“The Road to Better World War Matchmaking” aka Sandbagging!


Approved user
May 14, 2015
Yes I think something changed in term of glory points. We used 2 iron bases last war a get rewarded a Nice 247 GPs


Approved user
Jan 7, 2017
We started encountering this recently too. Maybe my thinking is simplistic, but why not delete inactive players/Alliances after xx (to be determined) amount of weeks/months/years of inactivity? I'm trying to start up a new Alliance and in the process have been finding TONS of horribly inactive players and complete Alliances. Seems deleting them would help greatly with the sandbagging issue and help free up space if these games have issues bogging down like computers do from never deleting anything...

Prodigal Clint

Approved user
Apr 17, 2016
We have another one again. The Valiant. They are 36 on the boards w 21,621 glory. We are 46 w 21,424. They have 17 atomics, 13 globals, 2 ia, 1 medieval, and 3 irons. We have 12 atomic, 12 global, 8 ia, 3 ea.

We stand to gain 620 glory from a win and lose 553 glory from a loss. This difference doesn't seem to be enough from our position on the boards alone. Certainly zero glory penalty from their stacking in a huge mismatch for us. I feel like we are still exactly where we began with this issue back in July. It's frustrating. In any event PT will do our best to rise to the challenge as we always do.
Nb4powerup , can you please confirm whether or not the glory penalty for sandbagging is still in place. All available information to us indicates that it was removed. Very frustrating indeed given the lack of movement and communication on this issue and stalemates since they created glory and based the leaderboards on it. In many ways, I wish that it would just go away.
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Approved user
Mar 10, 2016
can someone tell me, when we started to ask Nexon to solve a sandbagging and stalemates problems in a world war? i feel that it is like head smashing in a wall. pointless. last war we faced alliance with 3 sandbags and two questionable account of medieval and classical age, which never attacked. we could loose a 431 glory points. so no more penalty for including irons in a atomic-global-industrial wars. these poor bases has no chance of defending. Spare their defenders lifes please.


Approved user
Oct 22, 2015
Its now been about 6 months since this was first a pressing issue for the community.

Ive watched so many alliances merge, or split, or take other dramatic measures to try and overcome the problems this has caused, all acts of desperation that hurt the fun of the game but are better than having to face such a bad system....most of those teams have crumbled, with more soon to follow due to this. It is very sad, and very frustrating that those in charge refuse to prioritize this. Ive played a lot of mobile games in the past, and Ive never seen anything like this before. The one weak attempt at a fix even seems to have been reversed lol.

Who would have ever thought, after this thread from the big boss last summer, that we'd be sitting in 2017 in an even worse place than we were then.


Approved user
Mar 10, 2016
but i do not understand one thing. there is a lot of great ideas how to fix it around these forums. take each, test it, calculate everything and apply. nexon does not need to invent a bicycle again. why only one of 4 wars is a fair fight. one is with sandbags, one is an opponent out of another league, where our first barely would make a top 10 (but not a sandbag alliance), then there is an opponent, where you see a top 10 and thinking: oh, no mercenaries needed here. too easy. and only then, from time to time we have a matchup, where nothig is clear till the end. a fair war, which in 70% of the time will end in a stalemate.


Approved user
Mar 10, 2016
No Title

here is one example of terrible matchup. how in a hell we could be mached at all?? we did not use any sandbags, neither did our opponent. it is tottaly unfair for them. we have 7 AA, 4 GA, 7 IA and 2 EA, one of the enlightenment age player is nearly maxed out. and on their side thei have only 1 AA, 7 GA, 11 IA, 1 EA. i have no idea how it is possible. and it looked like offense become more important when ranking players. and sometimes we are on the opposide side of the matchup, where if our opponent would want, they could destroy us in first few hours... something is really wrong here..


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Approved user
Oct 22, 2015
To me, I dont really mind the sometimes weird matchups that come about. I like facing very hard teams, its how we get better. For the most part, I think our matches vs non sandbagging teams have actually been really fair for the most part. I think for me, the waaaay bigger concern is when people game the matchup system by sandbagging. This is awful and impacting us every single war again the last few weeks.


Approved user
May 26, 2016
No dialogue to address...ANYTHING to do with these wars (besides Nb4powerup) is 1 of the main reasons I don't mind pointing out Nexon's/BHG's continuing inadequacies.

I'll b honest and state that due to several loses my clan has fell victim to (in a straight up war we wouldn't have lost 90% of them...ty troop cards) we have tinkered with sandbagging. I am not proud of it, but until Nexon hires ppl who know how to program/run a business correctly, that is the way it's going for us. Beta testing is your friend @Nexon...


Approved user
Mar 10, 2016
then you alliance has more luck than we do. and b.t.w. i think, if we will give up on sandbagging-stalemates, then the end will come to this game. when the main reason most of the players are playing this game would not be fun anymore, noone will play this game longer than half year.


Approved user
Mar 10, 2016
well i will never use sandbags in our wars. i do not care if because of this we are loosing to alliances who are sandbagging. there is no actual use and benefit from glory anyway.


Approved user
Oct 22, 2015
yes I 100% agree with you on the importance of sandbagging/stalemates! It is a must solve for the game to survive :)


Approved user
Apr 23, 2016
I so agree too..
There are so many simple fixes that could have been done to neutralize the effects of sandbagging and to make stalemates harder to achieve and when one does stalemate give some glory. In July the whole sandbagging issue hit our alliance hard for the first time. It is unbelievable that Nexon still are bumbling their way around this issue.


Approved user
Jan 7, 2017
Sadly, I've talked to a couple of others who said they either have or are going to start sandbagging too - they feel they are being forced into it. ☹️ And even sadder some don't view it as cheating but say it's a tactic or strategy. Others accuse innocent Alliances of sandbagging when they see Iron & Classical Age players in wars - they have been doing it so long they never once stopped to consider that those are new players who actually do their war attacks! I'm happy for our new players that they have super easy abandoned bases to attack, but not happy that they only get 30% of the loot because we can't possibly win. But I'm with the others here who will never resort to sandbagging. I'm glad I'm a leader and have control over that. If I was part of an Alliance who did sandbagging, I'd leave. Where's the satisfaction in winning by cheating? I could care less about the top 100 list now that I know so many cheated to get there & stay there.

Scots Guards No 1

Approved user
Dec 13, 2015
Sandbaggers you can't beat them and you can't shame them, and we don't want to join them so where do we go from here Nexon / BGH ???? can't you just make a fix for this rubbish situation that is demoralising so many of the decent alliances out there ? your game is becoming meaningless for so many players when you can sandbag your way to the top of the leaderboard, you do not need skill you need 20 irons in war to be a top alliance


Approved user
Oct 22, 2015
Nb4powerup can we have some sort of detailed update on this? At this point, Im not even sure how to explain to my team why they should continue waiting or being patient. Its entirely out of hand. I would like to ask your advice, if you ran a team in this game, how would you justify to them that they should wait through examples such as the below?

We are currently facing our worst sandbag in months, if not ever. We are matched against Korea Union in 40v40. Their 1-32 is essentially max atomic, and bottom 8 are iron age. We are at about 10 AA/ 15 GA/ 10 IA / 5 EA. To put it in perspective, our #32 is a 134 early industrial player, with a mostly GP/EA base. Their #32 is a 207 Atomic with a 90%+ atomic upgraded base. Of course, comparing mirror base to another is never completely descriptive of the matchup. However, their #32 is also more advanced than our #1 player who is 198 and just starting atomic defense. Yes - they have 32 bases significantly stronger than our #1, because of a 20% sandbag.

I can see a penalty to their glory, they can only stand to gain ~100 glory, and that is our loss as well. But any team in the top 50 can tell you 100 glory is a material amount. And we are right back to running into sandbagging teams nearly every single war - its like they were scared off by the tiny change for a week and then realized it still worked just fine. I wish I could post pictures, because its a truly horrible visual, but the forum hasnt let me in months.

There is still way more incentive to do a 15-25% sandbag than to not, its being rewarded every single day. It gives obscene mismatches, and plenty of glory in return. Some teams are forced to do it for matchmaking, because all of their heavyweight peers have already done so. But, most teams that use this tactic only do it to get easy wins and manipulate your matchup algorithms.

Please, help your community. Dont tell us its still being reviewed, that is the case since last summer. Tell us some sort of plan so we believe you actually are trying to fix this.