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World War hacked bases


New member
Jun 2, 2020
In world war typically a low-age base, when attacked in the game, the game gets disconnected instantly and loses a world war attack. The purpose of this hack is to attract multiple attacks as its an easy 5-star base unaware in our first occurrence we did use many attacks we had reported it. Next time on we got careful but still few just attack seeing the quick win and go for it without reading warnings. Initially, we found this hacked base about 6-9 months ago but we find such bases in quite a few wars.

The issue is opponent starts with a 5-star advantage right away second if they sting together multiple such bases its a free world war win. On the other hand, we lose an attack plus chest for that war.

Trying to find out how common this type of hack has been seen by other players.

Viking Me

New member
Nov 1, 2020
Happened to Damocles Sword last war. CS think their game is perfect. 8/9 arrack all with instant disconnect. Luckily we still won.


Approved user
Oct 18, 2016
You have correctly identified the problem. When the player name field contains either invalid or undisplayable data, the name is missing when scouting the base, and defaults to the player name 'leader' in lists.

This has been encountered and experienced regularly. In dominations.pl you can query the player name 'leader'. This will return a list of all players with the string 'leader' in the name. Some are real player names, others contain the invalid data. Every time someone hits on the invalid data base, there is an unexpected error and crash. In a WW this results in a forfeiture.

I have reported this, with photos, to Customer Support. Their response has been:
"Thank you for reporting this in-game violations. We will be
investigating the issue using the information you have provided. If cheating
is proven we will make sure the appropriate sanctions are applied.

Thank you and if there is anything else we can help you with, please
contact us again."

to which I reply:
This sounds more like a technical problem. It has been encountered before. Apparently there has not been an assessment of the proximate cause in several months and no corrective
action initiated. There the confidence of a credible approach to improving work processes and game improvement remains low, based on your response to this feedback.


New member
Dec 3, 2020
Morning all,

My Alliance (English Poets) has just experienced this issue too, and it's cost us a war against an alliance called "BOLIVIA en Alto".

We have seen exactly the same thing as has been reported several times above over the past 2 months - a low ranked player (level 34) shows with the name Leader on the War Map but has no name when scouted. As their lowest ranked player we would easily have taken 5 stars from him, but instead 3 of our players wasted 4 attacks, and every time got immediately disconnected and the battle marked as lost.

As the war ended 40 stars to 38 in their favour, our alliance have quite simply been cheated out of a victory by an alliance that I strongly suspect know *exactly* what they're doing. I am absolutely sure that when a level 34 city never loses a single star in a world war, that is not lost on them, and it's no accident.

It takes a long time to build an alliance and glory points are not easy to get to a high level. Lots of players invest decent sums of money buying crowns to get better. If alliances such as BOLIVIA en Alto are allowed to get away with blatant cheating, and two months after it was first reported the simple bug they're exploiting hasn't been fixed, then I think a lot of honest players are - frankly - owed a refund.


Approved user
Aug 9, 2016
We have just experienced the same hack from our current WW...We could not attack their 19 called leader in the list...The game disconnected as soon as we dropped a troop 4 of us tried. The replay function does not work for this base..We lost the war because of the destruction ratio from the base we could not attack..Nexon's reply was insulting saying they would investigate but they will not give us back the lost glory from the WW...It took us 7 WW's to gain the that glory only to lose it to a cheater alliance..We definetly will not be throwing anymore cash in the game...W.N.


Approved user
Feb 4, 2018
I've bumped into these bases with no name in multiplayer. Looks like an easy win, but when you drop your first troop, the game immediately crashes. You don't get anything showing in your attack log, but lose the dropped troop and if my memory serves, you lose medals too. It's pretty hard to report to CS, as you'll have nothing to show to them.

I just wonder how is it even possible to create a base without a username.


Approved user
Jul 22, 2016
We encountered the same "crash" bases. Here's what I did: when attacking, you can drop one single type of troop. So, either a bunch of bazookas, or allied troops. The game crashes, but if you look in the background, troops are still attacking. Don't get out. Wait till you reach 5 stars. It will register. Since most of these bases are low levels, it's possible to clean it without further gameplay. If dropping bazookas, keep your finger on the screen, it will drop all troops even if it crashes.


New member
Dec 3, 2020
Just hit this AGAIN. This time against a bunch of shameless cheats called Pueblo Araucano - seriously, what do these morons get out of the game? Where's the satisfaction in cheating like this? Pathetic losers. One of my alliance dropped in 6 Heavy RPGs against a level 37 base and they were wiped out in 28 seconds - but you can't even see how (presumably donations of heavy defenders at the town centre) because you can't even run the replay.

Seriously - the bug that allows these lowlife to cheat was first reported on here nearly 4 months ago - and still not a fix, on something as simple as removing illegal characters from player names?

This is emphatically NOT acceptable. Nobody in my alliance will be spending another penny on this farce.