• DomiNations Back Online
    Late last night DomiNations was brought back online. As of 1/28 11am ET compensation has been sent to all players.

The Dawn of the DIGITAL AGE!


New member
Jun 4, 2017

The Digital Age! v8.0 Update Notes
v8.0 ‘The Digital Age’ update of DomiNations is coming soon!

The Digital Age
  • Advance your civilization to the next age of history to acquire new troop and building upgrades!
  • Research four new techs at Library Level 14: Economic Prosperity, Reconnaissance Aircraft, Tactical Defenses, and Palisades
  • Employ the services of new Mercenaries! The Ethiopian Peacekeeper, and EE-T1 Osório can be hired at Mercenary Camp level 13
  • The Armored Ambush Trap will launch a surprise Assault Vehicle when triggered by invading troops
  • New Digital Age General Petra Herrera
  • Add 2 Citizens to your city with an additional House!
New University Leader - Harriet Tubman
  • Spy on your enemies! Gain insight to your opponent’s Library, University, and Museum during World War.
  • Research her skill tree at the University to improve Trap upgrade time and cost, Road income and Town Center bonus, faster Expeditions and more.
  • Harness the power of her Capstone, Conductor, which allows Houses to spawn Riflemen on defense.
New Airstrip Plane: Recon
  • Beginning at level 7, your Airstrip can train the Recon plane
  • When deployed, scans a target area causing enemy troops, buildings, and walls within the area to take bonus damage from all sources!
VIP Bonuses (available after release)
  • The VIP system grants leaders powerful boosts and access to unique features, such as:
  • At level 1, players can unlock the exclusive General Björn Ironside, the viking raider
  • At level 3, players can unlock a free troop retrain
  • Plus get access to additional boosts for your base and access to the VIP Store!
Balance Changes
  • Digital Age players will be able to attack Space Age and Cold War Age bases. Space Age bases will be able to attack Digital Age and Cold War Age bases.
  • Bastion rubble slow radius set to 2 at all levels. Bastion hitpoints increased by 15% at every level.
  • Assault Rally duration set to 4 seconds at all levels. Attack Speed removed at all levels. Damage increased by 30% at levels 1, 2, and 3, and increased by 50% at level 4.
  • Heavy Tank hitpoints increased by 25% at all levels when spawned from the Bunker on defense.
Bug Fixes and Improvements
Minor art fixes
Minor text edits
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Approved user
Mar 14, 2018
No big deal BHG, too much hot air in advance, not worth to speed up or crown anything.
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Approved user
Jun 11, 2018
Well, we got an additional house. Now I can have as many as Bernie Sanders!!!

It'd be nice to see a Barracks upgrade to get more troops though. Haven't got any since Atomic Age. I suppose the extra defenses are going to make this tough to hit bases now, especially with Atomic ot of the question. So yeah, why nerf AR even more? Smh.


Approved user
Oct 22, 2017
Bulls*#t update.

Assault Rally nefr - unnecessary.
Heavy Tank hitpoints - unnecessary.
New General capstone - unnecessary (more Defenders).
Bastion buff - unnecessary.
Minor art fixes - laughably unnecessary.

No word on Bastion glitch when creating a new layout. Nothing on level 3 alliance perk, which been missing for about half a year now.
Nothing on Crash bases.
Matchmaking is still far from perfect.

I wonder when all those bugs will be fixed. Probably never, the way you guys release updates without actually fixing anything.


Approved user
Mar 14, 2018
Even if I say it twice: again we have no time schedule on the update, again wars will be crash due to early bugs, again no one can plan anything.

And only cause a couple of overestimating themselves developers and community managers are thinking they are doing a great job and working hard.


Approved user
Oct 2, 2016
What are you going to change the Sally Ride AR speed increase to since you’re removing that function? Will cwa be able to attack DA?


Approved user
Jun 4, 2015
So now it's clear what that VIP access was for. Yet another money grab scheme, this game start to resemble Mobile Strike and clones now, more sales crap on screen than actual game. Actually this game is worse, Mobile Strike at least had functioning chat.


Approved user
Apr 11, 2016
You don't play the game that is clear without assult rally as it is zhuklov is not possible to kill you have now killed the game , great work BHG_Muet your a fool .


Approved user
Apr 11, 2016
They don't pay the game they aren't aware of this like this , how you expect muet to know what is in Sally ride . Heads buried in what he believes to be sand.likey a part of his own anatomy though

Wicked Lord

Approved user
Sep 2, 2018
Me thoughts on DA

New trap, new Gen - Nice
another house - Nice
New university leader - Nice, especialy the spy funktion. Something the communtity asked very long for.
New plane - in general nice, time will show whether this plane fits into the game
VIP-Bonuses - not sure, nice if it rewards players for playing. If you have to buy it every week/month/... bad
Bastion changes - nice, they were too strong in my opinion
AR changes - quite unnecessary, I dont think I will use it anymore
HT changes - not sure they were necessary but I´ll take it

All in all I´m quite happy with it.
But still it is too early to release a new age. For me it will take at minimum a year to reach DA. There were no need too release it that early at least from players side. Especially as you (Muet) said you will slow down the age releases.

TinSoldier could you tell us with which age the new uni leader is beginning?


Approved user
Mar 14, 2018
From a economic point of view it is logical. They are killing many options to get QV, therefore people have motivation to increase QV time. A few marketing and sales people may think this is an reason for everybody to buy that weird priced Leonardo bust. Well, they have lost their minds, but who cares about. I am sure there are many institutions for mental health in the Maryland area.


Design Lead
Nov 12, 2018
Sally Ride increases the movement speed of troops under the effects of AR. So her skill shouldn't be impacted by the removal of the attack speed buff that Assault Rally was providing.


Design Lead
Nov 12, 2018
Quick update on the Bastion change. This change is intended to be a lateral adjustment that aims to address some of the frustrations around the increasing slow radius Bastions previously had. In order to standardize their slow radius at the higher levels we had to give a little back in order for the change to not be an outright nerf.


Approved user
Apr 11, 2016
What a stupid joke this is they need a place on forum to sell our maxed accounts some noob who doesn't understand the game would pay good money