When Dominations become as interesting as to watch drying paint....


Approved user
May 7, 2015
I have been playing Dominations for almost 18 months. I am level 191 and I have got the Estate - giving me 19 workers.

There are many reasons why people enjoy this kind of games. Some of the reasons are:
- They can see their city develop - new buildings, upgraded buildings etc etc.
- They can see the "end game" as something achievable.

The University basically removed both of them... The Uni techs are so OP that you need to focus on them. But they cost so many workers that you cannot upgrade anything in your city - hence you cannot see your city develop. Atomic Age is coming - well I am not going there before at least my Submachine guns and howies are maxed out in the Uni... So I currently got 12 workers in the Uni. Soon I will need 14 in there. The upgrades I am now doing in the uni takes 6 days plus and cost just over 1 mill...

This is how my gaming is at the moment:
Planning Day: Spend 34 National Trade Goods to get my Coalitions for war. Then go on 2 TBs and get these back. Mainly doing 25-30 attack in little over 2 hrs... During this my mills, markets and refinery is over flowing - because I got nothing to spend it on and that for DAYS and days... My refinery was overflowing constantly the last month or so before the 4.7 update. In a few weeks when the planes and factory is upgraded it will overflow again.
War day: Do my war attacks. Do few pvp attacks... nothing to do in my city because I got 14 workers in the Uni.... No hunting, no expeditions, no gathering possible because I have only 1 free worker as the last 4 is working on the last few global upgrades.

The game is becoming more and more a constant grinding of attacks with no real output except a few % in the Uni - It is basically becoming work...

I'm getting bored... Only thing keeping me at the moment is my alliance mates.. But they are getting bored as well... I fear that if one of us decide to quit it might cause an avalanche of people who quit.

Nb4powerup I hope you can bring these thoughts to the people who are making the decisions about this game.


Approved user
Dec 23, 2015
You nailed it Tower!
I quit the game (or took a break at least) at about same level as you and after about the same time of playing too. Armory is a huge bottleneck, why not being able to upgrade generals in the castle and tactics in the war academy. Then there is the constant food overflowing problem. I could almost never claim the food from the events because I was always full. Food for walls would solve this easily. University upgrades should not require workers and if it must require workers 2 would be enough. It makes no sense at all that the library does not require workers but the university does.

Eddie F1

Approved user
Aug 6, 2015
Same boat as you two, I just can't be bothered anymore. No point complaining or making suggestions, nobody is listening to us.

It probably all went wrong when Nexon bought BHG, money 1st, playability 2nd.


Approved user
Jun 22, 2015
I am far from your level but I understand it because I already have experienced it in another game. The nexon solution for this is expediting the atomic age release but the more important bottleneck is the armory and next the university as you said. In this game we have a city and as I already said as an idea, we should have different kind of citizens (builder, student, scientists...) to be able to grow a civilization.


Approved user
May 26, 2016
That is a well thought out idea and makes perfect sense...so it probably won't happen. The university was a great idea, the cost of workers not so much especially when the armory and library require 0, ZERO, ZILCH, NADA, GOOSE EGG, ZIP!

Food is overabundant atm, why not let ppl upgrade walls at say lvl10 with food?

cornish herbman

Approved user
Sep 8, 2016
Im only a measly level 131 and playing for about six months.
The one thing that is the most important is not being done and that is, being listened to by the developer.
It should be a partnership with a great outcome for both.
This game has the potential to be a truly legendary game but to not listen to your customers is a sin.


Feb 12, 2016
you're def not alone

I dont want to leave cause I have too much invested but....

something has to change


Approved user
Sep 26, 2016
It does seem a little callous that the company would take away workers in the uni but then give us the workers back with the estate, and we have to pay for it, then we also need workers for the dock. Nexon is a businessnot a charity but seem to be taking more and giving less.

Motaz Tarek

Approved user
Apr 19, 2015
See, U got 19 workers and complain, and i got 14 workers and people tell me to stop complaining
at least u got more advantage 19 workers could do u everything u want i dont get why u need 14 worker in uni if all u need is artillery n sub machines stats max, u gonna need 6 workers only ~ 10 when univ lvl 4 so I don't think u should be having problems with # of workers
but the waiting times, yea it's inevitable, and in turn u get op upgrades so i accept this deal and i find the time element is fair just the worker cost is the ugly thing about univ


Approved user
Aug 18, 2016
Love your idea !

And why not citizens who make babies ? lol ...

Or build a new house with let's say, 10 citizens, just as a Wonder