“The Road to Better World War Matchmaking” aka Sandbagging!


Approved user
Jul 13, 2015
I didn't read his comment as an accusation. He appeared to be agreeing with your message about sandbagging- that it doesn't necessarily need to be inactive accounts. I thought he was just using your alliance as an example, just to say, here's an alliance with active lower players, IF those were added to a war, the alliance's average would still be pulled lower. Thus activity level isn't necessarily the cornerstone of the sandbagging definition. And I see that that makes sense.


Approved user
Jan 8, 2017
These Prodigal suckers already dropped out of top 500 in the last 3 weeks. They have an outdated war strategy which is to attack equal number bases in first attack. Then they scramble when half their first attacks miss lol like watching mice scramble from water. They lost 2 out of 3 easy wars. Just a terrible leadership and terrible players I will bet anyone they will never see top 100 ever again! Hahaha


Approved user
Apr 23, 2016
Perfect response Jmemira!!! PT is a great example of where most domi prime alliances aim to get by fair play tactics!!!


Approved user
Jan 8, 2017
That is false. Most of the team said my war strategy idea was great, it's the leaders who had the ego and were afraid I would take over and make them look bad. Meanwhile in 1 week they got their asses kicked by 2 teams in a row and lost over 1,000 glory. Bravo! Many said it's time to adapt and not lose anymore but purely due to the Egos of the leaders they booted me. Boohoo


Approved user
Jan 8, 2017
Vixen, if you call fair war tactics being extremely lazy and letting other teams kick your ass then yes Prodigal Theives are extremely fair haha


Approved user
Apr 7, 2016
HappyFries, I would hug you if I could. Seems like you need some love in your life.

PT is very nice and open to new ideas and opinions. I am glad you speak so highly of them for that.

They were clearly trying to nicely say that it was something they had tried and wasn't going to work, and you failed to listen to them.

It is ok though. We all play the game differently, and there is an alliance out there for all of us. It is great that this game gives us the freedom to do run wars the way we choose.

I would hope that you can just realize PT wasn't the right fit for you and go start something on your own or find an alliance that fits your needs.



Approved user
Feb 15, 2016
HappyFries You witness our toughest loss, full of crashes and incredibly difficult opponents, since october and then call us a bad team. If that's the case you should start your own alliance, instead of hijacking another. Strange how I have screenshots of the entire conversation but can't seem to find the overwhelming support you claim to have...


Approved user
Jan 8, 2017
@poop that's not at all how it went down. The very first couple of days I put my strategy out there and rallied all the troops. I was made Counsel within 3 days of joining. And the few players who responded about my strategy when I first laid it out were impressed and said so. I didn't push for my strategy in these first wars. But then I sat back and followed their lazy strategy. They lost 2 big wars in a row and a lot of Glory points with it, well over 1,000. So at this point it's a 4th war and mention now may be a good time to try out my strategy during the planning I mention this, especially the fast tactic event will be helpful for it. Some other players ask me about it so I started explaining it and immediately some said that sounds great but hard to implement. Others like Lou said it's a great idea, we should think about doing it because he was with them a year and they do the same old strategy. So then I started saying that I could make it less complicated by handling it's the logistics all players need to do is follow the strategy.

Then some of the leaders started saying they like the lazy strategy because they play while going to the toilet and others leaders started to diss the time. They never tried it Poop. If they had they would see it wasn't complicated once its set up. And based off this simple conversation they booted me from the Alliance, fuckers! Many in the Alliance are aware I have a serious life threatening illness that's why I have so much time and why I'm so active yet they are discussing human beings to treat me like this. Mind you that's the leadership not the whole team. It wasn't a team decision because it all happened in less than 5 min conversation. Meanwhile I only didn't let up because someone said it's a great it but seems hard so convince me. So I was trying to convince. Not something to be booted for. I donated tons of troops and helped out during every war. Bullshit man. Fuck Mira and fuck Prodigal Theives! They are gonna free fall in standings now anyway


Approved user
Jan 8, 2017
jmemira it was back to back losses not one loss. That #1 in your bull****. #2 bull**** is that I didn't have support. That wasn't the only discussion and people saying it's a great idea is not support to you? You see what you want to see then. Just because people think it's going to be complicated it hard to implement doesn't mean they don't support it. Nothing great comes without it being complicated go ask Elon Musk, go ask Bill Belickick, any top general in history. Lazy asses


Approved user
Feb 15, 2016
HappyFries I think we can agree that you were not a good fit for PT, we are much more casual than that and expressed as much. What we have been doing has been good for us since before sandbagging started, if members of our team are unhappy they express as much or are also free to also find a new alliance. I'm sorry that it didn't work out but I think it would be better to drop this instead of attacking everyone in the alliance... I hope you find an alliance that fits what you're looking for or create your own.


Approved user
Jan 8, 2017
jmemira the problem isn't whether I was good fit even though I was made Counsel by the 3rd day. The problem is how I was dropped without any human to human conversation. Clint could've easily private messaged me on Slack app and said hey this is your first warning we aren't gonna do your strategy no matter what and if you bring it up again you have to leave. Nah you and him and the other loser are not human beings you are garbage so I will treat you as such! Yes I found a better alliance no problem. A top 50 alliance and I hope we play and crush you one day but still you will always be garbage for doing what you did to a person with a life threatening illness no less. Karma is a bitch but in the meantime I will handle you how I want to until Karma gets there


Approved user
Jan 8, 2017
jmemira if you treat your medical patients this way I hope you will be sued for medical malpractice and lose your ability to ever treat anyone again! Disgusting that you are sitting here defending such reprehensible behavior all over a simple discussion of a strategy


Approved user
Apr 7, 2016
HappyFries, this isn't getting you anywhere. Just making you look reactive. Just drop it.

Clearly, it was really their darling inc that was missing for 2 weeks that left them heartbroken and caused the war crashes.

I watched PT return to and climb in the top 100. I don't know them as losers. I know them as stacker slayers. This alliance you speak of is unknown to me.

Every alliance has a rough patch, and you rubbing salt in wounds maybe wasn't the best move.

So, just drop it. It's over.

Go put your energy into you new alliance. I am sure you will be happier that way.

Btw, as far as I know, you have never run an alliance, so it might do you well to have some empathy for the leaders who put time and energy in and patiently deal with a lot of sh*t. Sometimes, enough is enough.

.Good luck to you!


Approved user
Jan 8, 2017
@poop don't be a jackass! I'm not trying to get anywhere just point out how bad they suck. You don't believe me that's your right and it's my right to say the truth, they suck!

They aren't returning to top 100 anymore, we will see! Laziness was rewarded in the past not since AA.

At the time I didn't rub salt in any wound. You extrapolating man and are way off. I didn't say "since we lost the 2 last wars let's try my idea" didn't go down like that. I said in away to not rub salt in the wound. I said," it's a good idea to try my idea because of the 50% speed rate in tactics going on now. Because part of my idea involves 2 attacks in a row so faster retraining is also beneficial for it.

You are obviously bias for whatever reason but stay out of it then! But don't give me advice or tell me what to do poopy head!

I never disrespected a leader unless I was disrespected first. Respect is earned. Lost all respect for leaders like that. So Shut your trap already!


Approved user
Apr 7, 2016
HappyFries, I am part of them. That is where my 2nd resides. My 2nd traveled back to the homeland to help out for a couple weeks, so I missed most of the drama at PT. Apologies for that.

I don't like being called a loser, nor would you. So, please don't.

Also, I am a lady... and a biased one, but for a damn good reason. There is a reason that inc, my 2nd, lives there. ;)

Now it is time for you to move on.

Or, continue talking trash, but you are only making yourself look bad.
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Approved user
Jan 8, 2017
Don't care how a biased person thinks I look. The message is out there Prodigal Theives leaders sukk