The TB nerf is coming...


Approved user
Apr 7, 2015
That one brain cell of yours still isn't clicking huh lol? Well you were proven wrong little buddy, and we can see it hurts. Better luck next time. As for the 'clued in' part (as usual have no clue what you're talking about). I've been playing as the French since the beta and started one of the top 100 alliances before I even noticed there was a USA elite around lol. As usual think before you speak.


Approved user
Apr 7, 2015
This is th second nerf to the TB. Eventually it will get nerfed again, until they finally do away with it for something else.


Approved user
Mar 31, 2015
And the next nerf, which will also influence the TB also is the 50% extra on timed blessings.... mark my words, that will be brought back to 30% or 25%

Why will they nerf that 50%...cause it only has an effect on animal/gathering....and training (and maybe future blessing I don't know about).

dbukalski - I didnt catch the idea french+tb from here, but from an alliance member...,who had figured it out himself, I think you overestimate yourself or other members

And believe me, there are 100 or more reasons for players to choose a certain nation, besides what long-term players here advice.
In the end everybody makes his choices based upon his own strategy.

so lets switch the term top ranked player for high level player, or long term player... you know what I mean.. players who are more ahead in the game, discovering certain combined tricks, use them until they see that they are being used by more and more players and then start to whine that it should be nerfed.

I don't even see these things as game exploits, it is bad game design, or better said, it is bad math...

Anyway I dont care, it is just a game after all. But in your case, I would point my arrows on the things that lie directly in your path next time, and I think that is broken PT's, no opponents and poor medals system.

Let the rest of the players who are trying to reach your level, do their thing and advance in the same pace as all other players could do before them.
If nexon was that smart, they will figure out the exploits themselves...

I have some very good tricks up my sleeve still, and see nobody here who talks about them, so I'll keep those for myself and my alliance, I will certainly not inform nexon about these items...
Anybody with more then 2 braincells can figure these items out for themselves btw

For now, I certainly hope you did learn from this......
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Approved user
May 14, 2015
I couldn't care less. To me the sport is trying to have as many troops as possible survive. For that reason I stopped swarming people with motorcycle raiders some time ago.