factory troops as their main composition are those that never adapted the last 2.5 years and after the big Rebalance of Barracks units. They are casual players that play in a more relaxed way. The more experienced and WW oriented players know that almost all factory troops are worthless now when we are talking about info+ age battles. So, are you gonna listen to their opinion that Factory troops are more of a threat then barracks? This doesn't make sense nor is it correct to do so.

And there is another point that you have to consider. The age of each player is very indicative of how he sees the game. I have a rushed account in Digital age (soon to be info) and the difference is massive in attacking other bases. For example, commandos still work, helicopters are not such a bad choice either. Lego though still rule the day as I can five star as a digital striker almost any auto age base up to 430 level. Now, just think.... how many players that voted and are below info age, do know about the term Lego and how you can use it effectively? I will provide the answer since I have been in many lower ranked alliances lately: Very few players.

All I'm saying is take the poll results with a grain of salt. In my opinion, the game truly needed Defense to become stronger but we have gone to the other extreme where it is too hard to even take 3-4 stars. Not to mention that Defenders themselves are completely useless offensively in wars. We simply cannot take any stars anymore. This leads to boredom and zero rubies. Manufactory has transformed even Offensive bases in mini Defensive bases.

On a happy note, I can't wait to see the Detachment and the new Tournament glory system as well as the fixed replays.
As always, thank you for sharing your opinion. This poll gathered the opinions of other players, like yourself, based on the questions they were asked, and we cannot rightly discount the 30k players who took the time to share their opinions. Of course, as you say, a poll is only a piece of the overall picture, which is why we compared these results alongside our internal data, which tracks the usage and success rates of the trainable troops from your battles. All that said, we, of course, have more than one point of reference when parsing through this data.