Weekly Feedback: Mercenaries!

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Approved user
Sep 15, 2015
It's a shame that we're all discussing reasons why we don't use them. I'm in the same boat.

As to what I think of them, I think the concept of mercs is excellent. I like the specific troop choices, and back in April/may, when I actually used them, they were quite helpful. Very nice touch, actually.

So please, nexon/bhg, make them usuable for your average player. The variability they add to battles would be most welcome.


Approved user
Aug 23, 2015
Personally I use the foot soldiers more often than the heavy hitters cos, as many have already said, they don't hit that heavy - especially the elephants. I use the footsies to clean up a well spread out base or if I think I may run out of time - or if the base is just a tad too tough to crack. (I find the merc footsies better than my own sometimes). I'm really just waiting to use the awesome flame tanks so patiently upgrading whenever I can. Who doesn't love a flamer rampaging through a base? (unless it's someone else's rampaging through yours!)

But, you would think that being Mercs they would be motivated by money - so I, too, think their costs should be a combo of gold/food.
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Approved user
Mar 31, 2015
everytime you upgrade the camp, you know you will pay more, but they hardly get any better, for me the only reason to upgrade is having more troop space in then camp.

Further more, I tend to use them if I can gain more then 1 medal in a battle, We all know that is not going to happen, so their only and single use is getting a 50% victory within battle time.

So at the moment, they are useless.

btw, I never spent diamonds on mercs...


Approved user
Jul 13, 2015
I, like most use them as backup. I make footies to dump my excess fur and leather. they should really allow you to trade fur and leather for diamonds. Once they fix FQ. they are must especially the flame throwers.


Approved user
Jul 13, 2015
Also as a suggestion, they should also return with the regular army if all defensive structures are destroyed or at a reduced cost.


Approved user
Jun 16, 2015
My personal take on mercenaries is that they are very powerful. Have extra tanks for attacks is very useful, and I prefer to use them at the beginning of a tough battle, because I know they won't be coming home. They take the front of the initial attack, and soak up traps while the main army comes in from behind. I know that the mercenaries are expensive, but I am really seeing the difference between having them and not having them. And as I am playing at a lower gold league, I can easily find bases and five star them with my German war machine. This ends up leaving me with plenty of trade goods to use on them every once in awhile. Mercenaries also come off as an extra thing. They're not essential unless you are assuring yourself that you will get the five star, and even then you don't really have to have them. When it boils down to it, since mercenaries and blessings are so "extra" in the game, it doesn't seem so necessary to make them very very easy to obtain. Maybe a slight reduction would be nice, but I like the maxed out mercenary camp armies as an irregular occurrence that only comes when someone really wants to blow you up. Extra features don't necessarily have to be used if another extra feature is more prefered. We're lucky to have all these options in this little mobile game.

Campaigns also have trade goods available if they are being completed for the first time, but some players don't know that. Maybe show them along with the gold and food that can be gained from attacks.

I think dropping the required trade goods by 2 might help making mercenaries more available. This doesn't include diamonds. I would also like to throw in that having workers available makes getting trade goods infinitely easier due to resources found around the map. I would echo a suggestion made to have a blessing that gives you six hunters for 30 minutes that allow you hunt as if they were citizens. An alternative would be the hunters would automatically go out and collect all resources on the map, then the blessing ends. Apple trees, gold mines, and animals. (Obstacles maybe?) I would think that it should be cheap because if we need workers to hunt then obviously we might not have trade goods readily available, but then we might fall into the blessing replacing itself over and over again.

Take a stab at it. Looking forward to the future!


Approved user
Sep 5, 2015
Some great points here and ideas. I like to use mine at the start also.. I've been doing some attacks lately with out them and it's taken just little longer and not always clearing the base.


On a side issue (sorry Ironangel), what are the barcodes under trusted by Nexon about. Some have red, are they naughty marks or experience?

Those are basically Forum XP - Reputation. You gain it by getting Likes on your posts, posting, etc.


Thank you all for your feedback! Coming up soon: Library Techs! Are you missing out?
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