The demise of dominations


Approved user
May 14, 2015
I'm just stating cold facts. While hour calculation is dubious, at best.


Approved user
Sep 6, 2015
Hackers are running rampant through this game. Why cant they find a way to make sure people cant attack you with 100 heavy calvary or 6 biplanes? Is it so difficult?


Approved user
Jun 26, 2015
Who needs all that when the cheaters can 5 star with just one Zeppelin?


Approved user
May 19, 2015
This is literally wrong. it happened a lot of time I have spend the whole day not being attacked. Plus those fashionable raider spams attacks generaly don't provide peace treaty in low leagues where getting 1-2 stars is useless. What you say is pure fiction.

Yeah you can not get attacked for a whole day, actually for a whole week as well. But he's not talking about lower leagues, actually no one talks about lower leagues. Not that it's demeaning or anything, it's just too easy. The more you go higher in medals the more those calculation are true.. and they are accurate.


Approved user
Oct 12, 2015
Setting the hacker issue aside for a moment, II would like to make a couple of suggestions to improve gameplay:

1) Give us the ability to private message players in our alliances. As a council member in El Cadre, we have a few rules members are expected to follow, and it would be most helpful to be able to speak privately with members to address violations, etc.

2) Allow alliance members to view each other's attack logs, and then get revenge on their behalf. Stronger players can retaliate when newer players lose a lot of resources. Alliances become stronger, wars get waged between alliances, and players spend money on improvements after seeing what their buddies can do in battle.

Hunter Killer

Approved user
Aug 14, 2015
I find it interesting that since February, it's the same topics over and over again about bugs and cheaters killing the game. And yet none of these have been resolved and seem to even get worse. Cheaters multiply exponentially and Nexon still relies on legit player's report to catch them. Then cheaters get banned for one day and come back to claim their spot in the top 10 of the leaderboard.

It doesn't seem like Nexon is able to fix these issues and is always one step behind. The game will eventually die when another software company catches on to fill in the empty spot. At the beginning, there was Civilization, then came Age of Empires, Rise of Nations, etc... There will be another game about advancing civilizations that people will move on to. It's just a matter of time.

It's a shame because this game had a lot of potential but it can't resolve its own issues.

Nathan Win

Approved user
Apr 13, 2015
It's a damn shame man. I keep reporting cheaters to CS and get generic responses and no actions taken to ban these hackers. I'm done helping them reporting; wasting my time and effort and yet no results. BHG and Nexon are 2 failures waiting for the end.