
Approved user
Oct 27, 2015
I'm done with this game. Bleeding medals for no apparent reason. I scouted and hit 1 target, got +1 medal in my attack log, suddenly checked my medals and I have 39 less. Of course no changes in defense log/attack log. Everything was normal and running smoothly, no crashes. Contacted Nexon, and got a copy and paste response of things I should be doing to avoid a crash. A) I have been doing those things. B) there were no signs of a crash. Of course I didn't dare to attack again... so someone came by and took some more medals. Apparently this problem only affects me. Before I was bleeding medals once a week due to a crash, but now I am bleeding them without any appearance of a crash. Btw, I use a Nexon Seal of Approval, supported device with decent enough internet speed to stream 4k movies. Congrats to the folks lauding this "force quit" fix. And lo-and behold, here's an oil savings event to make everyone super-duper happy. I'm just going to log on and chat with alliance friends now because I like them, and to log war attacks if needed.


Approved user
Jun 26, 2015
Sorry about all your troubles... It's good to know you aren't leaving us Vincent 😉 Welcome to the club! Drop your medals and forget about your precious... It will make the game more enjoyable and you'll have more time to chill in chat. Lol just stay away from bull on the naughty step. He's a baaaad influence!


I understand that this issue has been frustrating, and also want to apologize for not fully responding to this issue sooner. However, I can confirm with you all today that the dev and server teams have been and continue to actively look into this issue. If you’re experiencing this Network Connection Error issue you can also help us to find this by contacting Support with the following specific information:
What is your player ID?

What was the crash behavior?
  • Did your game close down without any warning?
  • Did you get a yellow spinner, and then a network disconnect popup?
  • Did you get a network disconnect with no pop up?
  • Did the game reload your village as if you just logged in?
What were you doing when you crashed/disconnected? Please be specific (dropping troops in battle, collecting food from the farm, donating troops, etc.)

If it was in battle, who were you attacking? (Screenshots are helpful)

Approximately when did the crash/disconnect happen?

Each report with this detailed info will go a long way towards helping us find and fix the issue. I will do my best to keep you updated on the progress.


Approved user
Dec 8, 2015
Thank you Seraphine. Unfortunately, until the company's developers accept that the crash issue is on their end, they won't be able to resolve it. Thank you for trying!


Approved user
May 11, 2015
I understand that this issue has been frustrating, and also want to apologize for not fully responding to this issue sooner. However, I can confirm with you all today that the dev and server teams have been and continue to actively look into this issue. If you’re experiencing this Network Connection Error issue you can also help us to find this by contacting Support with the following specific information:

Each report with this detailed info will go a long way towards helping us find and fix the issue. I will do my best to keep you updated on the progress.

Thank you for updating us Seraphine =)


Approved user
May 2, 2015
War crashes are demoralizing the whole alliance... Once happily warring with 35-35 nowadays we came down to 15-15 war searches, as our members are sick of investing time/resources into building up the war army, tactics and mercenaries just for the sake of seeing them disappear (together with the app) after a few seconds in war ...


Approved user
Oct 3, 2015
Still not fixed. I just lost my entire army to a sudden crash. No Spinning Wheel of D-- *ahem*, I mean, Yellow Network Connection Spinner. Just game closing on me with no warning.

Hong Kong Army®

Approved user
Apr 15, 2016
Same happened to me just now...after a few seconds that the 2mins spinning wheel came up, it immdeiately shows the "unable to connect to the server" sign and the game crashes on itself, forcing me to press try again button and lost my progress!!


Approved user
Oct 3, 2015
I sent in a detailed report about my crash in exactly the format Seraphine describes a few posts up. I received a stock reply from CS suggesting that most crashes are due to memory issues with my device. They did send 100 crowns, but no indication that they even read my bug report beyond seeing the subject matter and deciding "well, better send this guy the crash message".

Hong Kong Army®

Approved user
Apr 15, 2016
lucky you, at least u get 100 crowns as compensation! My recent reports to cs NEVER give me any crowns!


Sorry about that Magnifico! :( I've reached out to one of our senior support agents who found your ticket and will be talking with the GMs to make sure that they are responding to these reports properly. Our apologies for this, but we will improve moving forward. :)


Approved user
Oct 3, 2015
Well, there goes my Empire league bonus. Five seconds into my first fight of the day the game suddenly and without warning kicked me out to the desktop. Most of my army (didn't even have time to drop all my troops before the crash) and 39 medals gone. Submitted another detailed bug report, for all the good it will do. This is so dispiriting.

Hong Kong Army®

Approved user
Apr 15, 2016
No matter i play with home wifi or mobile network, the goddamn spinning wheel always pop up and there is nothing i can do about it!

Whats the point of an update Nexon? More bugs than ever after updates!

Whenever I dropped the treaty and get into war, the goddamn spinning cirlce would pop up and then i am already under attack by others!!
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Approved user
May 11, 2015
Is it fixed yet ?!
Is it fixed yet ?!
Is it fixed yeeeeeeeeet ?????

I don't want to go in only to be disappointed again

Hugh Jazz

Approved user
Mar 10, 2016
no it isn't fixed BV .. at least not on my end .. maybe I should just reboot the game. CS thinks that will work


Approved user
Jun 1, 2015
I have abandoned medals now and dropped from Kingdom League 1 down to Silver League 3. It's clear Nexon has no intention of fixing these crashes and continue to blame the players. I enjoyed the challenge of the higher leagues but it was either drop medals or quit the game. I have gone with the medal drop for now.

I hope I'm wrong and Nexon will fix the crashes/network disconnects but for now the situation is awful.
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Approved user
Jul 13, 2015
I understand that this issue has been frustrating, and also want to apologize for not fully responding to this issue sooner. However, I can confirm with you all today that the dev and server teams have been and continue to actively look into this issue. If you’re experiencing this Network Connection Error issue you can also help us to find this by contacting Support with the following specific information:

Each report with this detailed info will go a long way towards helping us find and fix the issue. I will do my best to keep you updated on the progress.

If the devs so appreciate having our input on this matter, why is it then when I am finally so frustrated that I submit a report (because usually I keep my mouth shut on the matter, as CS prefers it) that CS continues to blame me? Magnifico is awarded 100 crowns for his troubles, but mine are worth zilch. Whatever happened to CS being so adamant on treating players fairly (can't compensate one because another wasn't- but apparently can compensate a player even when others aren't???). I submitted a ticket and was brushed off- why are you telling us to continue to submit tickets on this????

The crashes occur across all devices- so unfortunately I won't be purchasing a new $600 device to play a free game when there's no guarantee it will actually help. I'm also confused as to why I'm told all the stability issues are on my end, then read here that you're working on improving stability on your end. Something doesn't quite add up there.