“The Road to Better World War Matchmaking” aka Sandbagging!


Approved user
Jul 22, 2016
Sure...but you're not going to like the answer, lol. We refuse to go down in rankings while waiting for Nexon to do something. That is our policy, which anybody can do. We play with 10 sandbags. The choice is in your hands, we made ours...

As long as there's sandbagging, we will sandbag, in response to this problem. We noticed the problem by losing to VN Elite War and reacted the way we thought appropriate, by saying if you can do it, we can too.. Nexon just doens't react to issues fast enough. How long did "force quit" work?
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Nakfarfar Titi

Approved user
Sep 11, 2015
Equal Exactly
Now imagine you search for a war up to 1-2 days to end up in a stalemate with no glory and mediocre loot. No big deal, right? It's nice to have a challenge.

The Huns Now repeat that for 3 weeks with the same 3 alliances over and over.. Still sounds fun?


Approved user
Jul 22, 2016
Btw, we also thinks that both stalemates and sandbagging are huge problems and we try to find solutions. Haters should direct their hate in the right direction.


Approved user
May 26, 2016
If I remember correctly these concerns were brought up in the initial preview of Glory that went unanswered. Is it pride that stops u (anyone who has a shred of influence in BHG/Nexon) or prevents u from responding to our concerns or just plain old ignorance?

I'd direct that question to Tim Train, but I'd have a more likely chance of a response from writing a letter to Santa Claus. Fix the sandbagging AND stalemate issue simultaneously! And listen to your player base a little more, u might crack that top 50 in game revenue 1 of these days.

Green Master

Approved user
Apr 16, 2016
It is so easy: just define 2 attacks for each base (by different guys) and the sandbagger and stalemate issues are history. As a side effect the top-alliances will invest further crowns on their small second account to get another 190+ account.


Community Manager 
May 16, 2016
"It was our intention that the “Attack and Defensive ratings” bit would cover that. Stalemates are statistically super uncommon, but we do agree that we err on favoring offense currently, and part of how that's being addressed is by steering Atomic age in favor of defense, which will make 5 starring and stalemates harder to achieve at the top of the food chain."~BHG

Both BHG and Nexon are looking at all sides of this in order to make sure that we take the right steps moving forward.


Approved user
Aug 29, 2015
Maybe overall stalemates are uncommon, but the top 20 alliances on the "leaderboard" get them constantly.


Approved user
Apr 11, 2016
Here is a stacker alliance expanding on why they do it to beat top alliance's really they are a top alliance.


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Approved user
Apr 11, 2016
This is part 2


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Approved user
Apr 11, 2016
I did uninstall the game today I'm done until it's fixed I actually hate the canned responses and today I get a post from community manager about recruitment adds he right when your stong you don't need them juat cut your alliance and irons will flood in and then you too can have a top alliance it's garbage and I'm done with this game everyone here should too especially if you have spent money , they are going to fix it anytime soon I sick if losing in winnable wars and the resouses that go with that , I sick of the game in general, completely ruined by glory hope nexon goes out of business


Approved user
Oct 22, 2015
Yep, sorry to see that happening Chadwicke. I dont really think Nexon, or the teams doing this, realize how badly its hurting the community. Its a game breaking experience for the teams that are on the short end of the stick. Its why they cant wait months to fix sandbagging (and stalemates for the top teams)


Approved user
Apr 11, 2016
I have 2 medevil and 3 classical in war but not for balance with so few it's for them and if they go dead or don't grow , because they are getting global and industrial troops to get to gunpowder as fast as possible then I cut them instantly it take 2 weeks from classical to medevil and 3 weeks to gunpowder if a player actually plays the game so I got no problem with a balancd active alliance my problem is when it's clear they don't grow the irons and classical bases on purpose as second accounts and then also run 12-15 depending on war size to manipulate the seach to an extreme, since reading all the posts I've decided to reinstall the game , not cut my lows but not use them either my top player is 173 and have 28 from 165-113 global and industrial and another 6 enlightenment/gunpowder 125-82 the other 5 will sit. I know we aren't big enough on top to win wars as they will be matched on your total # of global and industrial we will see 198s-188 as top 5s and won't be able to hit them for 5 and they will probably max us but at least that's competition and we will grow into having the same level tops eventually without war loot aka loser loot


Approved user
Apr 11, 2016
Ouch was max trust level guess they take it personal when you complain


Community Manager 
May 16, 2016
I'd like to see this 'community manager' response. Do you have a link?


Approved user
Apr 11, 2016
It was you nb4 you said I posted too much remember???? Why do you need a link to your own response, told me not to post st adds ring a bell??


Approved user
Apr 11, 2016
Besides it doesn't matter I'm basically done with the game , we ask for war fixes you give us a dock that gives medevil armies and a wooden sniper tower yeah that about sums up how players are treated , oh yeah I forgot another event too because those never cause issues sarcasm


Approved user
Apr 11, 2016
And for the solution to cause longer searches this seach to yield this terrible match too a day and half , so not really interested in longer searches , yet another thing that takes the fun out of it all. I played about 5 hours a day before Glory now I play about an hour I find it stressful and irritating just to log on , I spend more time telling nexon about issues than actually playing, it's not compose a letter to customer service game!! It's super to be fun yet the new system is terrible and should go instantly back to the no ranking system until a real ranking system can be found that is fair . The way to the top now would really be 2 global 5 industrial and 13 enlightenment and 10 gunpowder and 10 clas/medevil they would be #1 in days , leaving the ones who built real powerful alliances and grew them organically out of the top, because they the level of the alliances would never match . My last idea is a tournament style where you win a war you match someone who also won a war you win that you match someone who has also won 2 and so on when you lose yu start all over that way the rankings change with the leauge seasons and alliances have to play competitively week to week to get to the top and hold it , aka a dynasty . Or use the rankings and have a monthly tournament to thin out the fake alliances in the top say 25-50 , the wager on the tournament is all your glory above 12000 winner take all. Then a real #1 would emerge not a paper champion. My alliance isn't really ready for that but many of the real top alliances like hobbit zombies , super greens, optimus Krime , Aussie shread , eminent domain, just to name a few,are ready for that stlye , then a real top alliance could be established. Just my thoughts and opinions


Approved user
Apr 11, 2016
Here is how to avoid stalemates without stacking your lines!! So a stalemate is even score plus even damage, damage % is the tie breaker when it comes to score ties. This is so simple and actually requires leadership and discipline, so here it is first alliance to a perfect score stops attacks no more stop everyone in your alliance ASAP. This will put you at 99.5-100% damage the more your alliance allies attack after the max and get less that 100% damage guess what your damage% goes down then your opponent second to max score has probably used more attacks to get there and what does that mean ? Well it's means a lower than 99.5% damage percentage so greed for war loot is causing your stalemate. Nothing else matters but the Glory in war now so war loot for a global or industrial is about a 50% or less profit considering you probably used artillery or howitzer to fill this bases in the first place and if you have industrial or global French plays that's 3 per base sometimes plus shooters and say a top player/leader does 10 bases they actually have about 10%-25% profit on a winning war, so get to max score first and don't loot attack that n no more stalemate. SOLVED


Approved user
May 31, 2016
It is clear you have given much thought to this game and invested countless hours. That shows a clear level of commitment and passion. With as much as you contribute here we would hate to see you go!
I'm typically an optimist and I'd like to say things will only get better. I feel as though all of the outcrys todsy won't fall on deaf ears. Unfortunately we can all relate to how slow the wheels of change turn. Real fixes may be long in coming.
Hope you stick around.