Why we probably still don't have world war replays yet


Approved user
Oct 3, 2015
I'm getting so tired of this.

The forum isn't letting me upload the photos, but it's nothing people haven't seen many times before. Watching the replay of my most recent defense shows the attacker taking 6 oil, but my log has me losing 3.7k along with twice as many trade goods, including two diamonds. There's no point in reporting this to customer service; it has been a known issue for ages now. Unless world wars are different somehow -- and what would the difference be? -- I would not expect replays until they finally get this sorted out.

Motaz Tarek

Approved user
Apr 19, 2015
am aganist adding replays to WW before fixing replays issue not matching the actual battle
the current system doesn't actually record battles, it just shows the steps taken by troops AI which is subjected to change
really shame on nexon to fraud us with that system while other games have a real replay system