• DomiNations Back Online
    Late last night DomiNations was brought back online. As of 1/28 11am ET compensation has been sent to all players.

War Matchmaking Algorithm REVEALED!


Approved user
Oct 18, 2016
Ok, so I won't get much of a job with the National Enquirer, but still seeking how the darn war thing works. Unlike Grepolis and other transparent games where it is possible to precisely calculate outcomes based on tables provided in the game, Dominations has such a super duper war matching algorithm that it must not be fully revealed. HOWEVER: I have been able to ascertain the SYSTEM of "thinking" used. I posted my latest war matchup to support, having read the links provided on the war matchmaking. So of course, at first, the (very excellent) support team member, knowing how adhd most people of the media age are, dutifully cut & pasted exactly what I had read in part,
"Alliances are matched in World War based on the strength of their members. Medals from Multiplayer are not a factor for World War matchmaking.

Also, strength is based on each member’s attacking power (Troops and Barracks upgrades, War Tactics and Generals) and defensive strength (defense buildings, walls, traps, and generals). Base layout does not affect this calculation. The only way a member’s strength can be increased is if they upgrade their troops, defenses, war tactics, or other contributing offensive and defensive capabilities.

To which I replied (in part):
"It is vague at the very best. An algorithm would answer questions like:
1) How is offensive strength calculated?
2) How can I calculate mine?
3) How is defensive strength calculated and how can I know mine?

Transparency is our friend.
As a retired systems analyst it was my life’s work to show transparency when developing new systems. The downside having “secretive” data that wasn’t auditable was getting into trouble when we couldn’t prove the numbers. Now I know this is a game, but having only hazy and lazy documentation doesn’t make for happy campers.

Now comes the revelation which is (in part):
"We sincerely understand your point about the world war matchmaking. However the system looks for an enemy Alliance with complementary offensive and defensive ratings to your Alliance (within a small range to ensure that the matchup is as close as possible). The system is what determines that calculation of Strength and the Support Team do not have the details regarding this. The longer that your Alliance is in the matchmaking pool, the wider that range becomes to ensure that your Alliance will eventually enter a War and isn’t waiting forever, even if it may be a less ideal matchup."

Example: You have a NHL hockey team, and enter an open tournament. Based on your relative merits, the tournament staff will match you to the closest of the following:
1. Another NHL team with similar strengths
2. Any NHL team
3. A relatively high level college team
4. A junior college team
5. Elite High Schoolers
6. Any team with players above 7 years old.


Approved user
Apr 14, 2016
the matchmaking range becoming wider as you wait is a good idea and its to be expected. the problem is currently either the initial range is too wide or the wait time until widening is too impatient. ive suggested this before but preparation day should only last 22 hours, and search time should be at least an hour.


Approved user
Mar 24, 2017
One of the many problems with this is that if others are sitting in the queue long enough that their search parameters widen, you can hop into a war search and get an absolutely terrible instant or near instant match. Whatever adjustments were made to the other teams appropriate matchable range can catch you, even if you never leave search running for hours at a time.


Approved user
Aug 9, 2015
Hmmm ... It seems that although they with their widened criteria might be matched with me, I just started my search and my still narrow criteria wouldn’t match me with them. It’s dumb if the match is driven from only one side.


Approved user
Oct 18, 2016
I wrote after a CWA team were matched to our team with the #1 ranking player at IA.

No Angel

Approved user
May 1, 2017
May I know what alliance you're in, Dusty? 😉
Oh nvm, I saw the answer on your post above me.

Why don't you try to recruit CW or at least AA, btw?
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Approved user
Mar 24, 2018
You’d certainly get a job at any publication partial to misleading headlines.

Rogue Squirrel

Approved user
Sep 5, 2018
Yeah this title is clickbait LOL.....doesn't reveal anything that we don't already know about matchmaking. I thought I was finally going to find out their algorithm :mad:


Approved user
Jan 27, 2019
I'm late to the game but I found one interesting point from this post. War weight is calculated based on troop upgrades. Upgrading troops I don't use increases my war weight.

I just found yet another reason not to upgrade mortar troops!


Approved user
Mar 24, 2017
Cannibals We got a 30+ level mismatch, we were stronger straight top to bottom and much stronger at the top, on a 15 minute search. They had been searching for 4+ hours. I have seen enough cases like this to be pretty confident my description is accurate, but Nexon won't give any details. We could debate the word "instant", but 15 minutes to me is close enough.