War makes medals meaningless


Approved user
Oct 19, 2015
Nice to know that. I hope all the world will realize all your achievement. Doesn't UA are one of some alliance who used or still have cheaters. Most of UA player must be so rich for all the wall and general they have.


Approved user
Jan 10, 2016
New to the forum but been reading since I started playing in April and I gotta say I totally agree with Umyo. I got so tired of reading posts by Redgar and Dbukalski chest beating their lame raider/engineer non-strategy. These wars have shown who the better players are and clearly it's not the children at USA Elite glued to their IPads running out Moto raiders repeatedly rallying to the TC.


Approved user
Jul 5, 2015
@justin go through our alliance bases before making comments you can't back up. You will see no one with full maxed out walls. And we have kicked cheaters from our team. You can't monitor 50 guys 24/7 especially all the people that come in and out but we are one of the few alliances that makes sure if one is spotted they are out the door. So if you have time to make frivolous accusations take the time to do your homework first.


Approved user
Jul 5, 2015
Right because Will decided to run his mouth so I decided to give him a back hand across the face makes me unmature.


Approved user
Jul 5, 2015
Thats right I can and will be rude when warranted. Childish? Coming from you and your past posts about really nothing important and your childish writing style um learn how to use proper sentences before talking it only makes you look like a 5th grader coming on here. I have to skip through your posts because you make no sense. At all!


Approved user
Jul 5, 2015
I would use the word egotistical. Maybe... maybe not even that far. But the definition for bragging says being proud of oneself. Am I not allowed to be proud of our achievements when pretty much asked what we have accomplished. Probably coming on here and calling someone childish would make someone look very childish. I don't know but not to worried about it.


Approved user
Jul 5, 2015
OMG I think I remember you! You were that kid that would always run home screaming MOMMY MOMMY he was picking on me everyday when we were little. I knew that was you, you seemed familier I just couldn't put my figure on it. Damn how has it been man, it's been awhile. See you haven't changed much.


Approved user
Jul 13, 2015
So many words, all that talk. But hey, at least people care about your alliance and how great it is now, right? But, wait..Who is it you were talking about again?

We're not talking about a professional eSport or some s*** here, no one cares. What surprises me the most is that you believe there's enough legitimate players/alliances left for there to be any kind of actual competitive play in this bug ridden, hack job of a mobile game.


Approved user
Aug 20, 2015
What's wrong with leoelephant 's post? His grammar is better than yours, and his writing style sure is more mature than your childish blabbering all over the place. This thread and your self inflated ego are hilarious. If you were a character in DomiNations, you'd likely be Napoleon. You definitely seem to have his complex.


Approved user
Jul 13, 2015
So to sum up:

1) medal based leaderboard is completely meaningless
2) leaderboard favours unskilled alliances
3) United allies are the best in the whole wide world (in the absence of any proof of other alliances winning more wars) because they beat unskilled alliances from a pointless ranking system

Does this remind anyone else of that episode of Seinfeld where Kramer asserts himself as a karate master...but he's fighting only children? Not to say the defeated alliances have only kids- but if UA indicates these are unskilled alliances, then who gives a tiny rats behind if they are beating them? That's a pretty meaningless war record then. A more meaningful win is one against another skilled alliance.

Edit: oops, sorry, there actually does exist proof as of January 8th, in the month of December UA was NOT ranked as a top 5 warring alliance (see Dominations Facebook page), and thus, may not be considered the best in the world.
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Approved user
Oct 27, 2015
While I enjoy the change of pace "World War" provides, as of right now, the result is absolutely meaningless other than for extra loot or internal "hurrahs." There are no leader boards, no ranking systems, no external records of victories except those posted by select alliances on this forum (or others?). I cannot even look at an alliance's war victories/defeats unless I physically join that alliance. There is also no global chat to brag and boast. In that sense, I could turn the question around and ask.. who really cares about wars? At least with the flawed medals system, there are tangible rewards. I'm sure that the OP is in a great alliance; but to come into the forums and say that medals doesn't matter anymore is strange... considering United Allies impose a medal limit to join. I won't get into the need to bash anyone with a differing point of view.


Approved user
Jul 5, 2015
Find us a skilled alliance and we will set it up. Can't help when we choose to start a war only the top tier medal teams are coming up to choose from. Do you think the game would let us face UK ghosts when they have only 3 people over lvl100? But when you made the comparison of Kramer against the children you were dead on. We were expecting more also. Do you think we like beating these alliances by 40? We want to take on the best and since they had maxed out bases we assumed they were. There is a leader chat room on Line with some of the top tier teams and they won't take us on after what they have seen us do. Does Nations League want to take us on? We haven't backed down from anyone who wanted a shot. Are you guys a skilled alliance or just another child Kramer will shove around?


Approved user
Jul 5, 2015
I like the way you think when you say we need a global chat to brag... We got another bragger here guys ( careful people will call you childish if you like to brag around here )

Quick comment on who cares about wars - The two teams going at it does and that is all that matters. I don't care who else sees what we have accomplished (unless your Will saying he couldn't see our results) I only care that the other team seen what we accomplished that's all that matters. Not leader boards or rankings or everyone being able to see some results. War is me vs you not me vs the leader board and that is why war matters. When it comes time to battle it is two alliances getting only two battles a piece that's all. No BS, no logging off while losing, no lame raider attack to take out one building, and no flipping through bases non stop to find the right base with the right medals/loot. All that BS is out the window. You have two attacks and you better make them count or you will get embarrassed.