why the 15 and 25 WW are obsolete?

Shrekx 74

Approved user
Apr 2, 2017
Overall, the changes the last year have been positive. I know change is hard and our alliance was at 25x25 most times, but the game is in better shape today. Remember when everyone used to complain about random crashing during wars? Things are definitely better today, enjoy.


Approved user
Jun 15, 2017
BHG_Muet Thanks for such a detailed explanation. I appreciate it.

To the alliances, who are used to old numbers matches, you can put up two sets/groups of players to get better matches. It’s true that many players have to wait longer to participate in wars. But I feel that you should adapt to the new changes. It’s better to get a proper match in 10x10 or 20x20 formats than getting worse/worst matches in 15x15 or 40x40 matches. And since they have not released the new match making algorithm yet, I’m still holding my patience and trust on Muet. 😊


Approved user
Dec 5, 2017
Pretty sure the comment was meant to talk the about the fact that adding more people definitely changes the matching system and I see the same thing happening as my alliance always did 25v25. Despite a promised implementation of a new balancing system, not sure how it would change a system that hasn’t changed since war has been a thing. At least in our last few wars, doing 30v30 only pitted us against 8 high lvl cwa bases and 6-8 iron ages. In 25 it was generally always 2-3 iron/classical. Of course it’s also a crap time right now because war weight is still an issue as high lvl cwa bases are being out way down on the list.


Approved user
Jan 10, 2018
This (cancelling 15 vs 15 etc) is a MESS.
Yielding that in my/our small Alliance all the Time 6-8 Players can’t join a WORLD WAR


Approved user
Jan 10, 2018
Similar for our/my rel small Alliance.
To keep players on board and also „train“ new ones we need the 15vs15!!


Approved user
Oct 2, 2016
Might be, if I didn’t only have 19 opted in this weekend. If alliance leader could pull people in that were opted out to make up the numbers.....


Approved user
Mar 25, 2019
Removing 15v15 will increase the odds of our alliance finding a better match? No, it won't. We already had good matches most of the time. Now we'll either have to sideline players who want to participate in wars, which certainly isn't a "better match" for them, or pad our roster with dummy accounts or non-warring players, which will give us fewer real attacks to use against an alliance of 20, and that's certainly not a "better match" either.

I get that the total player population may not be big enough to support quick and fair matchmaking across seven different brackets, but it seems to me that's a problem of attracting more players to the game with effective advertising and distinctive game features, rather than forcing middling-sized alliances into war rosters that are either too small or too big. Removing options for alliances that are still trying to grow is going to cause you to have FEWER players playing the game in total, not more.

Put 15v15 back into the game, please.


Approved user
Apr 29, 2016
Following up on my previous post about matching different size alliances, here are some more thoughts on how it could work, using the multiples of 5.

The leader would choose the preferred number of allies and search for a match. Every hour, all the searches would be compared, starting with the largest. So if there are 2 alliances searching for a 45 war, and they have similar total war strength, they would matched. If there is only 1 alliance searching for a 45 war, the bottom 5 allies (or the 45th, 35th, 25th, 15th and 5th) would be cut and the alliance would be put in the 40v40 pool. If there is still no match at 40, the alliance would be put in the next search cycle. This would be repeated for 35/30, 25/20, and 15/10.

It is better to have the chance of a 25 war than have to settle for a 20 with no choice.


Approved user
Jan 10, 2018
Nothing to add
Fully agree

Pls enable 15vs15 again.
In my Alliance we are 17/18 active Players. Thus all the Time 7 or 8 i would need to leave behind.
The likelihood that more and more will quit is high


Approved user
Aug 30, 2015
My alliance is too small to sustain a 20v20 effectively. I'll probably very soon be shopping for a larger one because of this.

No Angel

Approved user
May 1, 2017
I think other newly removed war size deserved to be removed, except 15. I've been going with 10 for several times, it's not helping much to increase alliance perks too.
Please bring size 15 back.


Approved user
May 17, 2018
from the moment the 15 wars became obsolete, we tried the 20vs20. For us, it just doesn't work. All wars were 100% mismatches. Extremely hard and although we won a couple, it wasn't fun.

Is there any chance of having the 15 man wars back? It was the perfect number for us.

No Angel

Approved user
May 1, 2017
Raise a campaign to request for it 😊
I'm supporting this size 15 to return, so there be no controversy 😆


Approved user
Mar 23, 2019
Please bring 40v40 war back, this is a horrible change. The reasoning that there are too few players to support different queues makes no sense, this will make for even less players as we are unable to play the matches we want = players are unhappy. Having to sit 10-15 players every war is totally unnecessary.

Since the change, in just 3 wars we had 3 players quit/leave the alliance while not in the war line up (we switch to 30v30). Nobody likes to play a game where they do not get to play...

Plus, all 3 wars we got since the change were also completely outmatched enemies by us, so the argument of better matchmaking by this change doesn't seem to hold up at all, either.
Last edited:


Approved user
Aug 26, 2015
So unfortunately this change went out early. I’m sorry. It sucks that this change was dropped on you all without explanation. Removing 15v15, 25v25, and 40v40 was intended as part of the new World War matchmaking update. That said, let me be clear that only this queue reduction part of the change was accidentally released with the Space Age update. The actual algorithm changes have not shipped yet. I was waiting to explain why I decided to remove these queues until the Design Spotlight. But, it’s not fair to make you wait since the queue reduction part of the change is already live. The least I can do is give you that part of the Spotlight early.


I know that this will be one of the least popular changes with the matchmaking update. I apologize in advance for killing your Alliance’s favorite queue. The reality is that DomiNations can’t—and has never truly been able to—support seven different queues. Think of it this way: Each queue added to DomiNations splits the player base. Each of those splits greatly reduces the number of potential matches your Alliance can make and reduces the quality of those matches. Theoretically, the most optimal system would be to force everyone into a single XvX queue. We can’t really do that and aren’t entertaining the idea. But four is better than seven.

We’re reducing the queues to the following:

We feel that this division of queues will flow more Alliances into more pools and increase the odds of finding your Alliance a better match. It should be noted that 50v50 is not and has never been a popular queue. But, we felt it was important to preserve 50v50 for community events like the Continental World Cup (https://continentalwar.wordpress.com/). If you find your Alliance jumping into 50v50 expect long wait times and extremely relaxed matching requirements.

I'll be hanging around a bit today to answer any questions you may have about the queue change.

BHG_Muet , TinSoldier you guys told there is no release planned for match making. by mistake this change went. that is fine and i don't mind about that. but can you tell us why there is a bug about glory? which is a visual bug and no harm about it. but you need to seriously look about your release management. why are there bugs in areas where there is no changes made. is there a smoke or regression testing done before release? you guys are doing well but doing silly mistakes just because someone is not doing their work. i hope you will analyze this and move forward.


Approved user
Mar 19, 2017
You are correct it does change the balance currently. But there is also the part about it was released early and the balance update that was intended to be released with it was not. So what you are currently seeing is not relevant really to what changes are coming. How can you comment on something you haven't seen yet?


Approved user
Mar 19, 2017
If the balance updates are not there as stated, how do you know the matchmaking will not be balanced at 30v30 wars once it is? Commenting on it now is pointless...it's the same system we had before with less options. It should be blatantly obvious that it is still going to be uneven. Even more so. Hmmmm, broken match making with now less variable outcomes. That equals more broken match making, as broken outcomes become more likely as the chances for the correct outcomes has now decreased. The only way to fix that is change the formula you begin with.


Approved user
Nov 21, 2015
and yet another mismatch....we have 3 CW vs 3 SA and 5 CW. Our highest is 259 their 8 is 233. You guys are killing wars.